Hey all
I have stage 4 endometriosis. I have one blocked Fallopian tube because of it, retrovaginal endo and severe endo on my bowel. We’ve been TTC for 9 months now and nothing (my husband has severe morphology as well) but I get spotting on and off which I imagine is the endo. I’ve had my hormones checked twice, all normal. This month, the spotting has been the last two mornings only, when I get up it’s bright red blood suddenly coming out. Not loads just enough to know and have to wipe and then not at all the rest of the day. I’m currently 8 days past ovulation and not due to start period until next Tuesday. Im regular 28 days every month. What I want to know is, has anyone got pregnant whilst spotting every month? Every month I get it I’m like great I’m not pregnant now again. And also, does anyone know why this is happening or have any comments about it?
Thanks all!