Hi everyone! So I think I'm finally accepting that my egg quality just isn't going to cut it, certainly not worth spending endless money on the little critters sadly.. I'm 41 with amh level of 3.9. We got 7 eggs at my recent egg collection, which my consultant was amazed at, but only one embryo was any good and even that one wasn't the greatest (it was a not fully expanded blastocyst and wouldn't have been good enough to freeze, but we transferred it just in case).
I didn't even have to wait to test as I got my period before test day. Was gutted as ever but kind of resigned to it... My consultant's advice is to go with egg donation now - he said he "would never say it's impossible" for me to get preg/have a healthy baby with my eggs because he wouldn't use that word, but it's "very unlikely". I'd almost prefer "impossible" as the door is then completely closed! That tiny chance is a killer!
I'm feeling bad that we didn't try naturally this cycle straight after our failed ivf as you hear all these stories of "oh my friend did ivf, failed but then got pregnant naturally straight after..." Grrrr! But maybe that "friend's" problem wasn't very poor egg quality... Anyway we didn't try as I couldn't be bothered with another 2ww but I know I ovulated as I had loads of symptoms *sigh*. When it gets down to the wire like this I feel super-guilty if we miss a month or two of trying as it's like wasting an egg and what if that egg had been one of the 2% of mine that might be perfect. I am sooooo good at torturing myself! I know I should just "relax and have fun" with my husband but that's really just not possible when the outcome of that "fun" has such high stakes, i.e. having a baby or not.
Anyway, trying not to feel bitter, resentful, sorrowful, frustrated etc etc and hoping for some positive stories about egg donation??? Is anyone on here going down that route or do I need a separate forum? Would love to hear some happy egg donor stories and to know that, although there are extra considerations compared to using your own eggs, that it's possible to feel fulfilled and happy having a littlun via a donor egg... (I'm certain it is but I don't personally know anyone who's done it, so any advice and success stories gratefully received!) xxx