After 2 miscarriages I thought we would be fine this time, they told me I had low progesterone levels which was quickly sorted with lots of extra medication... lubion injections, crinone gel, cyclogest and other things... done the test this morning as I was told, 10 days after embryo transfer... I was strong not to do it earlier and then I saw just one line in the test... didn't expect it as my previous 2 transfers had been successfull, however, I miscarriage.... Im so disappointed with myself, I look in the mirror and I can't even look at it... I just think why?? Im 31 years old, we started this journey mainly for my husband poor sperm quality and here I find myself not knowing what to think, not knowing what to do... I have to carry on with my medication until Saturday and do another test, I have no hope whatsoever. This was my last embryo as well... no strength enough or money to do this again. Maybe I dont deserve to be a mum.
Thank you for your support, all of you and thank u for reading me xxx