What is the normal level of hcg for a pregnancy?
Hcg level : What is the normal level of... - Fertility Network UK
Hcg level

Hi lovely, Is this for a first HCG blood test? If so, for a viable pregnancy my clinic likes it to be around 100 for 9 days past a 5 day transfer. xx
My first hcg test at 12days after transfer is 2517.4 should I worry?
No! That's a good number Is there a reason you're worried? x
I have been through a lot to get pregnant I am just so scared, the doctor said it could mean twins🙏 I guess I just need to get off google for a bit
That's a great number - it supposedly doubles every 48 hours, so working backwards you'd have a very high number at day 9.... I know it's really hard, but try not to obsess over the numbers - you got a positive test - that is good enough!
Best of luck xx
Thank you so much ☺️ Your reassurance really helped me I was going ballistic over the numbers google says that high hcg levels could mean Down syndrome etc u just started to panicking
Oh crikey!! Yes definitely step away! I know how hard it is to relax at this point, but try and think that you have finally got your positive test - this is a massive win!Take the next steps one day at a time. xx
Hello! I’m having twins and mine were 730+ at 10dp5dt. Though I’ve read some women have higher HCG with a singleton pregnancy too so it could be either! Congratulations though, wonderful news 🍀💗 xx
I am on my second IVF pregnancy and had VERY different betas on OTD. First time with my daughter it was 956 and second time with my current pregnancy (16 weeks) was 86. Just goes to show what a broad range there can be, even in the same person! Most important thing is you’re pregnant, congratulations ♥️
I have seen some research about girl embryos producing higher hcg levels in early pregnancy but don’t know if there is really any truth in that! We are finding out what we are having this time in a couple of weeks so be interesting to see if that theory is true!x
Congratulations! I had my HCG done on different days but it more than doubled each 48 hours at that stage and by days 12-13dpt they'd have roughly been same as yours. I didn't find much on whether the levels can be too high although Google told me twins (not likely as I had one transferred) or Down's, or other worrying things. It's a singleton, normal size and no abnormality risk picked up from NIPT screening at 12 weeks. So I think high levels in hindsight are just a good sign. The midwives keep telling me it's now just a normal pregnancy and I should try and get out of the anxious mindset from IVF and enjoy it (hmm, not quite managed that yet, maybe next week ) x