Work after embryo transfer? - Fertility Network UK

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Work after embryo transfer?

Yellow611 profile image
27 Replies

Can anyone offer their opinion on how important they think it is to rest after embryo transfer? I have had three transfers and first the first one I went back to work on the Monday after a Saturday transfer, in a really stressful job with lots of walking involved and being on my feet working 12-14 days. My next three I took the time off until test day.

I am trying to plan another round and taking time off is going to be really difficult. None of the advice from my clinic says I shouldn't go back to work, just to not do anything strenuous. However, lots of people said I should reduce the stress to give it more chance to work. None of them actually worked so wondering if anyone can offer any advice? I am stressing about whether I am already going to be putting us in a bad starting position and almost throwing money away if I don't have the two weeks off following transfer?

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Yellow611 profile image
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27 Replies
Idril profile image

Hey, I am sorry for all your losses. I have been there too. I had a couple of transfer as well. Never took time off and did like if it was another day (when I was not loosing my mind trying to Google everything!!). My last transfer that was 3 weeks ago worked so far (finger crossed it carries on) . I am working outside on Sundays too walking around and stand all day, I also took some long walks and it worked. I don't think there is anything you can do about the outcome really, the only thing is after egg collection, it was a bit sore so I couldn't move too much but few days later it was fine ! I would say if you feel like doing it again, go for it !! And don't worry about the stress, we can't avoid it, I had horrible few nights too stressing! Xxx

Yellow611 profile image
Yellow611 in reply to Idril

Thanks very much replying and reassuring me. I think deep down I feel like if the embryo wants to stick and grow it will and that the rest won't make that much difference, but then I worry I want to think that because that's my preferred option as it makes like easier for me! Such a head wreck. I hope everything goes well for you xx

My clinic told me it’s really important to not do anything strenuous for the first three days at least. So no heavy lifting and generally taking it easy. I was working from home so it was okay for me but if you can I would at least try and rest as much as possible for the first three days

Yellow611 profile image
Yellow611 in reply to Positivechangeplease

Hiya, thanks very much for this, this is really helpful. I just want to make sure we are maximising our chances!

Riri88 profile image

Hi Yellow611,I work as a physiotherapist so generally on my feet and active as well and after my last transfer I luckily had the first days off (transfer was on a Friday) so re started work on Monday. But instead of cycling to work I have been taking the car, I stopped my yoga and running and Horseriding to not do anything too strenuous. Probably more for my own mind than anything else. Work I was more careful but did carry on. Currently 7 weeks. I still take it slightly easier but I do think they are right that if it sticks it will… many woman obviously might not even know they are pregnant yet or have other little kids and life goes on so I think we need to trust these little embryo’s are stronger than we think!

I hope your next cycle works my love!

Yellow611 profile image
Yellow611 in reply to Riri88

Congratulations!! It's really good to hear from someone else who has a kid of steps to take in, in a day so thank you. It sounds like I just need to maybe take the first few days at as much rest as I can, and then not worry too much after that. I think I could maybe manage that with work, just not another 2 weeks off plus then all the time I have needed to get over the grief of each loss. Thanks a lot xx

Riri88 profile image
Riri88 in reply to Yellow611

Same here, even though work is very understanding, having too much time off every time is just not possible. But do try to take it easy a few days (for your own peace of mind) and leave anything too heavy or strenuous to other people maybe? I told a few people I done my own back in so had to take it easy 🤣 to get away with not doing certain movements. Maybe you can think of something like that to say towards colleagues/clients that won’t know?

Yellow611 profile image
Yellow611 in reply to Riri88

Ha ha yes that's a really good idea! I could easily make something up for a small number of days. It's just so hard balancing work with it all. My work did know then the person that knew left, then I told the next boss then they left and now onto the new one, I just haven't said anything! Can't face going through it all again! I think the above I have had has really helped to reassure me, so now just to build up that strength again to go through it all!

Riri88 profile image
Riri88 in reply to Yellow611

Ooh gosh all those changes in bosses don’t help! Definitely try to do what feels good for you for now and hopefully you feel more confident by the time you are ready to go again. I really hope the next cycle will be a positive one!

Yellow611 profile image
Yellow611 in reply to Riri88

Thanks very much Riri88, we are going abroad and I am currently doing an the research, it's all very scary!! Xx

I have never had any time off and my clinic discourage it. they say moving around increases blood flow to the uterus and can actually be a good thing. I had a 2 hour commute (2 x trains 2 x tubes) twice a day lugging my laptop etc and I was worried about the 'no heavy lifting' - they told me that 'heavy lifting' was relative to what you were used to.. so its really 'extraordinary heavy lifting' so if I was used to my laptop then that was fine. I rode my horse throughout too and managed to get pregnant a number of times although sadly lost them later for other reasons. Heaps of luck x

Yellow611 profile image
Yellow611 in reply to

Hi Daisy 1245That is super helpful thank you very much. My clinic just never really gave me much advice, in fact it's been like that throughout. For me resting for 14 days is very much out of character so this sounds really positive to me that I can return to work xx

Redsequin profile image

Hi lovely. In theory, the first few days are when implantation happens so a lot of the advice I’ve read is to take it easy for those (can still go on a walk or whatever just nothing crazy) and then return to normal! Xxx

