Reassuring Advice?: Hi ladies - need... - Fertility Network UK

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Reassuring Advice?

MelissaS6 profile image
16 Replies

Hi ladies - need some reassurance. I finally had by BFP after a frozen embryo transfer. I had blood hcg tests 9 days post transfer (300+) and 11 days post transfer (800+) of which my clinic said were good numbers. On Thursday I have my first scan but I don’t think they are checking hcg again. Is this common? I don’t really have any symptoms aside from sore breasts which aren’t really getting any more sore as the days go on. I had a lot of cramping during the 2ww but not that much anymore. I am so worried that something has gone wrong and it is so terrible to just keep wondering and have no idea. Anyone have a similar experience with a positive outcome?

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16 Replies
Running79 profile image


I didn’t have my HCG checked at all. I tested on the day I was told to test, and tested again two days after to confirm the positive result.

From there I was booked in for my scan at 7 weeks, which showed all was well. Apart from a subchorionic hematoma, which had caused me to bleed the day before.

The hospital wouldn’t discharge me until I had another scan - so at 9 weeks I was scanned by my local EPU and all on screen was well

So I’m now awaiting my 12 week scan on Thursday

The last time I had bloods done, to check my levels was back in January when I did a medicated mo I tired cycle, which is a test run the do for when your doing a donor cycle

MelissaS6 profile image
MelissaS6 in reply to Running79

Hi - I hope your scan on Thursday went well! I am hoping to ask you a question, assuming you are a runner :), have you been running since your BFP? I only walked during the 2ww then got my positive and advanced to a walk/jog combo. I have run the past week but definitely notice I need to slow my pace as I’m a bit more out of breath than I usually would be. On one run, I got distracted from monitoring and my heart rate went a little higher than I have been allowing it to. I don’t want to overdo it but running really helps my mental state. Figured I would ask someone maybe in the same position?

Running79 profile image
Running79 in reply to MelissaS6

Hi, thanks scan all good, onto next milestone!

Yes I am a runner and have been in varying degrees over the years - being a club/county runner, long and triple jumper to just doing it for my job/pleasure.

I had to give up road runner a few years back as my lower joints have suffered due to being a long/triple jumper so I only use a running machine in our garage.

It is for this reason I stopped running just before embryo transfer and just now do long walks everyday with our dog.

I figured the extra weight I am/will be carrying (albeit I’m hoping not to put to much on) I didn’t need to put extra strain on my joints, and I’m also currently renovating our house, so the running machine is behind other stuff.

The advice I read was - if you have previously done regular running you can continue, but if not don’t start it now, so as I haven’t done any gor a couple of months, I don’t think I should start and wait until after the birth.

They suggest that you shouldn’t over exert yourself and need to be able to hold a conversation without issue, if you can’t then you’ve overdone it basically!!

Saying that many years ago I remember watching a lady who was heavily pregnant with twins, run the 3000 metre race and win it!! She was running at a fair ol pace as well, but I don’t advocate trying to do that 😂

MelissaS6 profile image
MelissaS6 in reply to Running79

Thank you! Sorry to hear you had to give up running but those long walks sound like a nice way to go to not put extra strain on your joints. Yeah I think I just need to keep slowing it down. The route I took had some uphills and I think that’s where my heart rate jumped a bit higher than I wanted. Although I do think I could have held a conversation. Thank you for the advice! Like the story you are mentioning, I also read about a girl 8 months who ran a sub 6 minute mile which I can only do on my very best not pregnant day. I can’t imagine her heart rate wasn’t elevated!

Running79 profile image
Running79 in reply to MelissaS6

No, she must have been struggling a bit, I wish I could still do a 6 minute mile let alone a sub 6.

I’m 41 now so unfortunately I have slowed with age - but it’s not as though I’m competing anymore so doesn’t matter! I think hills you need to be mindful of especially running, it depends on the incline, you could be putting real unnecessary strain on your body, you also need to be mindful of wind direction, if your running into the wind it makes it obviously twice as hard.

I think for me putting the running to one side was the sensible option, I did a 4 mile walk with no issue today. We’ve got a walking holiday booked for october and my husbands said we need to do it on the flat?! He’s no fun 😂🤣

As I say I’ll pick up the running again after the birth. I’ll need to be disciplined as fitness is part of my job - but most importantly I’ll want my curves back 😂

MelissaS6 profile image
MelissaS6 in reply to Running79

For sure! Luckily where I live it’s pretty flat, a little windy though. I will just have to slow it down! Not competing when pregnant so pace shouldn’t matter! It’s a little hard to break that mindset but I just keep telling myself I am exercising to stay healthy for the baby and not for winning anything or making gains. I’m right with you on getting back into it afterwards though!

