IVF INJECTIONS : Hi there, I'm due to... - Fertility Network UK

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Sam_14 profile image
30 Replies

Hi there,

I'm due to start my injections in 2 weeks for my first round of egg collection. My sister has been hugely unsupportive by putting the fear of God into me about how horrific the injections are going to be. I'd be really grateful to hear other people's experience of this in terms of side effects and just generally how they coped physically and mentally eith this stage of the process.

Thank you,


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Sam_14 profile image
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30 Replies
Skittles11 profile image

Hi, personally I don't find the injections that bad at all. My husband administers my injections so he can be a bit more involved and also I think him doing it makes me a little less daunted. Many ladies prefer to administer the injections themselves though, it's a personal preference. In terms of side effects again it varies from person to person. I seem to be someone who gets limited side effects but others can battle a bit more with them. You need to stay hydrated and keep moving - walks, yoga, gentle exercise. The mental / emotional side in many ways is more challenging than the physical side. My advice on coping with the mental side would be not to compare your journey to that of others, no two journeys are the same. Do things you enjoy. Use this forum (the people on here are very supportive), talk to trusted family or friends that you are confident will support you. Xx

Thats not helpful!

Honestly I found the injections one of the most underwhelming bits of IVF! I was so panicked by them but once you have done one you are fine. Some drugs sting more than others but its all a very temporary discomfort. A lot of people on here use ice cubes to numb the skin but I never did. I used to panic about them so much but over time I have done them on planes, in restaurant toilets in the dark, in a car park - you name it!! You will be fine I promise! Good luck x

Missl73 profile image
Missl73 in reply to

Ha we should set up a thread on this part - what's the weirdest place you have injected yourself. My best story is my hubby and I doing them at a wedding, we popped into the toilets when they were quiet, by the time we came out a queue had formed and we got cheered 😂 the rest of the wedding people kept saying to me did you hear a couple got caught shagging in the loos. If only that was the way we actually got to make a baby!

OP you will be totally fine. It's emotionally more challenging than physically.

Purple276 profile image
Purple276 in reply to Missl73

This made me laugh! 😂😂😂 I accidentally left my drugs at home recently when was out for a friends hen do 3 hours away from home 🤦🏻‍♀️ My OH drove over met me down an alley near the event and we did injections before he drove home again. I'm imagining people thinking 'well that didnt take long' seeing me get in and then out of his car! 😂😂😂 IVF Sam_14 I'm sorry you have to go through this but you do join a very special but shit club that can share these kind of stories and we all totally get it and know how you feel xx

Jonesy84 profile image

Hi lovely! Sorry to read your sister has been unsupportive before things have even begun….Well! I for one am not a fan of needles but I promise you it’s a doddle!!

The first injection I was scared as I had never injected myself before. It did take a good few mins for me to pluck up the courage and get on with it. Once it was done I thought is that it😂 the needle itself is small. The scariest part then became making sure I mixed things right. You may not have to do that as it will depend on what meds you are on.

This group is super supportive so any worries or concerns we are here. Some people put an ice cube on the injection site to numb it first. Top tip is always alternate which side of the tummy you inject as it does start to feel tender after a bit.

Make sure you have someone you can talk to, someone you can trust as it is a bit of a rollercoaster of emotions weather that’s linked to the meds or just the process itself it’s nice to have someone there.

All the best with your first round xxx

Purpledoggy profile image

Has your sister actually done IVF? If not then from what experience is she talking?! The majority of the injections are almost painless and super easy to do. There are some progesterone injections that can be more painful (the im ones in particular) but these are not used as often as the pessaries. If you don’t like needles, ask your partner or a friend to do it and just keep your eyes on the prize regarding why you’re doing it. Best of luck xx

Doglover7866 profile image

They are fine. I always did mine after a meal so there was a bit of a cushion as I’m a bit skinny. Grab onto that fat and go for it. Don’t hesitate as that makes it worse. You got this 😘😘😘

McQueeny profile image

Hi Sam. Very unhelpful of your sister….. and untrue.

I never found the injections a problem. First time we started off with hubby doing them for me, but he was more nervous than me and it was easier to do it myself! The first one is really weird - it instinctively feels wrong to stab yourself with something sharp on purpose - but once you get through that first one it’s really no problem. Agree with other poster here, ended up doing them in restaurant toilets or etc - you just get used to it!

