Hi all, so we had our 8 week scan today after no heartbeat last week. Same result, too small, no heartbeat. I held it together until another lady came out happily waving her scan pic for her husband to see. I was so jealous and could stop the tears falling.
We got referred to our local hospital this afternoon who wouldn’t accept the fertility clinic scans. So I had another scan and back next Friday for another to triple confirm. Just want this done now.
So my question is local or general aesthetic? Anyone who’s had either please could you let me know how it was and which you would recommend if not too hard to talk about.
Local - they said I might be able to have straight away after the scan. Would be quick. Husband can stay with me. But I don’t know if I’m strong enough and scared of the pain/discomfort. (I had egg collection under local and passed out as I wound myself up).
General anaesthetic- I’d prefer to be knocked out. But I need a Covid test and to wait 48hours. Then could get bumped if they are busy. Also how is the recovery?
Thank you for any advice you can give and I’m sorry so many of us have been or are going through this. It’s overwhelming.