I wondered if anyone had any knowledge with this. So I have been confirmed to have endometriosis after 5.5 years ttc. I have had one failed round of ivf using icsi. I got 7 day 5 blasts which none made it to a viable pregnancy. One implanted but ended in very early miscarriage.
My consultant had said there’s not much to do for endometriosis etc. I do have an endometrioma on each ovary but was told as they are 2cm and 4cm that surgery can do more harm than good. Which I have read about anyway so that’s fine. My AMH has been retested and it hasn’t dropped too much. My consultant said it’s measured differently now as they use a different lab and was 32.5 but I don’t know what this means in relation to other numbers I see people using, plus I have no idea what it was when I was originally tested 2.5 years ago. Anyway I’m waffling on, I just wondered if endometriosis can affect implantation success? Does anyone have any experience with this? And is there anything suggested to improve the chances of implantation?
My partner has had a test for oxidative stress on his sperm which was slightly raised and is taking proxeed plus for 3 months to bring it down. His motility has improved from 31% to 44% and morphology is now 1.5% up from 0.5% in 2019. This is before taking anything and he has also now massively cut down on drinking. So I’m hoping for more improvement come January when he is retested. So I don’t know if this could have also been a factor as know fragmented/damaged sperm can affect the outcomes.
I think we are having our embryos tested as well as recommended after our failed attempts last time with seemingly healthy looking embryos.
Sorry for going on so much here! Thanks for any information anyone can provide 🤗