Feel like giving up hope : Hi ladies. I... - Fertility Network UK

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Feel like giving up hope

L400ynd profile image
21 Replies

Hi ladies. I went into this 3rd and final cycle with so much hope and positivity. I started acupuncture, I’m taking supplements, I’ve reduced stress.

Had a day 7 scan today and I only have 3 follicles. They upped my meds from last cycle in the hope of getting more. Last cycle I got 8!!! How does that make sense?

I’ve got another scan on Friday but I feel like it’s not going to work. We have issues with hubbys sperm so first cycle we didn’t get any embryos as I only had one egg and it didn’t fertilise. Next cycle I got 8 eggs, 6 fertilised and only one made it to day 5. Can’t help feeling that with only 3 follicles it’s not going to happen. 😢😢😢😢.

I’m devastated and feel the hope slipping away.

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L400ynd profile image
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21 Replies
hcs204 profile image

Hi L400ynd, I don't really have anything helpful to say, but one of my friends always reminds me it only takes one egg, there's still hope. And although I don't know the ins and outs of her journey, my sister-in-law gave birth to her first baby when she was 46 after a long time of trying. Sending you lots of love and keeping everything crossed for you and your husband x

Aquarius_hope profile image
Aquarius_hope in reply to hcs204

Hello HCS 204,

Thank you so much for sharing this story about your sister in law!

Please can I just ask ... did she get pregnant naturally or with ivf?

I am 47... but still live in hope that a little miracle may occur ... 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


hcs204 profile image
hcs204 in reply to Aquarius_hope

Hey, she's never actually said out loud it was IVF but given that she's been advising me on things like supplements, getting tests done, clinics, acupuncture etc, I'm 99% sure it was IVF (and probably a few rounds). It's so hard to balance hope with realism but you just never know do you... it gives me hope anyway (at least when I'm not crying about my period coming 😆)

Aquarius_hope profile image
Aquarius_hope in reply to hcs204

Aww, thank you for letting me know 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

Melody79 profile image

it does only take one egg..i hear this a lot and i always believe this but it is hard when you are going through this. Stress isn't hard to stop in this situation so be kind to yourself. It's not over and you have the 3 so keep positive for your 3 follicles and all the best x

Owengle123 profile image

There are definitely ladies on here who only got one which resulted in a BFP!

Don’t have much to add other than sending you a virtual hug 💗 keep positive xxx

BBHH1 profile image

Don’t give up hope before the cycle is done. And you are still young. Even one embryo gives you a reasonable chance!

If it doesn’t work you should look for a second opinion, someone should be able to help you get the 🌈

Hey, just to say don't panic - this happened to me once... read these two posts I posted previously:




Aquarius_hope profile image
Aquarius_hope in reply to

Thank you so much for sharing this XX

Miracle43 profile image

Please don’t give up, on my last cycle I only had 2 follicles, both contained eggs , both fertilised. It sadly didn’t work but you have 3 chances, think quality over quantity xx

lawrins profile image

It’s really hard to hear you're having such a tough time. I'm in exactly the same situation. As yours my hubby's samples have had terrible motility, some even being 0% movement. Our first cycle I had 9 mature eggs collected but only 3 fertilized due to such a bad sample by DH. It is really hard when you have to go through treatment even though you ovulate and do everything in the textbook. However the way I look at it is that it could have quite easily been me with the issue. I would have hoped he would have been supportive and stuck by me. It's just a pain that the women have to do all the hard work.

Have you spoken to him about counselling? I think it's quite tough on guys as they feel it is a dent in their masculinity. It is also good to talk it through without placing blame. This whole situation is so tough. It certainly pushes relationship boundaries, but it is so important to try and remain as a team. See if he can help his samples with supplements and ask your clinic if there are any additional services they offer to help pull the best out of the sample. Worth trying to investigate ways of helping him before seeking other options. Hope it all works out well for you both.

