Process for fertility treatment - Fertility Network UK

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Process for fertility treatment

Purplewave profile image
9 Replies

Can anyone please help us? We've been trying for a baby for a long time with no success, we have been asking for help from our GP but don't seem to be getting anywhere fast but as we're unsure on how the process works it's hard to know what to do. I had a blood test last October which we were told was the first thing needed and advised that the results were all normal and fine. We have only recently been able to get a semen analysis done for my partner, he then waited a month for the results only to be told by the GP that there were 2 abnormalities seen but that it's common, 1 being low motility and he didn't even say what the other was just that it wasn't his speciality and we would need to be referred to a fertility clinic but to do that I would need an appointment with the GP rather than my partner. So we are now waiting a other 2 weeks for this appointment, knowing that things aren't right but not exactly what is going on, and have no idea of what should happen next and how long this might take. We're considering going private because it feels like everything is taking such a long time and we feel very unsupported at present. Has anyone had a similar experience or could offer any advice on what we could expect next and whether it is worth going private seeing as we seem to be going round in circles with our GP?

Thanks in advance x

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Purplewave profile image
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9 Replies
Lovemylion profile image


It is your GP that should refer you.

We were referred by out GP after two years of TTC. We had lots of tests over 6 months at the local hospital and then referred onto a fertility clinic. It took just over year to get to our first cycle from referral. I have a feeling this will be longer now due to covid unfortunately but each area is different. You could find out waiting lists and then make a decision about whether to go private. Obviously going private will be a lot quicker but this may mean you might not be entitled to any NHS rounds then. You need to check your local CCG rules.

Wishing you lots of luck


XOXO13 profile image


I actually never went via my GP for a referral, we did it all privately. But I had had a miscarriage and was privately treated for that by the same consultant we had seen a couple of years previously for hormone investigations, so maybe that’s why the private consultant didn’t need a referral from my GP. But anyway, I booked a private appointment directly with him 6 months after my miscarriage because I wanted peace of mind everything was okay. We had lots of tests done via him and then he referred us to a fertility clinic when the tests showed up some abnormalities.

My fertility specialist advised that we could wait for NHS treatment but that could take a while, and we didn’t want to wait any longer knowing our chances of natural conception were low (its possible but less than 5% in 12 months) and by that point my mental health wasn’t in a good place, so we went straight into treatment privately.

It’s expensive definitely, but for us personally it’s been the right decision for us. Xx


I'm sorry to say that my experience of this process seems to be wait, wait and wait some more! My GP referred me pretty quickly last May, it was the first covid wave and I think they didn't want patients going in at all so I managed to get them to do it over the phone. Then the fertility clinic sent me aLOT of paperwork (some of which they later lost) and I returned it in June. My first longish wait was for a HiCoSy appt, I think this test is compulsory for any fertility treatment so it might be what your gp is speaking about to you but mine was done after I was registered at the clinic. I waited until early Sep for that, then the obstetrician said that as everything was fine he would refer me on to their program-so I was back on another waiting list! No word until Dec, when I had my first consultation and agreed treatment then they closed for Christmas so I had my first try at an iui cycle just 3 wks ago. It hasn't worked and now I'm on my period, they want to try it 2 more times before moving on to something else. It is slightly better since Dec as now I feel I'm in the system but the waiting is really long and when you do get one appt it seems that the next one doesn't always follow quickly, feels like alot of bureaucracy. I dont want to be negative, just so you know what to expect. Stay strong and support each other.. good luck!

Charger12 profile image

Definitely depends on the area. I was referred by gp in dec 2019, haven't heard a single thing from the fertility clinic as yet.

Purplewave profile image

Thanks so much for sharing your experiences, it really helps to know what we might expect.

I feel like we should have gone to the GP so much earlier to get the process started as feel worried now that I'm 36 and how long it is all going to take.

Best of luck to you all too xx

Sparklylife profile image

Hi Purplewave !

