Anyone else in the 2 week wait? - Fertility Network UK

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Anyone else in the 2 week wait?

Panda490 profile image
96 Replies

Are there any 2ww buddies out there? I'm going a little crazy with symptom checking. It's so so cruel on our bodies 😓. Kinda feel like I'm being tricked into thinking I'm pregnant by the symptoms when I know full well it is most likely progesterone 🙄. How's everyone else feeling?

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Panda490 profile image
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96 Replies
Woo77 profile image

Hey.. yep I had my transfer on sat. I’m driving myself mad googling every single thing that pops into my head 😩. I’m having no symptoms whatsoever not even sore boobs which I had last time straight away and had a BFP which unfortunately only lasted a week then miscarried . It messes with your head so much doesn’t it. What date do you test? xx

Panda490 profile image
Panda490 in reply to Woo77

Yay so glad I have a 2ww buddy! 😊 My test is due 11th March, I'm too terrified to test early, the thought of testing makes me feel sick! I've had cramping, sore boobs, twinges etc from day 1 of transfer but we were given an 8% chance of conceiving due to poor embryo quality (we had two early blasts put back so they couldn't grade them but they said very poor.... 😓). It's just torture isn't it, some people get all the symptoms and come up with nothing, some people get no symptoms and get a BFP, everyone is so different. The whole journey is so so tough, even if we get a BFP it's not the end of the road. I'm so sorry about your miscarriage, life can be so cruel. When are you testing?

Woo77 profile image
Woo77 in reply to Panda490

Ah I test on the 10th 😬. This is our last try, we had 2 frozen left and only this one survived the thaw and this was the lowest grade one so kinda hoping this ones a fighter and does us proud and hopefully the same for you. You are right though everyone is different so you just can’t go off other people’s experiences can you and even the professionals get it wrong a lot of the time so we just have to have hope, just nice to be able to speak to someone who’s going through the same thing 🥰. I kind of knew it was going to fail, I think you just know your own body sometimes don’t you. I definitely won’t be testing earlier I’m not brave enough 🤣🤣 xx

Panda490 profile image
Panda490 in reply to Woo77

Ah nice! Let us know how you get on 😊 sending lots of baby dust! Aw sorry not hear of your little frostie not making it through the thaw, we lost X3 eggs in the thaw before fertilisation stage (used frozen donor eggs) it's just awful hearing those numbers drop 😓. I have everything crossed for your little frostie!! No I'm not brave enough to test before text day at all! I lost all hope when we were told our 8% chance with these embryos however I saw so many posts of people saying that they got pregnant from poor quality and didn't conceive with good quality so it is really just down to nature isn't it. I've been for a walk with my pooches, left my phone at home and feeling much better. My head felt so full and cloudy before, nature does amazing things to your mental health ❤️❤️.

Woo77 profile image
Woo77 in reply to Panda490

Yes I will do for sure, you too. Yeah it makes you feel like your running out of chances doesn’t it when some don’t make it. Take no notice of the percentage I think it means nothing in all honesty what will be will be. A good walk with the fur babies does the world of good, I went not long ago and really does help clear the hard. Keep positive and keep me updated. Hopefully speak soon xx

Faith9582 profile image
Faith9582 in reply to Panda490

I’m on the 2ww , I am driving myself crazy as I have had no symptoms 😭 Test date 12th March ( if I don’t do one before then 🤦🏻‍♀️ )

minnesota_girl profile image
minnesota_girl in reply to Faith9582

I'm going insane mine is the 13th x

Faith9582 profile image
Faith9582 in reply to minnesota_girl

It’s hard isn’t it 😔 I found this helpful xxx

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minnesota_girl profile image
minnesota_girl in reply to Faith9582

Yes I saw that in a message! Me too. I am a bit of an over tester. I have a VERY squinty line today and yesterday, I keep going crazy trying to see if today's is darker than yesterday...or if I'm making the whole thing up and it's not there!