Yellow611 profile image
Yellow611 in reply to Redsequin

Thanks for replying, I think that is definitely what I have got so far. Hopefully I can get a transfer for a Saturday and maybe take 1-2 days off x

Missl73 profile image

This is the official advice from my clinic (one with very good success rates). The single most important factor in success is the genetics of the embryo. I’ve had a successful IVF pregnancy and never changed anything after transfer including continuing to exercise (only taking care of it’s a fresh and my ovaries are still swollen). I don’t think working is going to harm your chances at all, personally I prefer to stay busy I’m way too likely to spend time on Google if I’m not working. It’s a personal thing though x

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Yellow611 profile image
Yellow611 in reply to Missl73

Hi Missl73

That's really reassuring, I particularly like the fact they refer to studies saying there is no need to rest. Thanks a lot for that, it really puts me mind at ease. X

MrsOrangejuice profile image

I did one fresh transfer where I didn't change anything then one where I took the TWW off and tried to do very little, both were BFP but ended before 6weeks so no difference. The third one (a FET) I literally only stopped working for the transfer itself and did very long hours and was very stressed. I'd heard about not straining my abdomen but my clinic said just keep doing what I do normally - so if I exercised, continue, and don't choose the 2ww to take up anything new - they gave the IronMan challenge as an example :) I was exercising, renovating a house and had a huge puppy pulling me around. I couldn't take any more leave and I'd got to the point of feeling I couldn't put life on hold anymore. That one stuck, so I think it's mainly the embryo, your body, hormones and any meds that make the difference, but at the same time, if it doesn't work and you'll regret anything or blame yourself, it's probably not worth it either. Best of luck.

Yellow611 profile image
Yellow611 in reply to MrsOrangejuice

Wow that really puts things in perspective! I think like you, I won't be able to take more time, I am not going to have that choice. I can definitely take a couple of days, but otherwise I will have to carry on as normal, I can get some help slowing down in work and I can choose to minimise my workload so that's what I will have to do.Thanks for the details it really helps x

Hope823 profile image

I have rested for 2 weeks after 1st transfer. Took time off work and had a very relaxing 2 weeks. Was confident it would work and it did not. After the second transfer I booked 2 days off work and went to work on day 3. It was so stressful that week, that I broke in tears to my husband and was so anxious it won't work because work did not do any amendments to my duties, more to that, few staff called in sick so I ended up running like a headless chicken. It was a complete opposite to rest. I was crying and rang my clinic in tears, they suggested I take few days off sick to calm down and speak to my employer, which I did. But in my head I thought all that stress and anxiety ruined the transfer. Amazingly, it worked and in 1 week I saw a positive test :) I therefore think that no matter what you do, you cannot change the nature flow. Also heard of stories when ladies took time off and went abroad for holidays, beach and sun...relaxing..and embryo did not stick.

Yellow611 profile image
Yellow611 in reply to Hope823

This is music to my ears! Thank you so much. My job is very stressful, but I suppose the only thing is I am learning it's not as stressful as failed transfers 🤣🤣 so I can use that to keep my levels down and know it works anyway even if you are stressed!! Thanks xx

Anjalichaudhary profile image

Hi, my ivf centre adviced for fully bed rest for 3 months, they told us no stair climbing, only 5 minute walk in the house after food, and i 5hink this adviced worked also, there was a lady with me at the day of embryo transfer she got negative result as she was doing household chores and taking less rest.

Yellow611 profile image
Yellow611 in reply to Anjalichaudhary

Wow 3 months!!! Unfortunately that just wouldn't be a possibility for me. I am so pleased it worked for you xxx

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply to Yellow611

I’ve never taken bed rest after a transfer, your doctor would actually recommend against this as it’s terrible for blood flow. Please don’t worry, I’d take this post with a large pinch of salt 😂

As long as you’re not doing any heavy lifting then you’re not going to put yourself at any disadvantage going back to work, I would do whatever works for you and causes you the least amount of stress. That said, I’ve had an awful argument/meltdown during a tww before and it’s worked so please don’t think a bit of stress is going to ruin your chances either.

Wishing you the best of luck for your transfer xx

Yellow611 profile image
Yellow611 in reply to KiboXX

Thanks a lot this is helpful xx

Qatar1981 profile image

My clinic gives a sick note for 14 days of leave post transfer and recommends taking it easy, no strenuous workouts, no heavy lifting, no hot bath or steams, and no sexy times. For my three prior transfers (2 such successful), I took this advice and stayed away from the stresses of work, puttered around the house, binge watched funny stuff on Netflix and generally tried not to think too much about symptoms or the transfer. If you decide to take time off, make sure to keep yourself distracted with your hobbies and enjoyable activities or you can get stuck in your own head with so much free time on your hands and end up stressing yourself out more!

Yellow611 profile image
Yellow611 in reply to Qatar1981

Ha ha yes you definitely need something to do in the two week wait! Thanks for the advice x

HollyT7 profile image

I had two weeks off with the first I think and got signed off for my next two. I didn't want the stress or aniexty to be worse that what it already was. some much needed chill time, lots of films and sofa time xxx all the best 🍀🤞🏼❤️

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