Today is my 7th day of my first try of invitro I am so tempted to take a pregnancy test but at the same time I am so scared it will come out negative I am 41 yrs old I have 4 girls all already married please can someone offer some advice
7th day after embryo transfer - Fertility Network UK
7th day after embryo transfer

How many days Embrayo did you transfer? If is 5 day Embrayo you can take a test with your first morning pee but there is a chance it will not be correct but some people do get positive at 7 days past day 5 Embrayo or you can take a test on the 9th day
We decided to go ahead and transfer 2 since those were the only ones left we had to use a donor 😞 since I only had 1 when they checked me
I am also 7 days post transfer today and its really hard not to test but I am forcing myself to hold out until Saturday which will be day 10! my beta is day 12 on Monday so I am hoping by Saturday I will have a good indication x

Thank you so much for replying ☺️ My test date is Sunday but I don’t think the labs will be open so I will have to wait till Monday… do you have any symptoms?