hi, I had my third egg collection today. I’m not sure what I expected. I’m 37 with AMH of 6.5 and follicle count of 11. The consultant mentioned he hoped for 10 or 11 eggs when discussing as we were considering banking. Anyway a lot of tears later (maybe the anaesthetic) but we were updated 12 hours after the procedure that the number of VIABLE eggs is 6 (so I’m guessing this is not the amount collected but the amount that are considered mature) I sent my coordinator a very hormonal message in reply about how terrible that is was and she said not at all let’s hope all 6 fertilise tokorrow?!? We are doing ICSI I’m not sure if that makes a difference and our ckinic is in Cyprus. Just feeling pretty rubbish tbh. It feels like a lot to go through for 6 eggs. Previously I’ve had 1st round 18 eggs - 9 blast - 1 live birth. Second round 38 eggs, 4 blast 0 life births - all different clinics…. Pray for me I’m at breaking point. Feel like such a failure! Do I have any hope at 37 with 6 mature eggs and DH spermicide slightly under where ut should be on all accounts?!? xx
mature eggs vs collected: hi, I had my... - Fertility Network UK
mature eggs vs collected

Of course you have a chance! It only takes one!I was 38 nearly 39 when they collected for the first time. Out of two ec's I got 17.
10 viable, 7 fertilised and 3 made it past pgt testing.
I lost the first, success with the second and am in my tww for my third and final go. I don't know what the next few weeks will bring but you have been strong to get to this point and we have shoulder to bear this burden. It's just how we are made.
We did ours in Spain but Cyprus has great results and they have tests and procedures not available in the UK.
I am sure you are feeling pretty crappy right now but remember your body made those six and any one could be your next baby.
Try to be kind to yourself. We take enough punishment during these weeks without hitting ourselves over the head! Keep us posted x
Thank you for your reply. Wishing you all the luck in the world for your next transfer. I’m considering doing another round back to back. Is this what you did? I honestly don’t know what to do for the best anymore xxx
I did back to back ec's just to her the youngest ones I could in the bank. We then went on to do all the testing on me we could, imapp, ermap, hysteroscopy, prp treatment which took someonrhs. I did my last EC in September but it was March before we did any implanting. Just listen to the doctors as much as you can and try and go oeit it. I wasn't prepared for the waiting bit in between and it was what drove me nuts. I like a good plan and a schedule and found the constant thinking about ivf was tough. Enjoy your holiday, have your drinks and kick back! You deserve it! ❤️
I’ve just found out only 3 fertilised so unlikely we will get any embryos out of this cycle. I think we will have to do back to back cycles but I’m honestly starting to wonder if the universe is trying to tell me stop. Xxx
Keep your chin up. You only need one and you will make the decision for what the universe has planned for you. Get yourself onto The Silva Method on YouTube. I found this calming and very useful and I now use it for my work as well as ivf. You have something to work with at least, you are not out of the game yet! Are you testing any of these if they make it?
We had planned to test all embryos but I’m guessing given the low numbers now we will be advised to freeze then do another cycle and then test together. I always worry that freezing and refeeezung affects them though so I just don’t know. Feeling very confused with it all. Thank you will have a look at the you tube xxx
I was 35 when I froze my eggs in 2020. I got 12 but only 7 were mature enough to freeze. It utterly devastated me, I was so confused and upset. I was hoping for 10 or more as that was the number they'd said was reasonable to get 1 pregnancy. Anyway, I did a fresh cycle and added the frozen eggs for fertilise all last year. 6 frozen eggs thawed and all 6 fertilised and I got 2 blastocysts. My fresh cycle I had 13 mature and only got 1 blast. Its so unknown how it'll turn out. It is very stressful and I hope everything turns out well xx
I had the exact same numbers, 10F, 6 eggs , 100% fertilization . 3 implanted day 3 embryos,
One day 7embryo frozen and One super healthy beautiful little boy all at 44 years of age… found out I was prago right after my 45th B day. - love and positive vibes ❤️❤️❤️
Those are great numbers. I know it may not feel like it but I started out in my mid 30s with a sky high AMH, loads of follicles each month and told I'd get at least 25 eggs and was at risk of OHSS. My body ignored the meds. Cancelled round, lockdown, 18mnths later lowest meds and after stimming forever and madly upping the meds we got 9, then poor fertilisation due to a one-off sperm issue on the day (devastated but we got three good blasts). Then another round the following month we got 5 and all to blast. Then a banking round 18mnths later on a different protocol where we got 1 egg! In all that I've had two early losses, one PUL at 10 weeks, a little girl, one BFN and now pregnant naturally for the first time in 10 years, due soon when I'll be 40. So your numbers sound great, but I'd take just numbers themselves with a massive pinch of salt - sometimes higher numbers = lower quality, or you can get lots of 'top quality' blasts and they still fail for other reasons. My results, in terms of successes as opposed to just numbers, have somehow improved with age too, so again not necessarily something to be concerned about (although 37 isn't old for IVF). I know how upsetting and traumatic the whole process is, but it's also so unpredictable and each round can be totally different. I found it very difficult to accept the 'it's just chance and numbers theory, so keep going' approach suggested by my consultant and I was desperate to find out what was 'wrong' but ultimately he was right in our situation. Right now you are still full of hormones and anxiety and high stress, so it's natural for you to be upset and reactive to everything. Breathe, concentrate on the positives and how strong you must be to have done all this. You're not a failure (the opposite) if nothing else let that mindset go.
Thank you so much for your words ♥️ they are very grounding and your right I know in my heart you are. I think I’m going to take a month off as we have a family holiday planned and then try again with another round and then hopefully be in a position to think about a transfer. We don’t know the reason for our secondary infertility, guessing a few factors but so determined to add another heart to our family to love. Congratulations on your pregnancy what beautiful news xxxx