I woke up to what everyone dreads in the middle of the night. A small pool of blood! I went to the emergency unit where my cervix was examined and I was sent on my way with no explanation and I have no idea if I am miscarrying or not! I’m terrified. The bleeding has slowed down and I’m in very little pain!! Has this happened to anyone else and did it lead to a healthy baby? I’m so so scared
12 weeks and bleeding : I woke up to... - Fertility Network UK
12 weeks and bleeding

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Jump to repliesThis happened to me at 8 weeks. It was almost like a full period for me. So scary but everything was fine and my son is now 7 months old. They call it breakthrough bleeding it can happen at 4//8/12 weeks.
If you are not happy go back and demand answers. Did they not give you a scan to check baby? xxx

Hi MomaJoni. So sorry to hear this. My thoughts are that it just might be the chorionic villus transforming into the placenta. The process often causes a small leak. Your midwife might just order another scan just to check the development of the placenta, that it is not forming over the cervix. If it was though, I would expect continuous leakage. Infections can sometimes be responsible too, so watch your temperature and any discharge. Hopefully it will have settled down again and was just a one-off with no real explaination. Hope all continues as it should. Diane
Sorry you’ve had such a scare, bleeding is horrible. I had spotting around 5wks and then a massive bleed at 9. I didn’t get many answers either at the time - they do call this ‘threatened miscarriage’ but doesn’t mean that you are. They couldn’t tell me why I bled like that but bleeding with IVF pregnancies seems really common. They will have seen your little one’s heartbeat and checked the growth so I think if they sent you home without saying anything they’re probably not super worried. I would just give them a ring for reassurance.
I’m now almost 35wks - I hope this gives you a bit of hope. Xx
Thank you for the reassurance. The doctor didn’t scan me or check the baby in any way. He told me his concern was me, and not the baby. I feel a bit better now and the bleeding has calmed down to an almost stop but I’m still anxious as I’ve been left with no answers. I’m going to try to relax until my scan tomorrow xx
Shame they didn’t check the baba because it’s so worrying for us when we bleed. But that’s a good sign that it’s stopping - the scan will make you feel a million times better tomorrow, I’m sure. Keep us updated xx
So sorry to hear i can image the scare you felt. This happened to me as well at the 12 or 13weeks mark. I too woke up in pool of blood and also my toilet was full. I was so scared i thought i was having a miscarriage and my husband bought me to the ER at 3.00 am. They scan me and my too embryos was still there my cervic was close so they say they couldn't tell me where it was coming from. But i did have sex the night so the doctor told me i should wait till 20 weeks just to be safe. The next day i was booked in to see my obgyn and she didn't see where i was bleeding from also but later down i told my placent was low so that could be the cause. Needless to say i had bleeding for a month before it stop and i am still pregnant. I am 30 weeks+ now with my twins.
Thank you everyone for your reassurance and kind words. As you can imagine, today has been a very weird day for me. Visiting the toilet every 5 minutes to check for bleeding but the bleeding has turned into a very light brown dry substance now so it’s likely old blood. Not sure if this is any good news but we shall see tomorrow.My breasts are still incredibly painful but all cravings and sickness has gone.
So sorry to hear what a fright you must have had, but there are many reassuring stories of all being fine after such a bleed. I can't believe they didn't give you a scan, hopefully you can get one soon to put your mind at ease xx
Hi everyone, after the most torturous few days, I was scanned yesterday afternoon. They found that the baby has moved abnormally high up and is in a very unusual position which may have moved something and caused a tare or just dislodged something. She said the baby has plenty of water and is measuring slightly bigger than expected but all healthy. I was so so so shocked. I was absolutely convinced I was losing the baby but this little bubble is stronger than I anticipated and I am so grateful. Thank you everyone for your reassurance and advice, I am over the moon and you were all so helpful! Xxx