Hello ladies,
I haven’t posted in awhile. My husband and I have been TTC for 4 years, I’ve had two separate surgeries to have my fallopian tube’s removed, did IVF and have had two transfers so far, both didn’t take, countless procedures and then an ectopic pregnancy last summer that resulted in emergency surgery. I was fine and hopeful until the ectopic, it really messed me up mentally. I’m going into my third transfer in a few weeks and I’m not excited about it, I feel like I want to give up on trying to have a kid and just move on with my life. I don’t know if those feelings are genuine or if I’m just so broken from this whole process? My husband still really wants to keep pushing forward. I try to talk to him about this but he doesn’t really understand where I’m coming from. We’ve both been through so much but he wasn’t there for all of the bloodwork’s, invasive procedures, surgeries…it’s been a lot for me and now I have such a negative view on TTC…has anyone else felt this was?? Any advice?? Thank you 🙏 ❤️