I had blood test for preg yesterday. Hcg is only 65. I am day 14 post blastocyst transfer. The clinic told me it's quite low as it should be more than 100. They will repeat another blood test tomorrow to see if it's rising. I am devastated to hear all this. This was my 3rd round with donor eggs. Despite all the right things I did I ended up with flu which I blame for this low hcg. Will the hcg rise or will I end up losing my baby again. Praying so hard. Really need all your parayers and good wishes. Premature Menopause was hard to deal with but this is even harder to lose your baby again. Will I ever hold my live baby in my arms and enjoy motherhood... Life has never been easy for me I guess
Low hcg: I had blood test for preg... - Fertility Network UK
Low hcg

You have all my fingers crossed for a positive outcome! Hope it doubles and everything goes well! Sanding lots of hugs and positive vibes your way! 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞❤❤❤❤❤
I think hcg amounts differs from person to person, they need to see it doubling fingers crossed 🤞🏼 good luck

Thanks sweet. Hopefully mine rises up to the ranges
I really hope that you've just had a late implanter and your levels continue to rise. I got similar news 14dp5dt, mine was 48 but it did rise....I unfortunately lost the pregnany at 6wks but mine wasnt expected to go up and it did!! Hugs and fingers crossed for you!xx
Thanks sweet. Had my blood test again today. Hope the hcg has doubled. I burst out crying in front of the blood nurse when she asked me how was I feeling. Couldn't stop myself I guess. Keeping fingers crossed
Hello Renk, I really hope you get good news on your next blood test! There is wide range of hsg variability. Many people had low hsg and went on to have success. The most important part early on, is that hsg is doubling within 2-3 days and not the actual level. I wish you the best.
I have no experience of this but I hope your baby implanted later & your next HCG shows a good increase. Will be keeping everything crossed for you xoxo

Thanks jess for your good wishes. Hope my baby picks up quick and proves that nothing is impossible . If so would be the best thing ever happened in my life for a long time.