So Wednesday was my first egg collection, and my scan 48hrs before told us we had three good sized follicles, with a straggler that was only 11mm. Fast forward to Wednesday and we got five mature eggs. I’ve got no idea how or why, but I was over the moon having already been told I’d responded poorly (my AMH is 11!).
I was in a lot of pain Wednesday, they said they’d had to do quite a bit of digging for my right ovary and I’m only just starting to feel better, but they’ve phoned today and told us that all five have fertilised and are going strong at day 2. Obviously there are still a lot of hurdles to get over, but I was preparing myself to not even get this far, let alone get any good eggs. I’m going to spend the weekend doing lots of things I enjoy and keeping a positive frame of mind for the possibility of a transfer on Monday.
It really emphasised to me how much of this is a lottery and that things can change when you least expect them too. I’m very much a glass half empty kind of person and trying to stay optimistic is uncharted territory for me!