As for side effects - I was quite lucky. A few headaches, as you get closer to egg collection you might feel a bit heavy and bloated - but jothjng more serious . I know some women suffer more, but I agree that the mental and emotional toll is by far the hard part, not the physical aspect….

Good luck and use this forum whenever you need, it really helps to vent to people who’ve been through it - no one who hasn’t suffered it can really understand!! 🤞🍀💪

MissSaoPaulo profile image

I was so scared about the injections and it was probably the easy part. The hard part is all the waiting. We started off with my husband doing them, but he's quite heavy handed and I actually preferred doing them myself. Alternating sides and trying to avoid the same spots will help keep it from feeling sore. Best of luck xxx

BleuHope profile image

Hi Sam. Sorry to hear your sister hadn’t been supportive, remember this is your journey look to those that provide you comfort and support.I was very nervous about the injections so my husband administers them for me, this also makes him feel more involved in the process. Once you’ve done one you will hopefully feel more at ease and you get used to injecting yourself everyday. I would recommend alternating sides and using different locations around the area as it can get a little sore.

Side effects for me were headaches and bloating, but more so it’s the emotional impact than physical. Know that it’s ok to not be ok - talk to someone and take time out for yourself.

But don’t forget everyone is different and it’s ok if you don’t have the same experiences as others. I’ve found this group so helpful to share and get advise - good luck!

Miaow1975 profile image

Hi There I was petrified of the injections at first but once you get the first one over with you wonder what you were worried about. Just give the skin a good pinch together and be brave and you’ll have done it before you know it. Good luck x

Kgee17 profile image

Hi please don’t worry, in my opinion they were the easiest part of the process. I would rather do them every day for a year than the two week wait or the waiting for the update phone calls 🙈. Being anxious is completely normal but don’t overthink it till you start, then you will agree with the rest of us ☺️. Good luck

Albs171 profile image

I was worried about them, but I found them really easy! Was so surprised. Found it easier to just do myself, top of leg, over in a second. I didn’t have side effects too.

Don’t let people scare you.

It’s actually one of the easier bits!

Well I don’t have a problem with needles and I actually embraced the process - got my partner to help and be part of it. Not at all an issue, drugs didn’t really affect me and quite enjoyed the process. All in the perspective maybe. I was also told by someone else that it’s awful - just don’t listen hopefully you’ll be fine.

Koraplit profile image

Just make sure you put the ice cube on your skin for a couple of minutes before the injection and you will not feel it at all It saved me even with intramuscular injections

Sparklylife profile image

I agree with most on here - I was very nervous for the first one and we were stood giggling a bit before I managed to do it.. but once I had done it it was absolutely fine! I am not scared of needles - I am a nurse and quite happily inject other people and have done plenty of them… but the thought of injecting myself was terrifying 😂 my partner could not get himself to do it, he was more scared than me, so I did them myself with him for moral support there with me! The thought of it is worse than the injections themselves! Once I had done the first one the rest were easy. Occasionally it would sting a little after - mainly after the injections I had to start at day 5 - but by this time I was not bothered by them at all and it is over so quickly after as well.

Some use ice packs to cool/numb the area to inject a little first - I never did this so not sure if it would help or not (and no idea if it is advised really, so best check first). They really don’t hurt, so I never felt I needed to do this. And they became so quick to do it was just more hassle if I had to cool first 😇🥰

I had minimal side effects from the injections. Started feeling a little bloated after a week and just had to take it a little slower on my walks 😁 but other than that I felt ok. TMI next - sorry 🙈 Normally suffer with some constipation and this whole process made that worse for me - so made sure I got plenty of water, but after egg collection I needed a little help, so got some lactulose after advice from my clinic.

You got this!! I wish you all the best with starting IVF!! I got everything crossed for you! 🥰🧡

AMJean profile image

Hiya Sam_14,No need to stress! It takes a little while to get used to setting them up etc, depending what you’re on, but the actual injections are ok and I didn’t feel too bad on any of it. x

haylady profile image

I am on my second round and honestly found the injections the easiest bit. I was apprehensive beforehand but you get used to it and you realise it’s really not bad at all. I’ve had Ovaleap, Ganirelix, Buserelin and Menopur and all were fine. No side effects except Ganirelix gives you a wee itchy spot for a couple of hours after you do it. Just remember why you’re doing it, be brave and be very proud of yourself once you’ve done it. I promise it’s nothing to get worried about at all. Good luck x

Simmokt profile image

It's honestly fine. I found the first few times stressful as I wanted to make sure I was doing it right, but it's not uncomfortable and I found the actual injection itself much easier to do than I'd expected. Good luck!

