Hello lovely peeps,
I said I would post about my reassurance scan this week so just wanted to say that at 7weeks, 1 day yesterday (clinic has amended dates), we do have a little heartbeat and all is looking fine. We are grateful to have reached this milestone. We have been here twice before and then lost the heartbeat so we certainly don’t feel we are out of the woods yet. I would just like to say that we do not feel in the least bit smug at this point! The lady being scanned for a reassurance scan directly after me at the clinic had very bad news and the nurse had to call her husband in from outside to be with her. I almost starting crying in the reception seeing her devastation. I have been there and know how she feels. Thinking of everyone that is going through that too.
As I’m being monitored by EPU at the hospital I have our 8 week scan next week so we’re keeping everything crossed for that.
Thanks all you wonderful people for your support. Simply couldn’t have done it without you. 😘