Running79 profile image
Running79 in reply to MelissaS6

Definitely - everything I’ve read endorses you to keep fit, makes for an easier pregnancy and birth!!

Although I have to say that near where I live there looks to be a fairly sizeable group of mums with their pushchairs and fitness mats - I haven’t actually seen what exercise they do, but having walked behind one of the attendees the other day I thought to myself, crikey it can’t be doing her any good - she had bumps and curves where I wouldn’t want them or imagined you could get them, bless her!

So it really focused my mindset to carry on with my walking - because I don’t want to look like that at the end and then try and find the inspiration to loose it!!

MelissaS6 profile image
MelissaS6 in reply to Running79

Yeah from my reading it seems you can keep doing what exercise you had been doing pre-pregnancy. I had a pretty intense regimen and oftentimes pulled two sessions per day so I have cut that down as to not overdo it. But definitely some of the pregnancy workouts out there in google land don’t seem like they would be very effective.

Running79 profile image
Running79 in reply to MelissaS6

Sensible to cut it down! Also if you do weights you have to be a bit mindful of what your lifting or pushing, and certainly no cross trainer, cycling or horse riding.

I think your right these pregnancy fitness things are a waste of time, certainly not going to keep the over excess weight gain off.

I generally eat healthy, home cooked meals no processed stuff. My only indulgence has been crisps, but I’m down to my last packet - so I’ll probably ditch them - unless I see a box of chilli heatwave Doritos on the shelf when I go to the cash and carry 😂

MelissaS6 profile image
MelissaS6 in reply to Running79

😂 I have been wanting chocolate chip cookies! Usually I don’t eat a lot of sweets so those cravings are new. I just told my husband today I don’t think I am supposed to be riding a bike. I have kept up a bit of weight lifting as I did it prior but stopped deadlifting and reduced all my weights. Hopefully I am being safe with that too. It’s hard to gauge when you lift heavy prior what is the right amount to reduce or is it more about a weigh limit?

Running79 profile image
Running79 in reply to MelissaS6

The deadly chocolate chip cookies 😂 - they are lush though

Yeah definitely no bike riding!!

It’s difficult with weight lifting I read on the daily Mail recently about a woman in I think it was Russia, she is heavily into weight training and was still lifting some big weights and dead lifting, she was heavily pregnant.

Personally I think even if your use to weight training, either cut it out completely (as you will still keep some muscle tone through running) or lift very minimal weight, as a lot of weight exercises target muscles that don’t always get used, in turn you don’t really know if it’s doing any harm

As always it’s personal choice and everyone knows their limits

MelissaS6 profile image
MelissaS6 in reply to Running79

Thanks - makes sense. And I guess as you progress you have to be careful about injuries too. Yeah I have seen some of the CrossFit workouts people do when pregnant. As you said it depends on your choice and your personal limits

JA-fnuk profile image
JA-fnukPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Hi MelissaS6 All looks very reassuring- just be guided by your clinic re bloods &scansAll women are different and some have very little symptoms at this stage Be kind to yourself and take it easy


Jane8412 profile image

Hi Melissa

I understand how stressful this process is once you get your BFP but it doesn't sound like you have any reason to worry. Not everyone has symptons in early pregnancy, I didn't have any until week 7 of my pregnancy. Your HCG numbers sound good. I don't know if any clinics keep testing HCG after the initial couple of tests. My clinic doesn't even do blood tests. You just do your own pregnancy test at home and then go in for a scan at 7 weeks or so to check.

Good luck for your scan xx

MelissaS6 profile image
MelissaS6 in reply to Jane8412

Thank you so much. That really makes me feel better. It’s so hard to stay positive after failures. My scan on Thursday can’t get here soon enough, but I’m sure I’ll be back to the same waiting for the next milestone. Congratulations on your success! Weird to have no symptoms. I actually found myself wishing I felt nauseous- how crazy!

Jane8412 profile image
Jane8412 in reply to MelissaS6

I felt exactly the same. I was so worried about no symptoms and then when I started feeling nauseous from week 7-11 I was so grateful (even if I felt awful for 4 weeks, day and night). I would tell you not to worry but anyone who has gone through losses or IVF knows that it is impossible not to worry! I found the wait for the 7 week scan the worse and then when that was OK I let myself relax for a week or so but then I started worrying about the 12 week scan. The worry is relentless. I really wish we could enjoy our pregnancies like other people who get pregnant without struggles but it is so hard. We just have to take milestone as an achievement. I had a mantra I told myself when I was stressing about things going wrong in the first few weeks 'Today I am pregnant'. It was helpful to remind me that I was pregnant right now and not to focus on what can go wrong. I still struggle with the worry but I'm trying to accept it may finally happen. xx

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