Hello ladies unfortunately I got BFN w are absolutely gutted can't get our heads round it. We have one good frozen embryo daft question do you know if you have to pay as all our NHS goes have been used, it will take time for us to get our heads round it . We know in time we can look at other options
3rd round failed : Hello ladies... - Fertility Network UK
3rd round failed
Hi. So sorry for your bfn. It seems unlikely that you would get funding for your fet as you say your NHS goes have been used now. However at least a frozen cycle is a LOT cheaper. Good luck xx
Hi. I'm so sorry to hear of your bfn. I'd been hoping all day that mine would be the only one of the day for those of us testing. I think your FET will be part of your funding but it depends on your ccg I think. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Sending a big hug. xxx
So sorry to hear this, I would think you would have to pay if you haven't got any NHS funding left. Take care of yourself x
Thanks ladies we will go to a consultation and see what the next step is x
so very sorry to hear your news. hope you are taking good care of each other.
We were told that if you get frozens it is included in the cycle. X
Oh I do hope so as we just can't afford to pay thank you xx
Oh god sorry to hear this xx my NHS funding included 4 FET's, so fingers crossed yours will too xx
Sorry to hear about your bfn. Take care x
Really sorry but I ask you please take time to just get ready for the next frozen egg transfer by not over thinking. I made this my moto, didn't even speak about it, just got on with it. It difficult, and know this too well, your mind plays games believe me, I would get up each day do my injections and take my meds each day without obsession in thought. I relaxed with accupuncture and distracting myself, just enjoying things I'd normally do and just did not think about it. When it came to hospital appts. I'd enjoy each hurdle passed, believe me. Am now expecting... never give up. All I ask 🙏🏼🙌🏽🙌🏽✨✨✨ Wish you all the luck with the little Icicle! Not sure about the process to fund an egg transfer but am almost sure it will have to be self funded. 🙏🏼🙌🏽🦄✨🦄✨😩✨🦄✨🦄✨🦄🦄✨🦄✨🦄🙌🏽
So sorry to hear this.
Yes, after using full NHS founding you`ll be on you own with fertility.
P.S.: it`s seems that government not interested in it at all, on the other hand they should.
At least to keep the nation young...
P.P.S.: Take care of yourself, good luck
I think it depends on where you live. Im in Scotland and all frozen embryo transfers are inlcuded in the funding but this isnt the case everywhere. Why not give them a ring to ask?xx
So sorry to hear this, it really sucks. I know all clinics are different but at mine all the frozen transfers were included in the funding. A friend of mine who was at the same clinic as me had all 3 fresh cycles and about 5 or 6 fet's before she got her dream, all included. I'd give your clinic a call as it's something they can answer so easily and at least you'll know then. There's also a website where you can search your ccg, I think it's called fertility fairness. Lots of luck xx
I am sorry for yr failed cycles. I would recommend discussing with yr doc additional tests, karyotyping, vit. D level (in case of implantation issues) and PGS NGS or PGD diagnosis. xx
So sorry for your BFN
What CCG area are you in? Where I live frozen transfers aren't covered by the NHS, but in some areas one cycle counts as the fresh transfer, plus transfer of any frozen embryos. It's so confusing that the rules are different everywhere.
We're at Liverpool we will be going for a consultation so we will be prepared with questions thanks x

This is from the funding document for your CCG: "A cycle is the process whereby one course of IVF (or ICSI) commences with ovarian stimulation and is deemed to be complete when all viable fresh and frozen embryos resulting from that stimulation have been replaced."
So for you, the FET would be funded as it is still classed as part of your fresh cycle, which is some good news at least.
Fingers crossed the FET gets you that BFP x
in my area (Somerset) we got 2 fresh cycles NHS and any frozen cycles after is covered. Postcode lottery unfortunately x
Our frozen round cost us £1100