Jana483 profile image

I went through these injections 8 times (2 cancelled cycles, 4 fresh and 2 frozen)For me the injections didn't hurt at all, just a sting.

And I didn't have any side effects as well.

So don't think about it too much until you actually start the injections and know how they feel for yourself and I hope you will have a positive experience!

RoseLodge32 profile image

What a meanie! I had my first cycle of IVF last month and like you, I was so nervous about the injections. For the first one, I was stood in my kitchen, just about to inject and thinking ‘what on earth am I doing right now?!’. I did it and honestly, didn’t feel a thing. Out of the whole IVF process, the injections was probably the easiest part for me. I felt like I was doing something proactive and my side effects were minimal (a couple of headaches here and there which went when I upped my daily water intake to 3-4l). Once you get the first one done, you’ll feel much better - you’ve got this! xx

BettyBe profile image

I didn’t find them that bad, I think the mental gear up is worse than the actual injection. 2 things that really helped me - the needles that the chemist dispensed were blunt and rubbish so I bought my needles which were razor sharp - this helped a lot with piercing the skin easily. Secondly, I used a numbing cream 10 mins on the site before injecting and cleaned off with an alcohol wipe. I had so many injections and bruised so easily that I had run out of patches without bruises and this helped a great deal. Good luck and remember it’s only a very short time of (perhaps) discomfort and it’s over!! Most injections I didn’t feel a thing! Good luck xx

Hopeful28 profile image

My dad done the same. Told me a jag in the stomach was agony. Don’t think they think about how their comments could affect us. I was so nervous. I had a prostap in the hospital and then my husband does mine. Exactly the same as the prostap. I found it absolutely fine. Just actually started another cycle and injections on Sunday after 4 years. They have been no problem still.

Good luck. X

Westcoastwestie profile image

So much good advice here.

Honestly wasn’t as bad as I’d thought it would be. I found having my husband talk about something unimportant but distracting really helped so that I could kind of focus on doing it right but also have some distraction. The first one is the hardest but it doesn’t hurt that much and I’d agree it wasn’t the worst thing about the whole process.

I had to do some of my morning ones on my own. To psych myself up I put on the Rocky music, had a dance around the kitchen and reminded myself you’ve got to be a bit of a bad arse to do this so you can do it.

Eyes on the prize. You’ll find a routine that helps make it easier. I even started to time myself- start to finish how quickly I could do it.

Sarakht profile image

Hi, I am the biggest scary cat in the world. Even taking bloods I freak out a lot. But I would say once you start doing them maybe start with getting your partner to help do it first. I felt my confidence grew after being constantly reassured that it’s not that bad. I remember I was even more worried doing it correctly. I would say that coming from someone who was really really scared it’s amazing how strong the mind is. Once you figure it out mentally physically your body adapts to the daily injections. I know how you must be feeling. I think a lot of women are put off IVF because of the injections but honestly time flys and your desire for a baby beats every fear :)

MariaHdz profile image

The injections are not that bad. In fact, they are not painful (the nurses taking blood... that is super painful for me). It is weird because it is in the tummy and you do it yourself: justbdo it slowly and don't move so that the needle does not break. The effects are not too bad. I find the estrogen pills lots worse. The medicine for you to avoid ovulation makes you tired at the start. Try to put everything at night and you will find that your sis is exaggerating.

Littlepeax profile image

It will be absolutely fine ❤️💫 just one top tip is keep well hydrated with water. I felt 10 times better after drinking loads of water and I really think it can give your eggs a little boost too 🥰 huge good luck xxx

Torijayne2010 profile image

I had got myself so worked up about these and it was honestly all for nothing. They really aren’t painful. I was pulling over in the car to do them by the end of it all 🤣🤣

Good luck xx

Anim88 profile image

I'm also super anxious about the jabs but i have read several threads that have reassured me. apparently theyre not nearly as bad as they seem!xx

Boo718 profile image

Hello, 😘😘 I’ve been on this journey for a wee while 😂 feel free to pm me anytime. I was absolutely 💩 pooping my pants about the injections but honestly it’s no problem at all. I think everyone reacts differently to the different medications. But I can honestly say that I’ve not really had any problems with mine. You Definitely bloat and a few other things but it’s nothing to worry about xxx I wish u soo much luck xxx

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