Hi All,
I had my EC yesterday and we got 4 eggs. All mature and ICSI'd and in the embryoscope yesterday. Today they called this morning to say 2 didn't survive the ICSI process. A bit annoyed that she didn't fully explain what happened as I said did they collapse during the night and she said yes they aren't viable. So assumed they didn't get to the fertilization stage. The obviously didn't collapse during the procedure but after.
Why might this happen? It was a senior embyrologist doing the lab work as I asked that. I asked if it could be egg quality and she said its implied but we don't know for sure. Really upset as this has never happened before and I'm thinking is it because I did back to back cycles or all the supplements I'm taking or all the stress I've had from my family lately? One of the nurses did say stress or anxiousness can affect things but this was said prior to egg collection as a stims scan. I never get many as I'm 43 but so shocked this has happened. The embryologist said 30% either don't survive the ICSI or fail to ferttilize. She said the one who did the ISCI made one note that one of the eggs was slightly resistant when injected.
Has anyone has this happen to them and know what causes it? Any questions i should be asking? We've always had really good fertilisation in the past only one hasn't fertilisied. Our problem has mainly been they collapse /arrest on day 4.
So upset that half are gone just like that.