FutureMommy profile image
FutureMommy in reply to Woo77

We transferred same day😀, so glad to have found your message. We are same so far, except I have had sore boobs even before the transfer😥.. Wishing us all a BFP🤞💃

Woo77 profile image
Woo77 in reply to FutureMommy are you testing on the 10th? I was like that on my last transfer my boobs were sore the same day but thing time absolutely nothing. I keep pushing them to see if there’s any pain 🤣🤣, think I’m going to cause my own pain though haha. Is this your 1st transfer? Fingers crossed 🤞 🤞🤞

FutureMommy profile image
FutureMommy in reply to Woo77

Lol😀. My official test day will be 11th March. This is our second transfer. Everything seemed perfect too with the first transfer, that was December 2020,but ended in a BFN, was so devastated, so I was even not strong enough to post the update😥. Last transfer I couldn't resist testing, so I tested on day 6. hoping I could be strong enough to not test early this time, reason why I have no any test kit at home yet😄. Your test day is 10th right?

FutureMommy profile image
FutureMommy in reply to Woo77

Forgot to mention, so sorry about your previous loss

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Hi Panda. Oh you poor thing! Not an easy time. Do try not to look for any symptoms, as they can be leftovers from medication you have had or are receiving. Try and keep as busy as you can, and keep up with any prescribed medication you have. No testing until the day recommended by your clinic - be strong and I wish you well. Diane

Panda490 profile image
Panda490 in reply to DianeArnold

Thank you Diane, I thought i had replied to this but it's not showing. You are right, the meds can really play with us 🙄. Got lots of projects to keep me busy thankfully, just had a wobbly morning but feel better after a walk 😊❤️

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK in reply to Panda490


MissSaoPaulo profile image

Transferred on Fri, no symptoms, nada. This is our second transfer after we happily had beginner's luck and have a crazy toddler from our first transfer.

Although some of the pressure is off in a way, the 2ww is still a massive headf**k!!

Testing on Mon 8th 🤞🤞

Best of luck with yours xxx

Panda490 profile image
Panda490 in reply to MissSaoPaulo

Ah congrats on your little one! Yea the 2ww really does test your strength, that is for sure! This is our second cycle, we had x2 day 3 embryos put in first time and sadly didn't take. Was really devastating as it is was our first go and we weren't really explained the whole process very well we kinda just expected it to work! Best of luck with yours too! 🤞🤞 Xx

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply to MissSaoPaulo

Same here i have an 18 month old from my first transfer back in Dec 18. Transferring another this afternoon. x

I’m having one of those days too. Woke up super early with bad back and stomach cramps. Convinced myself it’s not worked and felt down all day. I hate Cyclogest, it always makes me feel really negative and down. A walk in the sun has helped a little to clear the head and get away from google. Let’s hope tomorrow is a better day for us all. Hang in there! 😳

Panda490 profile image
Panda490 in reply to

Yea it's such a mean drug at times! Yea I just had a really bad morning and just felt completely overwhelmed and anxious with it all, I went for a walk with my pooches and left my phone at home and came back feeling so much more refreshed and in a better mind set. Nature is amazing for that 😊. Best of luck to you, we can do this! 😊❤️

FutureMommy profile image

Yesss😴I am. Transferred two embies 27th Feb, that's Saturday. I think May be second day today🤔... Don't think I'm having any prego symptoms yet

Panda490 profile image
Panda490 in reply to FutureMommy

Aw we both had two put in 😊🤞everyone i feels very different symptoms and it's so hard to know what is meds etc. My boobs hurt, its weird its not like a period boob pain is more sharp inner pains 🤷, bloody meds I'm sure. Sending you lots of baby dust 🤞🤞😊

FutureMommy profile image
FutureMommy in reply to Panda490

Aww 😇 hopefully both sticks 🤞🤞 for us both. Yes same here i can't trust any symptom, as the meds interferes. Baby dust to you too dear and stay positive 🤗

StressedIRIS profile image

Hello! I am also 5dp5dt! I had one transferred as from my cycle only had 2 embryos and my first FET failed. Hence this is our last one. I am freaking out but trying to remain calm. I am so bloated as i am on a high dose of progesterone! Me also eating everything around me doesn't help either

Scout82 profile image

I had a 3 day transfer 6 days ago. No symptoms at all! Not sure if this means one way or the other.

Panda490 profile image
Panda490 in reply to Scout82

It's so hard to know isn't it, everyone reports different things. Sending you lots of baby dust 🤞😊

Shizy1979 profile image
Shizy1979 in reply to Scout82

Hi Scout82, I had a 3 day transfer on 1 March. No symptoms whatsoever! My last transfer I had mild cramping 2 days after but ended up a BFN, so I'm so confused.

