Newbie. Should I go straight for fert... - Fertility Network UK

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Newbie. Should I go straight for fertility treatment?

Disneynala profile image
12 Replies

Hi everyone

I’m new here. Im so glad I’ve come across this network as I feel like I’m not alone. It’s so nice to read so many positive stories on here makes me feel like there might be hope for me maybe. I’ll try and be a short as I can with my story but any advice would be most grateful.

I’m 29 nearly 30 and I recently had surgery in February for stage 4 endometriosis so It could also help with fertility as we are trying for a baby . My consultant managed to get rid of it all but I found out my right tube is blocked 🙁 but my left is clear. My consultant has told me I could start trying as soon as I wanted and said I should be ok. Anyway I’ve been trying to conceive since March I ovulate each month but it is painful. Nothing has happened yet. In October last year I paid for a amh test which came back as 8.0 pmol which they said is normal for my age but recently I found out it’s actually really low for my age 😢 and having surgery has probably lowered it even more 😢 I should be seeing my consultant In June. Should I ask him to send me straight for fertility treatment? I think I would have to go straight for ivf.

I feel so emotional I feel like I’m the only person not getting pregnant everyone around me is pregnant and it upsets me every time I see someone else getting pregnant. I just keep thinking why not me why can’t I be normal. I feel like I’m letting my husband and my family down and feel like I can’t give them a child or a grandchild. I’ve been dreaming of being a mum since I was a child it’s all I’ve ever wanted. I feel like giving up all hope. People don’t understand they say it will happiness to you you will be fine but they don’t understand what I’m going through it’s so hard to stay so strong. 😢

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Disneynala profile image
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12 Replies
t_miller profile image

Only you can know the course you want to take for your fertility and I don’t have experience of endometriosis but sorry to hear about one tube blockage.

Regarding your AMH levels, mine were tested in March this year and it was 8.9 pmol which is also low (I’m 34yrs). But I’ve just conceived naturally (was about to start IVF), and was told this was possible so don’t lose faith regarding your egg reserve as it can happen.

The approach I took was to keep trying in advance of starting treatment as it can happen, but it really will be up to you and what you want hun 💕

Disneynala profile image
Disneynala in reply to t_miller

Thankyou for your reply. Congratulations on your pregnancy. I really hope I can still have a baby with low ovarian reserve.

Faith103 profile image

Hi and welcome. Your situation sounds the same as mine. I had surgery in sept last year and I’ve got stage 4 endo. I’ve been trying ever since but nothing. I’m similar to you with my tubes as last year in July I had an ectopic and I lost my right tube so I only have my left tube that’s working. Endo does grow back really quick. I’m here if you want to private message. I’ve got straight to fertility treatment after 3 months of trying naturally.xxxx

Disneynala profile image
Disneynala in reply to Faith103

Thankyou for your reply. I’m glad I’m

Not alone and there is someone else going through what I’m going through. I’m definitely going to ask my consultant to refer me for fertility treatment x

Faith103 profile image

I would. Try not to have any more surgery as I learnt it takes your egg reserve lower. Get your family before you have more surgery.xxxx

If i was you (4 years ago) i would have appreciated if someone advised me to get help asap. Because assisted conception is sometimes a long process and some ladies take 2 years untill they have one full cycle of ivf. I would try it for a few months and then ask for help xx

Twiglet2 profile image

I wish I had started the fertility journey sooner. If you are going NHS it will probably take the best part of 2 years before your first cycle anyway and you can try naturally in the mean time? I do think there is anything to lose if you would like to start a family sooner rather than later. Good luck xx

CAS2 profile image

Try not to be too downhearted by AMH as it’s not the only indicator. The number of follicles makes a big difference too. Might be worth trying naturally for a few more months and then exploring medical route x

Disneynala profile image
Disneynala in reply to CAS2

It’s so interesting to hear all these new medical terms. I always thought it was just Straight forward eggs and ovaries tubes etc. Until you hear more depth about it all it’s very interesting to hear as I’m new to it all. I will see if I can get a scan to see how many follicles I have Thankyou for your advice. I will still keep trying I will not give up on my dream.

PagingMom profile image

Hi! Just wanted to know how it turned out? Are you doing okay?

Mizzyama profile image
Mizzyama in reply to PagingMom

Yes she is 😊. She is currently pregnant and that gives us so much hope. You can check up her profile by clicking or tapping on her name. The best part is she conceived naturally. 💃💃

Disneynala profile image
Disneynala in reply to PagingMom

I am 30 weeks pregnant with my little miracle. Don’t give up hope. I still can’t believe I’m pregnant I really can’t 😊

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