When we saw our GP, we had been TTC for 2 years. They initially did my bloods, all was well, but due to length of us trying and my age I think (I was 33 at the time - still felt so young 😉).. our GP referred us pretty quickly to gynaecology at our local hospital. We then had further tests with them. I had an USS, HyCoSy scan and more blood tests. My partner then had a sperm test. I cannot remember exactly, but think this process took about 8 months. We are unexplained infertility, so gynaecology could not really find anything, but we were referred by our local hospital to a fertility clinic after this and they did our application paperwork for IVF on the NHS. We were approved for this. Our local CCG allows one round on the NHS. I then waited a month maybe to see the fertility clinic.

The fertility clinic did more tests and we needed some other treatment by them before we could start ivf - so this is where if all had been ok, perhaps you could have started quite soon, but our test result meant we need other things before we could start any ivf - so more waiting for us, but it was needed 😇

With the fertility clinic, once we reached top of waiting list - normally this is 6 weeks, but due to covid they said it is more 6 months at present. I think other clinics even have much longer waiting lists. This was with the NHS. So worth looking around if you want to consider private.

We then had another baseline scan. Attended an online training/information day about IVF/consent. Had an appointment with consultant who decided best protocol for us. Appointment with the nurse, where we went over our consent paperwork and she explained protocol and when we could start.

We then waited for my cycle so we could start our medications.

Perhaps be blunt with your GP and ask to be referred to your local hospital so you can be referred on, or ask if they can refer you directly to the fertility clinic - and see what they say.

I wish you all the best! I know the waiting is so hard - so I hope you can get some support soon to at least be moving forward. But worth looking at NHS criteria and your CCG what they allow.. cos if you would not be eligible for NHS for instance, it may not be worth waiting for that and then go private might be the better route for you. Good luck!!

Nic_o_la_la profile image

Hi Purplewave,

As others have said, NHS is a bit wait and then some more waiting! It does feel a long time when you want something so much but I guess they are seeing a lot of us all at the same time. I can’t comment on private as we are still doing NHS at the moment. We were referred without issue to fertility clinic by the GP once we’d had the blood test/semen analysis you mentioned so hopefully that’s the agreement you get in a couple of weeks. I don’t think we’ve particularly had any additional delay because of Covid as a lot of appts have just happened by telephone call instead of going in but I think it’s common to wait around 6 months for your first consultation. We were referred last Feb and starting our first IVF cycle in a couple of weeks so it’s been a 12 month process for us. Since we’ve had the agreement to start IVF in Jan, it’s all happening quite quickly. It just takes time inbetween with various others tests and waiting for your consultations. We had to be trying 2 years for our CCG to fund IVF anyway so some of this wait has just allowed us to get to that point so feels we’ve at least made use of the wait if that makes sense! I’m also 36 and my clinic has kept that in mind with test results and decisions around what treatment route to go down.

You may lose out on your NHS cycle/s if you go private first. Guess it depends on your personal circumstances if that’s OK financially and where you’re at with everything. Also, I know some areas don’t even fund any NHS cycles so might be worth checking out to help make your decision too. You can just google your CCG fertility policy and find it pretty easily.

This whole thing with fertility thing can be really tough and will test your strength but you’ll find more than you probably knew you had! Wishing you lots of luck whichever path you choose 💜 x

McQueeny profile image

Hello. We went to our GP initially, got a referral eventually after a couple of tests - but the referral forced us to only go to one hospital (no choice) which I didn’t hear the best things about, so we decided to go private. It also meant obviously that everything was quick and no waiting. It was the right decision for us and I’m glad we did it, but financially it’s obviously not easy so hard to recommend , you’ll just need to figure out what’s best for you - good luck xx

Purplewave profile image

Thanks everyone for the info and support - it's so nice to know we're not alone in all of this as it really can feel like it at times. It's all new to us and it's so helpful to hear from others who have been there so thanks.

We've made a couple of enquiries re private treatment but we're going to wait and see what the GP says in a fortnight and hope we can get referred at this point then try to find out more about likely wait for NHS treatment. We've looked it up and would be entitled to 1 round on the NHS which obviously would be good, but will have to balance the waiting and potential impact on mental health.

I've never ever used a forum before but honestly feel so much better having had the support from you all - thankyou so much 🙂 x

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