Cut long story short. I'm 99% confident I have endo.
We have a Gynacologist appointment in just over 2 weeks time and I'm wondering whether we should try one round of IVF before having endo investigations - laparoscopy..
I guess the reason not to is because there may be issues that can be resolved through the laparoscopy, that we won't know about while going into a round of IVF. But on the flip side, what if IVF works? I know it's by no means an easy ride but the waiting for everything is really impacting me!
I guess my patience is running thin and I'm wondering what's best for me mentally and physically. I'll always have these endo related issues/symptoms and so they have to be addressed at some point but I'm getting frustrated at the fact that we won't be placed on any fertility waiting lists until months of waiting for laparoscopy and then treatment.. I don't know what to do! But want to get my mind in order prior to the Gynacologist appointment so would really appreciate any advice or info that you guys have.
P.s good luck to all of you