I’m really in two minds with what to do and I need some rational input please.
Had a scan today (I’ve been stimming 10 days), am due to trigger tomorrow night. I’ve got 3 follicles at the correct size. I’ve had bloods drawn today to see if my hormone levels are high enough to predict there being mature eggs inside. I’ll get those results tonight. If they are low then they will cancel my cycle, but if they are good it can go ahead but we need to make the call if we are happy to with that number of follicles. Really struggling to make a rationale decision amongst all the emotions. I just don’t really understand why my follicles don’t stimulate (I had 7 on day 1 and they’ve slowly dropped off since) and we had the same on our last cycle. Our first cycle we had 6 mature eggs so it’s been a big change the last two cycles and I’m struggling to get my head around what is causing this drop off? My AMH was 13.8 last December (I think I’ll get it drawn again after this cycle), so I thought that would indicate a higher follicle count? Any advice really welcome as always x