It's a weeks since we found out out little jelly bean had no longer a heartbeat. The saddest part is that on last Wednesday I went to my doctor and told him that I started having a brown discharge and he said that's totally normal for some women but I'm not a normal one considering my chemical from December. Called my clinic and they told me if there's no red blood and cramping everything should be fine. So on Thursday we went for a private scan, that we paid because I couldn't relax.
The doctor started to do the scan on the abdomen and she couldn't see anything, I was supposed to be 10w5d so not seeing anything was odd. So she did an internal one and our little jelly was dead for at least 2 weeks. His heart stopped a few days after our viability scan. She couldn't say the exact day because he shrinks a little after he dies. In that moment our hearts stopped also.
The next day went to my doctor for help. And he started to ask me what to do? Where I live the GP does everything, he has to sent you to further investigations. So knowing that my baby was dead inside of me for 2 weeks he called the hospital and I had to wait almost a week for a scan for them to confirm what we already knew and live with a dead baby inside of me. I prayed that day to start bleeding, I couldn't stand feeling like a walking coffin. So it started. At least God listened to a pray.
Sorry a little TMI coming
What I wasn't prepared, were the pains. The excruciating pains. From Saturday until Monday they came and went away but on Tuesday tissue started coming out and a lot of bleeding so we went to the hospital. And believe it or not in Denmark you have to make an appointment to the emergency room before you get there. Never went, never knew. So I was in excruciating pain, crying and I had to give all the details to a lady at phone with what was happening. So she made and appointment. 1 hour passed and I was crying and begging my husband to stop the pain. I started throwing up from the pain, blood started pouring through my jeans and then I had a odd feeling like I needed to poop. So I went again to the toilet and then a big chunk of tissue feel in the toilet and then the pain stopped and I felt so relieved. But the blood started coming even faster. Before the doctor came to examine me I had blood almost at my knees but when I took my clothes off another piece of tissue fell from me and blood went through my ankles and pouring. She examined me, took a few pieces of tissue out, did an internal scan and I still had a little tissue left. So I had to stay on night at the hospital.
They didn't give me an IV and from 12 am I was told I shouldn't eat anything and at 6 am I should stop drinking water. Because they assumed I'll need a D&C done. I had to wait until 12 pm before the doctor did an ultrasound to say that everything looks fine and the tissue left will come on its own. The hospital didn't helped me with anything. Not an IV, not a painkiller, no nothing. Not even some empathy from them.
The hardest part was to see how my husband was unable to help me and how it drove him crazy. How he cried and I could see the pain in his eyes.
So we're sad to say that after 1 failed transfer and 2 miscarriages, our journey of having our own baby stops here not because of money or no longer having any rounds. We still have 2 rounds but we don't know if we have any genetic problems. Here I have to wait for a 3rd miscarriage for them to do any testing and they don't do PGS tests on embryos at all. So my husband told me he won't make me go through this again even if I beg him. I can't do experiments on me. We changed our plans and we're going to start the process of adopting.
Sorry for such a long story! This community helped me a lot in my darkest times and I can talk freely here knowing that I'm understood and not judged for my decisions.
I wish you all a lot of strength to go further and you may all get the babies you deserve. And the ones that are pregnant...healthy and full term pregnancies with no stress.