I have recently started Pilates again and just had a thought…… is it ok to do it before FET? My FET is 3 weeks away, can I do it up to the day? Obviously not after. Any advice / experience would be hugely appreciated!
I have recently started Pilates again and just had a thought…… is it ok to do it before FET? My FET is 3 weeks away, can I do it up to the day? Obviously not after. Any advice / experience would be hugely appreciated!
I’m not a doctor, but I would say it is definitely okay. Even good. It’s what you do after embryo transfer that you need to be more concerned about. Yet even then, people who fall pregnant naturally do all kinds of things in the first few weeks without even knowing. One of my good friends ran a massive, long distance marathon! I’m definitely not recommending you do that, though! Walking after the transfer seems to be the common recommendation.
Best of luck! 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼
It’s definitely safe before your FET (I love pilates). After transfer, try to take it easy. I asked my clinic whether I could continue with my yoga (I’m not very good but I practice it 3/4 times a week more for my mental health) and they said best to avoid any form of stretching (especially of the tummy) and just walk. It’s the first time for a transfer I’ve not continued with exercise other than walking but I’ve trusted their opinion and stuck with it (or without it rather) Xx
Hell yeah work on your pelvic floor before potentially getting pregnant!! Good luck with your transfer xxx
Hi you can always check with your doctor, but I exercised (running, hiit, and weight lifting) right up to my FET. I even ran 7 miles the morning of to calm my nerves. Afterwards I did rest during the 2ww adding long walks about 4 days into the wait. I started running (slow and easy) about 12 days post transfer. Good luck - baby dust to you!
Thanks Melissa 🙂 Did you go on any walks the day after your transfer? Lots of luck to you too 😘
I actually was a couch potato the day after and the following day. I would move around the house as per normal but mostly just did some reading and tv watching. I am usually very active so the couple days rest was probably good for me. After those two days of rest I went for 4-5 mile walks every day till I started light running. I think you are fine to walk the day afterwards though, even the same day. My doctor recommended walking.
I went for a light run two days after my first transfer which ended up a BFN. I know the failure to implant probably wasn’t due to the running but I didn’t want any regrets on my second try so I rested. I also stayed home from work so I would be stress free. On my first transfer I went back to work right away.