L400ynd profile image
L400ynd in reply to lawrins

Oh I’m absolutely not blaming my hubby. I didn’t realise it may have come across that way. I was more blaming myself for not reacting as well to the medication and giving us the best chance of getting an embryo. I would always choose my hubby over a having a baby. He’s the best thing to ever happen to me and we are absolutely a team. I just wish we could add another wee team member. 😂. Xx

Fizz37 profile image
Fizz37 in reply to L400ynd

So...me and my hubby are using donor sperm after 3 failed rounds of ICSI and he even underwent surgery himself to get a better sample...no cigar though. Not going to lie, it was a rough and tough call to make and never thought I would go for it because I wanted his baby, not some 'random 22 year old's' (my words during a childish meltdown, not his).

But he convinced me to keep an open mind and so we went shopping. Honestly it was the most surreal but easy thing ever. We reviewed sperms banks from the UK and Denmark and my husband was super picky - he wanted a man of the same race, height, eye colour, blood group, had to come from the same part of India, be Hindu, etc. We heard voice samples, looked at handwriting samples, and delved into family histories. I was worried he would feel left out even more as any baby would not be his biologically and as above, his masculinity had taken a bashing, but the shopping trip really brought him in to the process and he was the complete opposite - god I love him to bits for that or I would never have been open to it ❤

We are now nearing transfer day having 16/18 eggs make it - previously we only ever had 1 or 2 make it to day 3 let alone day 5 - and I can honestly say its made no difference to either of us. We are both so excited and I'm glad we moved on from what felt like flogging a dead horse using his 'dud sperm just wasting my eggs' (this is his phrase lol).

It may be different for you - and of course we all manage our fertility journeys differently. I just wanted to put out there that sometimes our least preferred or limited options are actually still awesome so don't give up, there's always a new angle 🥰


L400ynd profile image
L400ynd in reply to Fizz37

Thank you. The random 22 year old phrase made me laugh as that’s exactly what I said when the option was discussed. Then again when your hubby described his sperm as dud as my hubby also said something similar. Thank you for sharing. ❤️ I hope it works for you both. Xxx

Rainbow1982 profile image

My friend got pregnant 1st time and she only had 1 embryo. It does only take 1.Is the problem with your eggs or partners sperm?

Our problem was with my partners sperm, so he took clomid to improve it, which helped loads.

I'm now 32 weeks pregnant.

I went into the transfer, totally having given up hope and not caring. Turns out it worked.

Fingers crossed for you too


L400ynd profile image
L400ynd in reply to Rainbow1982

Congratulations lovely! That’s lovely to hear. My hubby has low testosterone which means he has a really low sperm count and some of them are lazy. 😂. We enquired about taking anything to increase but we’re advised nothing would help it.

I really hope you are right and we only need one. I think it’s just cos my first cycle I only had one good egg and it didn’t fertilise. The second cycle I had 8 eggs. 6 fertilised and only one embryo made it to day 5. I think just with those numbers I’m not optimistic that I’ll have enough eggs. Xxx

Rainbow1982 profile image
Rainbow1982 in reply to L400ynd

Of course it's worth a go. What's he got to lose if he takes clomid for a few months and then gets tested again. Doesnt sound like you have the best clinic.

I also went on metformin 500mg once a day. Clinic didn't recommend it, but I did my research and looked into how it can help get pregnant.

You'd obviously both need to be on these medications at least 3 months before your partner gets tested again.

Look on google at the benefits of both of these medications.

I also cut out alcohol too. This is also a requirement for taking metformin.

Good luck x

Aquarius_hope profile image

Try to stay positive my lovely. It’s hard I know... but I only had 1x little egg after 3/4 weeks of stimulation (!!!)... that actually fertilised ... and we even got to the embryo transfer stage! Unfortunately I didn’t manage to get pregnant with that cycle ... but at least I felt that we gave it a proper go!

Sending you lots of luck xxxxxxxxx

L400ynd profile image
L400ynd in reply to Aquarius_hope

Thank you lovely. Xxxx sending you lots of good vibes as well. Xxx

lex8719 profile image

we are on the same boat.

L400ynd profile image
L400ynd in reply to lex8719

How did you get on? Xxx

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