Didn’t post for long time but my heart is shaking,,I am crying and I don’t know if I should be happy and then to go through another back down. Need help and advice . This is my 5 transfer ( FET ) , done in 20/05 , so I am 6 days post transfer, never ever in my 15 years of fertility journey had a positive test . I have no simptoms of sore boobs , or anything just my belly is very sore so I was sure that it didn’t stick so done a pregnancy test today just to know is another negative and move on. Came straight with a faint positive line . Can I be pregnant? Did anyone done so early a test a been positive? Are just my eyes ?
SENSITIVE : Didn’t post for long time... - Fertility Network UK

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Congratulations 🎊 it looks like a positive to me. We did ours 5 days after and got a bfp. Its a possitive sign that you have got a early bfp. When is your beta ?? Well done 👏 xx
Thank you, I am in U.K. and in here they don’t do beta , my official test day ( urine test ) is on 3/06 , I will try to order a home test kit but this week coming is jubilee week and all the labs have delays
Oh thats strange I'm in the uk too. We had ours done test day. You can order one off line too might be a good idea . That will tell you if your pregnancy is a strong one x
Aww that’s an early positive 💗 please try and do a first response test it will be clearer 😍xx
Thank you so much , I will buy one today and do it tomorrow, I am still in shock , I am scared to be happy
I remember feeling the same lol we just don’t think we are going to see it and convince ourselves every reason for it not to be real! 💗 amazing though right?!?! Xx
Looks positive to me 🙏🏼🥳 congrats on your pregnancy love 💕
Thank you so much
This looks positive to me 😍congratulations take care and try to enjoy this moment though I’m sure emotions are through the roof 🤩😍😘
Thank you, is seems to be unrealistic for me to have a positive result, my mind is going crazy , I keep having this sore belly and the felling that my period will arrive any time .
I think that’s natural to feel like that too so that’s positive too though I can see how it can make you feel uneasy too !!…. Just get and put those feet up and keep up with your meds this could be something really special happening for you at last!! ❤️❤️ deep breathes !! Fingers and toes crossed for you x
Congratulations looks like a positive test ❤️ xxxx
Yes hun, it looks like an early positive to me! Wishing you all the best 🥰