Panda490 profile image

I am eating like a nutter but I think it's because I'm off work and I eat when I'm anxious 😆 I had two transferred as the other one wasn't good enough to freeze so I asked for both to be put in as they would have discarded it otherwise. Are you on pessaries or injections? I'm on pessaries which suck 😆 so messy! It's so much pressure isn't it 😓 we have nothing left after this go which means we have to start all over again which I'm really dreading. Financially, doing it again is a huge stretch for us but I couldn't bare the thought of not having another chance and this being it! Too much pressure on me and my uterus 😆 was your embryo quality good? 😊

Scout82 profile image
Scout82 in reply to Panda490

On those injections! Hate them.

Sukibubs profile image

Hi there ladies! I have just had my embryo transfer today, it’s my second round and did ICSI this time after not getting to this stage last time.

Incredibly nervous with the test date of the 12 March.

I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed for all of us 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

Panda490 profile image
Panda490 in reply to Sukibubs

Oooh you are a day after me! Glad your transfer went well, we did ICSI too 😊 fingers crossed for all of us 🤞🤞🤞❤️❤️

Faith9582 profile image
Faith9582 in reply to Sukibubs

My Test day too . Good Luck ❤️

Sun1203 profile image
Sun1203 in reply to Sukibubs

It's my birthday 🎂 on 12th😄

Gueritarubia profile image

Hey you, today is an off-day here too! Have been off work and even languished back in bed for a nap that barely materialised due to the construction workers at the neighbours 😒

All my other transfers (I’ve had 8 in total, first on is my DD, 6 failed FETs, this last FET will be our last) I’ve worked through and only started struggling one week into the 2WW. Now it’s only day 5 and I’m already going up the walls!

OTD 8 March but might end up testing on the weekend, knowing myself. Have always done. With my daughter (fresh transfer) the first test I did was 9DP5DT as I was feeling very poorly (later diagnosed as late onset OHSS) and it was super dark. I’m worried mine has failed and that’d be the end of the road for us in terms of trying for a sibling... 😢

Hope we’re all getting lovely surprises next week!

Panda490 profile image
Panda490 in reply to Gueritarubia

Hiya, sorry to hear that you're having a rough day too 😓 it's a rubbish time! I took nearly a month off work as I had loads of annual leave and didn't want the added stress of a very stressful job. That being said I am going abit mad, I guess with lockdown it's not like I can go out and do some retail therapy or something to take my mind off it! I'm sorry to hear of all your failed transfers, I can't imagine the strength it has taken you to get through each one, I'm only on my second and it feels too much to bare the think of going through this all again 🙄. Fingers crossed your little frosty sticks! 🤞🤞 Sending you lots of baby dust ❤️❤️

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply to Gueritarubia

the strong positive you had with your daughter at 5 days past transfer may have been residue of the HCG from the fresh cycle still in your system, don't count yourself out yet :) I have a child from first transfer too ( FET) as had fluid around ovaries and dr didn't want to risk transferring on a fresh cycle. I transfer another embie this afternoon. I have 6 left depending how this one does xx

Stevie85 profile image

I know the feeling! Currently 5dp5dt and OTD not until the 9th. I daren't test before! My boobs are a bit sore and I am tired and hungry all the time but I know that's probably the progesterone! Just want to know now xx

Panda490 profile image
Panda490 in reply to Stevie85

I know, the wait can just be agonising but I guess we gotta let them cook to see what happens 😊. I think I am 5dp5dt I had my transfer on 24th, do you count the day of the transfer as 1 or count the day after as 1? 🤔

Stevie85 profile image
Stevie85 in reply to Panda490

I had transfer on the 24th too! I count the day after as day 1 but I might be doing it wrong....

