I have endometriosis which leads to bad anal cramps during my ovulation period, atleast a week to 10 days after my period. The pain is so bad that it wakes me up from my sleep and I have to panadol. Pain takes about an hour to go off.
Now that I have started on my IVF cycle, the pain has become more frequent, everyday. The pain was especially unbearable during stim. I have made appt to see a pain specialist next week. Has any of you had similar experience like me? I know that only panadol is safe while TTC. But I cannot live like this every single day. I was on amritriptyline previously and came off it. Its been a month since I have had a proper night sleep. Are there any other pain alternatives I can take other than panadol? How do u manage chronic pain when pregnant. All advice is much appreciated 🙏