I'm back for my next FET. After my failed transfer in January of my perfect PGS tested embryo, I've been for all manner of tests. My clinic calls them level 1 and level 2. I feel so blessed that these tests exist, and that somehow we've had the funds to pay for them.
You kinda hope these tests dont show anything but at the same time you really do want there to be something that can be adjusted or addressed for your next protocol.
I'm also thankful for someone on this forum who recommended "Is Your Body Baby Friendly" by Dr Alan Beer, as its really helped me understand the tests and my results
So on top of the challenges of needing donor sperm and struggling with endo lining (maximum estrogen, patches, viagra and aspirin), it turns out there a few more things I can do:
- Heterozygous mutation PA1 inhibitor = translates as increased risk of blood clotting = starving embryo of blood supply -> Will be taking heparin injections
- Homozygous mutation MTHFR = inefficient conversion of folic acid and also linked to thrombophilia -> Will be taking high dose of folic acid as well as the heparin injections
- High level of natural killer cells (NK) = will attack embryo thinking its a cancer
- Very high TH1/TH2 cytokine ratio indicating pro-inflammatory state = TH1 state is too high and attacking the embryo, to be pregnant the body needs to be in a TH2 state which normally happens naturally.
So for the NK and TH1/TH2 problems I've started immune modulatory treatment which involves steroids and intralipid infusions which are administered by an IV drip. Had the first one last week and the second will be next week
I also had the ALICE/EMMA/ERA tests and have a personalised progesterone protocol as I am pre-receptive. So this will be starting progesterone pessaries 6 days ahead of transfer and having the transfer 149 hours after I start the pessaries. And then follow up with lubion injections
I know there are plenty women on here who have gone through and are going through similar things. But I thought I would share what I've learnt as I never knew these things existed until I had to! But I guess thats the journey of IVF, you keep discovering things about the body that most people never have to
Oh and I turned 42 last month!
So I'm on day 2 of this cycle which feels like its going to be a mammoth one. But if I can get a positive pregnancy test for the first time in my life, then it will all be worth it