Went for my scan this morning, we are going ahead with egg collection Monday .
So the big trigger injection Saturday night .🎉
I’m always worried something will go wrong with the trigger, it’s spills , the syringe breaks or some disaster 🙈
My follicles are:
2 measuring 20mm,
3 measuring 15mm,
1 x 13mm, 1 x11mm and 1 x10mm
I had another 2 but they were 22.5 so defo over cooked by collection. And 3 more around 6mm, way too small.
Im trying to be realistic of how many will be the right maturity but the nurse wouldn’t say 🙄I’m worried the 2 at 20mm will also be over mature. So annoying they don’t all grow at the same rate!
Anyways I’m going ahead and glad to be getting to this stage.
Now trying to prepare mentally for all the waiting and anxiety ahead 🙈🫣not to mention fragmin and prontogest injections to look forward too!!
Anyone else triggering this weekend ?
Hope everyone’s cycles are going well ❤️❤️