Deep79 profile image

Hi ladies . I’m in the same boat 🥰Had my transfer last Thursday , having my beta blood test 10th March. Not sure how or what symptoms I have. , going a bit crazy. I’m 41 , 4th FET , mmc on first fresh transfer. Really hoping this little embie sticks. Really hopeful some days then next day thinking the worse. Had couple of niggles in my side over weekend and I am wrecked but not sure if progesterone symptoms or not! Hope you all doing ok and fingers crossed this is our time 🥰

Panda490 profile image
Panda490 in reply to Deep79

It's so up and down isn't it, I've been all over the place. We have been given a poor 'prognosis' I guess but then others say that there have been plenty of poor embryos that have made it so you just never know. Because of that I am completely down in the dumps one minute then more optimistic the next, it's just the worse kind of rollercoaster! Fingers crossed your little embaby sticks 🤞🤞❤️ so sorry to hear about your MMC 😓😓 xx

pinkrose55 profile image

Hi I also had my FET on Thursday, had many failed FETs previously my test day is 10th. Hoping for the best this time, on all medication max doses. I'm finding come evening time I start to get back ache and cramping pain. I've had all these symthoms before just trying to keep positive. 🤞

Panda490 profile image
Panda490 in reply to pinkrose55

Stay positive 🤞🤞 I have everything crossed for you, you test a day before me! So sorry about your previous fails, sending baby dust your way 😊❤️

pinkrose55 profile image
pinkrose55 in reply to Panda490

Same to you hun, wishing you all the best x🤞

Hopedream profile image

I’m 6dp5dt and had a little bleed today really hoping it’s implantation blood but it really feels like period is on it’s way 😢

Panda490 profile image
Panda490 in reply to Hopedream

Oh no I'm sorry, I have everything crossed for you that it was implantation 🤞🤞🤞 a bleed isn't always a bad thing xx

Hopedream profile image
Hopedream in reply to Panda490

I’m hoping 6 days after transfer is to early for period and with taking cyclogest I don’t think your ment to get a period till u stop these.... I have always hoped for a implantation bleed with my other 4 transfers thinking I would know it had worked, now I have a bleed ( little bit fresh blood 1st thing this morning then a tiny bit of brown) and I’m absolutely sh*tying my pants 😢🤞🏽 xxx

Panda490 profile image
Panda490 in reply to Hopedream

Gosh I bet, don't loose hope just yet. I've seen many people post here saying they had little bleeds here and there and they got a BFP so don't loose hope 🤞🤞

Hopedream profile image
Hopedream in reply to Panda490

Thanks! I think i need to break my phone till my test day to stop me googling. All the best to you! Lots of baby dust to us both xxx

Panda490 profile image
Panda490 in reply to Hopedream

Yes definitely I feel the same 😆. All the best to you too ❤️❤️

Miraclescanbe profile image

Hiya, I've just gone through my 2 week wait, I had a FET in Oct wasn't successful, my symptoms wasn't much this time, bit of cramping first few days, boobs felt different, not sore, it feels like the worst wait ever this time round, so nervous, couldn't sleep, by day 9 I couldn't keep putting my self through this anymore and took a test, it was positive, I felt so much better, Im 5 weeks now so happy still worried out my head, going in right direction.

I hope you get the best news 🙏

Panda490 profile image
Panda490 in reply to Miraclescanbe

Aww congratulations!! 🌟🌟

TrendyDove profile image

Hi everyone!! I had my FET last Sunday! 4th attempt... First 2 were BFN and the 3rd one ended up in miscarriage at 8 weeks... fingers crossed this is our time!💪💪💪💪 My OTD is the 10th. All the best to all of you! ♥️

Panda490 profile image
Panda490 in reply to TrendyDove

So sorry to hear about your miscarriage 😓 best of luck to you too 🤞🤞🤞❤️

Gatarra profile image

Hey ;) all the best for your 2WW :) sending you positive vibes x I’m also waiting , currently 11dp5dt and my clinic want me to wait till day 16 to test . Think I’m going to test on day 14 as well just in case as I don’t think I can resist the temptation 🙄. I’m not symptom spotting because basically The progesterone meds are causing me a lot of issues - straight after egg collection I was having sore breasts, cramps ( probs just gas as I’m full of gas and super bloated ) . It would literally be impossible for me to tell if I had subtle signs 😂. I hate hate hate progesterone it’s making me so ill, have had haemorrhoids and now vaginitis as wherever I put the pessaries I can’t tolerate it . Had to take Week off work was so unwell . Don’t even go there about the constipation , night sweats and hot flushes !!! I hate this process. It s the most unnatural thing ever I’m so fed up . If I’m negative not sure how I’m going to find the strength to put myself through the drugs again ( on 2x lubion and 2 x cyclogest ). Anyway just needed a rant ! Sorry 😢 fingers crossed for all of us on here enduring the impossible 😘

