We transfers on Monday 12th. We had 2 failed transfers before. I’ve been having cramps, mood swings, sore boobs, no spotting. Bought online a pregnancy test which I used on Saturday day 5 post transfer. The result was positive. Tested again this morning with a proper pregnancy test, result was negative. Both tests were done with the first urine in the morning. I don’t trust the positive one as it was expired. I feel very down and miserable. I am so cranky, rude and moody. I wonder how my husband still takes this from me. I feel sorry for him, but I reject all my frustration on him. If I get a third failure on Friday 23rd I will suffer a mental breakdown. How do you ladies felt on day 6 post FET ? Help me! I have nowhere else to go and talk to ❤️
6 days post FET- cramping: We transfers... - Fertility Network UK
6 days post FET- cramping

Big hugs! ♥️
I can’t help you on the IVF side of things. Know you can’t change the outcome, so don’t put so much pressure on yourself. I’m sure your hubby will be very understanding about your emotions right now. Just let him know that you don’t mean to be horrible but have no one else to talk to. Was you offered counselling? X
Hi, we transferred the same day, ours was our first fresh transfer, 2 failed FET’s previously. I’ve had really light cramping on and off since Thursday afternoon, sore boobs once, I’m also really snappy 🙈 I haven’t had any spotting but have had some small (Like hardly noticeable) clear/ whiteish discharge for the past two days. I’ve got no idea whether we’re in or out but I’m blissfully PUPO and I’m holding out for OTD, can’t take the stress of not seeing those 2 lines, I bloody hate the second half of the 2WW!! Stay strong xx
You guys are lovely ! I pray for 2 lines on Friday !!
Baby dust for us all 🤞🙏🍀 x
Hello, we also transferred on the same day this will be my 4th FET! I have had cramping from day 3 and head aches on and of. Sore boobs but near my armpit only 🤦🏻♀️I was SILLY this morning & tested at home BFN! I’m praying it’s just to early I’m loosing my mind.. fingers crossed for you on Friday 🤞🏼 Good luck xx
Me too, 4th transfer on Sunday the 11th . I have had NO cramps this time at all and my boobs are barely sore. I tested yesterday with a cheap test.. negative.
Good morning mayshine! I tested again today. Is day 7. Again, negative. I do have sore boobs and cramps, I think my period will come soon. It might be game over for me I guess. This is our third failed transfer.
I’m so sorry Emineasca, I’m thinking the same now after today’s BFN! I know i shouldn’t of tested so early I’ve not told my partner he will not be happy! Suppose we just have to keep going till Friday ❤️ Please let me know how get on x
Absolutely ! My doctor also advised me not to test before the day however, i did it hoping the ordeal is over sooner. Yes, I agree, we shouldn’t have indeed but it is too late. Do you think we still have hope? When I see other girls posting photos with test from day 4, it makes me realise I’m done. Cramps are bad this morning.
I totally get it that’s what made me test early GOOGLE! Seeing other women with really early day 4&5 positives! I do think there is still hope for us both we should never give up! Not until it’s a definite no! Do you have any embryos left frozen? X
We have 11 left. We are with care in Woking. How about yourself ?
Only 2 left now! My doctor has said if this round doesn’t work he will use the last 2 together I’m with Manchester Fertility.
I wish I could transfer 2 ! It increases your chances. That would be great! My doctor refused The double transfer.