The Two Week Wait After Embryo Transf... - Fertility Network UK

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The Two Week Wait After Embryo Transfer...Any Symptoms???

sparkle183 profile image
16 Replies

Hi, we had embryo transfer last Friday, and next Friday we get our blood test to find out if we're pregnant.

This two week wait is so much harder than I thought it would be.

Has anyone had a two week wait after embryo transfer and got a positive pregnancy blood test?

If so my question is...did you get any symptoms that you were pregnant within those two weeks leading up to the blood test?

Many thanks x

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sparkle183 profile image
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16 Replies
Lancal profile image

Good luck! It really is such an incredibly hard 10 days or so.

Try not to symptom spot (it’s impossible - I know!).

If you are having a medicated cycle, any ‘symptoms’ are totally down to the drugs. All that cr@p on YouTube about symptoms before BFP is complete bull. Believing that having those symptoms will result in pregnancy during an IVF cycle is the quickest way to a broken heart. In reality, you won’t get any symptoms until week 5 or so. Anything before that is a coincidence.

Fingers crossed for you! 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

sparkle183 profile image
sparkle183 in reply to Lancal

Hi Lancal ,Thank you for your reply. Sorry it has taken me this long to reply back. I am on Progesterone Gel, although I know symptoms can be down to meds it's still so hard. I had what may have been implantation cramps at the same time as implantation should have occurred (I didn't know the timing of my cramps were right until after I found out when implantation should occur so know it wasn't in my head lol) I then had one day of sore boobs and light-headedness and then all symptoms stopped. I've felt nothing since. It's so hard to keep faith and hope when I feel no different. But reading your message helps so thank you. It is so hard not to symptom check, but even harder to have no symptoms to check upon. But like you said with the Progesterone I'm on, that would probably be the cause of symptoms anyone. No real way to tell until the blood test. Which is tomorrow, I'm so scared but praying and keeping everything crossed.

Thank you for keeping your fingers crossed for us xx

Lancal profile image
Lancal in reply to sparkle183

I have all my toes and fingers crossed for you! x 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

sparkle183 profile image
sparkle183 in reply to Lancal

Thank you 😊 I'll keep you all updated 🙏🤞 xx

Zbez88 profile image

I had no symptoms in my tww, I was due on my period the day before my test day and I started cramping that day so I was convinced my period was about to start, however I got a bfp on Wednesday and was so shocked, good luck xx

sparkle183 profile image
sparkle183 in reply to Zbez88

Hi Zbez88 ,Thank you for your message, sorry for my late reply.

Awwww wow congratulations 🎉

Your message gives me hope.

I'm meant to start my period any day from what I can work out, and have been so scared of getting my period. I'm on Progesterone which should stop my period but the hospital pre-warned me that sometimes you can still get a period even when on the meds, so I've been scared everytime I wipe.

It's so good to hear that you didn't have any symptoms in your two week wait but got a positive test.

I so badly that happens to us. I have the blood test and results tomorrow. I'm so scared and praying and keeping everything crossed. But thank you your message helps me have hope.

Congratulations again 😊 xx

XOXO13 profile image

Like Lancal says, if you were naturally pregnant, it would be unlikely that you’d have many symptoms this early on and a missed period is the most telling. I didn’t have many symptoms during my TWW, on CD7/8 I had what I can only describe as period cramps and I was bloated and gassy (I’d had a fresh transfer and later found out I have OHSS). I got my BFP and I’m carrying twins - I still don’t have any heavy symptoms either but the midwife said that is totally normal for some people!

Try not to symptom spot, and try enjoy this TWW 🍀 xx

sparkle183 profile image
sparkle183 in reply to XOXO13

Hi XOXO13 ,Thank you for your message sorry it took me this long to reply.

It's been a really hard two week wait.

But your message helps thank you.

I had cramping and some pains for two days around the time implantation should occur. I then had 1 day that I felt light headed and my boobs hurt but it then went away and I've felt nothing since. But like Lancal said I'm on Progesterone so that will give me symptoms. It's just so scary. I've had bloating too but I had that since egg collection and then that went away too.

Congratulations on your twins 🎉 that's awesome.

It's hopeful to know you didn't really have symptoms either but got a positive pregnancy test 😊

My blood test and results are tomorrow, so I'm praying and keeping everything crossed. We just want this so bad.

Thank you for your reply to my post 😊 xx

XOXO13 profile image
XOXO13 in reply to sparkle183

Best of luck to you ☘️☘️ Xx

sparkle183 profile image
sparkle183 in reply to XOXO13

Thank you 🙏🤞 xx

Hope_1234 profile image

I had no symptoms on my last transfer and I didn't think it worked, but it did. And I'm now 8 weeks with twins. It's so hard to know as some women feel nothingIve only recently started feeling symptoms but try and relax and plan things to keep you busy

Got everything crossed for you lovely xxx

sparkle183 profile image
sparkle183 in reply to Hope_1234

Hi Hope_1234 Thank you for your message. Congratulations on your twins 🎉 that's amazing.

It was really good to hear you were in the same position with no symptoms that gave me hope thank you.

Thank you 😊 I will update everyone as soon as I can 🙏🤞 xxx

try2020 profile image

Best of luck for tomorrow 🧡

sparkle183 profile image
sparkle183 in reply to try2020

Thank you 😊 xx

sparkle183 profile image

Last night just before I went to bed I started bleeding and having tummy cramps, getting up this morning I've also bled in the night and still have tummy cramps 😔. I don't know what this means, if this is my period in which case it didn't work. Or if it could be medication or implantation bleeding. I'm just still trying to remain hopeful. We want this so badly. We'll find out at some point today, and I will update you all as soon as I can. I really wish I wasn't bleeding I'm just still really hoping we have a positive pregnancy test and that everything is OK if we do 🙏🙏🙏🙏 xx

MrsOrangejuice profile image

First fresh transfer I was on progynova and cyclogest and within a couple of days I got huge sore boobs - literally unable to sleep and I looked ridiculous - twinges in a particular part of my womb, I was so bloated and exhausted and just felt totally different to normal. Had BFP from 5dp5dt which got stronger through and after OTD but the symptoms suddenly went around a week later and I had a blood test which showed HCG wasn't rising anymore, and it was a chemical. Second fresh transfer I was on cyclogest only and all I got was the distinct twinges. Basically the same thing happened and it ended in a chemical not long after OTD. I did get some spotting later in the second one that got heavier. I had a FET three days ago and am on progynova, ultragestan and lubion injections and I have exactly zero symptoms. I half feel like maybe this means it just hasn't worked, or maybe it's not implanted yet, or maybe any 'symptoms' I had the last two times were the after effects of the stims. There is no rhyme or reason so am just trying to relax and not obsess - like was that twinge my future bundle of joy merrily burrowing in my uterus (must get knitting)? or was that the broccoli from lunch (must chew longer)? :)

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