My hcg after 9 days post fet was at 9 but they want that number to be greater than 50. They want me to recheck 3 days later to see if it goes up. My nurse said she has rarely seen it go up and unlikely to increase. I am continuing all my meds until we get the result. Has anyone else experienced something similar?? I am hoping for my miracle !!!!
Hcg low : My hcg after 9 days post fet... - Fertility Network UK
Hcg low

Hiya I had exactly the same unfortunately it didn’t increase for us. 2 days later we had decreased so I was told to come off all meds. I really hope it increases for you guys. Keep your spirits up your not out of the game yet xxx
I've had 12 at 9dpt and unfortunately it was a chemical.. I've had 2 chemicals in 3 months and it was same situation with both in terms of HCG... I've read some stories where it has increased, but it's a rare one. You never know though. Good luck 🤞❤️x
I’m so sorry you’re in this limbo! For my third transfer, I got a BFP with a faint line so had my HCG checked and it was 20. My doctor told me it was unlikely to progress, and a few days later it unfortunately had dropped to 9. Whilst there are positive stories out there, it isn’t always the case. I really hope it turns out more positive for yourself 🤞🏻🍀 all the best xxxxx
Hi there, from what I’ve come to notice, this could actually go either way. What matters isn’t the actual figure but whether it close to doubles or not in 48-72 hours. I had a figure of about 28 at 9DP5DT with my surrobaby. This increased to 56.5 at 11dp5dt. I have seen other ladies with lesser go on to have a healthy pregnancy. Fingers crossed for yours to increase, all the best!
Thank you for sharing a positive result. I’ll have my result today. Fingers crossed!!!
My result is at 16 but 4 days later. Doesn’t sound good.
11 days after my hcg of 9 it went up to 726. I saw the sac yesterday in the uterus which was good on the ultrasound. I hope it keeps going up. Fingers crossed.
I’m looking for hope too…. Same situation have second beta tomorrow. Did you have a happy ending?
congratulations!2 days until my beta day. And im hoping for miracle. Day 7 and 8 was -ve.