Hi everyone, been scrolling through some questions, profiles and reading peoples stories.It is just amazing to see the response you get off people and the support.
I don't find it easy to talk, and I've found this journey extremely difficult as it hasn't yet been smooth and I worry as I'm so early on in it. I also panic how it's going to effect me mentally if it doesn't work.
My partner and I are 27 and It has been nearly a year since we was referred from our GP for our investigations (may 2018), we had our results September time; My partner has low morphology yet has high sperm count and therefore they wasnt too concerned and I have good fertility. At our first initial appt my partner asked if he had to pack in smoking and we was told 'only the female' then once they had the results of our investigations we couldn't be referred until my partner was smoke free for at least 3 months which lead us to December. Referral to Women's Hospital then done in December, first appt beginning of March, sent away again in March for my partner to loose weight (only 4lbs) as this was also part of the criteria. Not once during this journey had anyone explained to us what exactly was expected of us.
We are back tomorrow and hopefully we will be accepted to get the go ahead our first cycle of IVF.
We get married July next year, have been trying for nearly 3 years so my first question is more of a timeline of events please if anyone could shed some light.
I've been informed that the funding could take 2-4 months to come through in that time do you have your first initial group session or do you have to wait until the funding is through? As appts are taking typically 3 months at a time.
Look forward to hearing peoples advice/journey.
I'll continue to read, its comforting knowing I'm not alone in this especially as it feels everyone around me is pregnant.
Thank you
L x