Panda490 profile image
Panda490 in reply to Gatarra

Yes exactly, the progesterone is so so mean! Sounds like your having a super rough time with it 😓 ooh you aren't too far away from your date! I have everything crossed for you! 🤞❤️🤞❤️

Gatarra profile image
Gatarra in reply to Panda490

Thanks ! Going to buy my home tests today 😳 hope you re ok x

Gatarra profile image
Gatarra in reply to Panda490

Test was negative yesterday so that s it . My clinic asked me to continue with drugs and test again in two days at 16 days just to be sure . So awful having to continue with drugs knowing there’s no point to it 😬 just want all these shitty hormones out of my system now and to get back to feeling myself again . Back to the waiting list I suppose for my next transfer .....

Panda490 profile image
Panda490 in reply to Gatarra

Aw no I'm so sorry 😢 I hate the pregnancy test bit (well I hate it all really) but I am dreading test day, haven't got a good feeling. After my transfer I felt it was pointless doing the drugs when the embryos were such poor quality, it's like you said it's so unnatural with all these hormones. At least you can get back to your normal self but hope your wait for another transfer isn't too long 🤞🤞 take care of yourself xx

Suzyanne-Faye profile image

Hay there! We transferred our one and only frozen embryo on Saturday. I’ve given up googling because all it tells you is, your either due a period or pregnant and I already know that 😂😂 I’m doing a puzzle, reading a book, taking walks. I even made flapjacks yesterday! They were awful but I tried lol Good luck to everyone xxx

Panda490 profile image
Panda490 in reply to Suzyanne-Faye

Good luck with your little frosty, it's so rough when it's the one and only, so much pressure! Sounds like you have the right idea though 😊😊 sending lots of baby dust 😊 ❤️

Chelsea289 profile image

Hi everyone i had my transfer on 26th February im 4dp 5dt frozen embryo i test on 7th March it feels like the longest week off my life. Ive been having little cramps in my right side into my back boobs are so sore and cant go for a poo but peeing near every half hour. Im so scared my last embryo 🤞🤞🙏

Panda490 profile image
Panda490 in reply to Chelsea289

It's awful when it's your last / only one as there's so much pressure 😓 it is an unbearable time, sending you lots of baby dust 🤞. Drink some green tea, green tea really helps me go to the loo! 😜 Best of luck to you 🤞🤞❤️

Chelsea289 profile image
Chelsea289 in reply to Panda490

Thank you ❤️

sunset212 profile image

Me! well i will be from this afternoon when my BB embryo is on board nervous too Good luck!!! xx

Panda490 profile image
Panda490 in reply to sunset212

Good luck!! 😊😊

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply to Panda490

Awah thank you! You too!! I want to eat everything since transfer flipping cyclogest lol

sunset212 profile image

Just a quick question day of transfer cyclogest goes in back door in the morning doesn't it as they like a clean pathway? thanks x

Panda490 profile image
Panda490 in reply to sunset212

My clinic just made sure I took my pessary vaginally more than 2 hours before transfer and had no issues. I would check with your clinic incase they have a different protocol 😊

Eloise246 profile image

Hi Panda, I am on the two week wait, my transfer was last Monday 22nd and the test day is the 8th March. It was the only embryo to make it to a 5day Blastocsyst. The other three in the offing stopped at 5 days and a morula so really disappointed to have nothing to freeze on day 6. All the best to all on the two week wait😀

Iamtrying150 profile image
Iamtrying150 in reply to Eloise246

I’m also in the 2ww and testing on 8th March 🤞🏼🤞🏼 best of luck to all of us xx

Miraclescanbe profile image
Miraclescanbe in reply to Eloise246

Good luck really hope you have positive news

Scout82 profile image

I was told I had a compacting day 3 embryo which is supposed to be good. I found out today it is a grade 3. Has anyone had a compacting embryo?

Panda490 profile image
Panda490 in reply to Scout82

Ohh that's interesting I've never heard of that before??

Scout82 profile image
Scout82 in reply to Panda490

Yeah. Me neither. Really frustrating.

Scout82 profile image

I am 9dp3dt now. Still no symptoms!

Deep79 profile image

Hi everyone , just checking in, how’s everyone doing? I’m 12 days past my FET . I’ve held out testing . I do have some tests so might test in morning but I’m terrified to test.Have my beta blood test Wednesday morning anyways. No major symptoms. Had headache over weekend , had few niggles last week but other than that feel fine. It’s my 7th and last embryo of my 2nd cycle. I’m 41 nearly 42 hoping this is my time. Baby dust to you all. 🥰

Panda490 profile image
Panda490 in reply to Deep79

Hiya going a little nuts but not too bad 😅 I'm 12dp5dt now too 😊 I haven't tested either, my test is due on Thursday, I may test on Wednesday but may hold out till Thurs. I'm absolutely terrified to test!! 🙈 I've had quite a lot of symptoms but I think they are just the progesterone symptoms - sore boobs, cramping, twinging, slight bit of nausea the other day but otherwise not much! Considering our 'poor prognosis' from our embryologist, I think it would be too good to be true to get a BFP 🙈. Just don't want to test as that will confirm it and we will have to start all over again! 🙈 Ergh the 2ww wait it rough! Fingers crossed that your 7th little one! 🤞🤞 Sending lots of baby dust to you! ❤️

Deep79 profile image
Deep79 in reply to Panda490

Thanks Panda. I know the feeling, some days I’m hopeful then negatively creeps in. I suppose it’s natural to protect ourselves. Good sign for you to have all those symptoms! We’ve done well not to test this far. Best of luck to you . Happy international women’s day!

Panda490 profile image
Panda490 in reply to Deep79

It seems too good to be true I think, considering we had an 8% chance of success I just think there's no way I would get that kind of luck! 🙈 I think we have done very well! 😁 I said to my husband last night about maybe testing today but then I became so anxious about the thought of doing it I had to go off and calm myself down haha! So we will definitely wait until it's due I think. Best of luck to you too ❤️❤️, and yes Happy International Women's Day to you too, WE ROCK! 🤟❤️

Maui2020 profile image

Hey everyone, I’m 3 days into my 2ww- torture!! Have all the usual symptoms that completely mess with your head- cramping, sore boobs.. but I’m too much of a veteran to get excited over that. Lots of different time frames for OTD I see. Good luck to everyone taking their tests this week ❤️

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Maui2020

Aww everything crossed for you honey!! xx

Panda490 profile image
Panda490 in reply to Maui2020

Torture is definitely the right word for it! Good luck to you too! ❤️

ZoeLauren90 profile image

Hi all,

I’ve got stomach ache/ cramps today I had a blastocyst transfer last Saturday, it’s totally messing with me head and I can’t think of anything else, I am praying this will work x

Sun1203 profile image
Sun1203 in reply to ZoeLauren90

In my previous transfer even I felt same cramps and I got positive but unfortunately it was miscarriage in 5th month..but I feel cramps means something good is in ur way dear..

Scout82 profile image

Going for my blood test today. How is everyone else doing?

Panda490 profile image
Panda490 in reply to Scout82

Oooh good luck!! Will you get your results the same day as the test? Very very anxious but trying hard to keep busy! 😅

Scout82 profile image
Scout82 in reply to Panda490

Yes. They will call later in the afternoon! So nervous.

Panda490 profile image
Panda490 in reply to Scout82

Ooh good luck!! 🤞🤞

Scout82 profile image

It is negative. I am so heart broken.

Panda490 profile image
Panda490 in reply to Scout82

Oh gosh Im so so sorry, I bet you are 💔💔 look after yourself, allow yourself time to grieve 💔 so sorry ❤️ sending hugs xx

minnesota_girl profile image
minnesota_girl in reply to Scout82

I'm so sorry x this is a terribly hard process. Thinking of you 💕

Sun1203 profile image
Sun1203 in reply to Scout82

I am sorry dear...God will definitely give u good news soon..

Mahriya profile image

Hi all. I’m on d9fet, 5 day blastocyst transfer on 27th Feb. Test date is Friday 12th. Have the usual symptoms you can get from cyclogest as well. I’ve tried very hard not to test early since I’m working full time and bad news can pull me down. I booked Friday off tho so can deal with whatever comes. My cervix has been a lot lower last couple of days and hoping it’s not a sign of AF on it’s way. No spotting or bleeding since the transfer either. Constipation is killing me now and eating healthy doesn’t seem to do the trick. Wish u all good luck 🧡💜 xx

Sun1203 profile image

Even I am waiting for 19th March..

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