Pros & cons to testing early - Fertility Network UK

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Pros & cons to testing early

PaulaDag profile image
10 Replies

Hi All,

I was wondering about the pros and cons to testing early during the two week wait. I've had two ICSI cycles both with fresh transfers. The first transfer was 1 embryo in August 2020 and the second transfer was 2 embryos in November 2020 but both failed and I never tested early on either like they advice us not to.

In fact I bled before the OTDs even though I had taken 2x cyclogest pessaries and 1x lubion per day. I had my progesterone tested before the 2nd transfer and it was >190 nmol/L which is apparently good. So rules out low progesterone issues I think? Lining was almost 10mm on both transfers. Partner no issues other than 4% normal forms hence ICSI.

However I am now starting to think I'd like to be more informed by testing throughout 2WW to know about what is actually happening in order to be more armed with questions etc if my next (first ever FET) transfer coming up fails. My consultant keeps saying age related egg quality/chromosomal abnormalities is the mostly likely cause for the negative tests (I'm 42). I'm sure its true. But...

I have had 4 natural miscarriages between 2018 and 2020 and yet with ICSI I never even fall pregnant? To me it is odd. If it is egg related chromosomal issue each time, why do i not fall pregnant and then miscarry or have a chemical like I do naturally? It doesn't make sense to me. Or with IVF does it just not take if it is abnormal?

So I am thinking of testing throughout the next 2WW so i can see if i do have a chemical and it can inform the next cycle. What are peoples thoughts? I know it would be upsetting if i get a positive that goes negative but at this point my hope to obtain more knowledge on whats happening may override this. Has anyone else felt the same or tested early for these reasons?

My natural FET is coming up soon and i have started ovulation testing already. The last cycle i had pregnancy symptoms early on that ebbed so i think it could have been a chemical then.

The consultant said it is highly unlikely to be an implantation issue because I have had 4 natural pregnancies that implanted/then miscarried. Nonetheless they have recommended an endometrial scratch for my first FET which i had last cycle to prep for this transfer. I thought Endo scratch is for an implantation issue, is that right or am i muddling it up? Maybe consultant just thought its good to try it anyway just in case.

Any experiences or thoughts on this would be really appreciated.



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PaulaDag profile image
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10 Replies
Ajplus1 profile image

Hi love,

First of all I am sorry for all your losses and the pain you’ve been through on this Rollercoaster ♥️.

Everyone is different; but I personally test through every 2WW as I’d prefer to know either way to prepare myself and what not instead of receiving a blind phone call on OTD. However if you use a trigger, you need to either test it out or wait until closer to OTD. Whatever you decide it will be right for you xx

PaulaDag profile image
PaulaDag in reply to Ajplus1

Hi, it is a hell of a rollercoaster isn't it.

Yes I'm swaying the same way as I'd prefer to know either way.

What do you mean to test out the trigger? I've seen this mentioned before and wondered exactly what it mean't. During my 2 IVF cycles i had Ovitrelle triggers before egg collection - is that the same and what is the purpose to test it out?

This time it is a natural FET so i guess there is no trigger. Do you only have triggers for egg collection or can you have a trigger for medicated FETs as well? Sorry for all the fairly newbie questions


Ajplus1 profile image
Ajplus1 in reply to PaulaDag

I think some people do trigger for FETs but not all. So it depends on your protocol. People test out the trigger because it contains HCG. so if you have a trigger and then do a urine test at home it will show up positive on the test. So “testing it out” essentially means it will disappear or if it’s a BFP then you will progressively get darker lines as the days go on.


Sparklylife profile image

First of all, I am so sorry for your losses too! 😔🧡 I cannot imagine what that feels like - my “loss” for 4 years has been to never even get pregnant. All tests came back normal, but it was just not happening, so we are unexplained.

I was therefore terrified to test early on my first ever ivf cycle. I was enjoying the feeling of “pregnant until proven otherwise” bubble.. and was so scared of test day as that could take this all away potentially. But that was my only reason for not testing early.

I think if I were in your situation, maybe I would want more information and you may be better prepared for either result perhaps with that mindset.

The trigger for EC is HCG, so if you test early after trigger, you may detect that on the pregnancy test as it may still be in your system. So your HPT may initially be positive due to trigger if you test early enough. So think you just need to bare that in mind when you “test it out”. You may get a positive, negative, positive pattern perhaps .. I am no expert, but that is how I understood it from what I have read.

With a FET I don’t know if you have this though, so may not be an issue. I have no knowledge of FET.

I also wanted to say - I wish you all the best with your next round and I hope this is the one 🤞🤞🥰

PaulaDag profile image
PaulaDag in reply to Sparklylife

Hi, sorry or the delay replying, I have been trying to stay offline and relaxing for the 2WW.

I am sorry to hear you have been unable to conceive to date. This journey is certainly heartbreaking.

I decided to test early and it was BFN everyday and my OTD is tomorrow but i don't see that changing. Follow up next week so I will be asking why we have had 3 transfers with embryos and we never get pregnant, even if we miscarried, just not pregnant at all which make me think something is up.

I got pregnant 4 times naturally in 2018 and 2019.


Sparklylife profile image
Sparklylife in reply to PaulaDag

Hope you test day went well! 🤞 I have read of some people getting a late positive, but I don’t know how often that happens. It is so difficult with all the disappointment, when all you dream about is a little one.

We had a successful - so far anyway - round of ivf in December! 🥰 We have been so so lucky! Everything seems to be going well so far! Just waiting for 12 week scan in a few weeks. We just seemed to need a little help from science 🤍 As it just never happened naturally.

I hope you can get some answers if this does not work! Hopefully it will happen soon for you!

PaulaDag profile image
PaulaDag in reply to Sparklylife

Congrats on your success, keeping everything crossed for you xx

Fertilityjourney profile image

Hi there. I'm so sorry to hear of your miscarriages and experiences. I am 41 and just had my first IVF cycle which resulted in a chemical pregnancy sadly. I tested 2 days before my OTD as I'd started to bleed so thought sod it...! To be honest I decided to not test any earlier as I personally thought that would make me more anxious.

Whilst the CP was really upsetting it's the first time I've ever seen a Positive pregnancy test. So, like you, I know the embryo implanted so I can get pregnant.

Still waiting for my review meeting but I think they'll say it's one of those things. I think egg quality may be generally ok to fertilise / implant but it's that the particular embryo had chromosonal issues... which can happen to anyone in IVF / naturally...

Because of your past history, can you email your clinic lots of questions about whether there is anything they / you can do differently? They have said implantation is not the issue so what do they think is? For example do they suggest taking baby Aspirin?

Or is there a miscarriage specialist IVF clinic you can have a consultation with before your next cycle? Or a more holistic clinic who can offer you more support? Xxx

PaulaDag profile image
PaulaDag in reply to Fertilityjourney

Hi, sorry for the delay replying while i coped with the dreaded 2WW.

I ended up testing early to see if the embryo at least implanted but BFNs from day 7 onwards and my OTD is tomorrow. I just wanted more information on if it was implanting, CP so we could see what was happening but we are now 3 transfers in and not one positive or CP. We seemed to get more luck naturally which is odd as it should be harder passing the fallopian tubes and everything.

How did your review go? We have our follow up on Wednesday and I am trying to think of things to ask as this is now recurrent implantation failure with 3 failed transfers. They have previously told me it is likely chromosomal issues, but it is now 8 embryos we've tried (4 naturally and M/C and 4 by transferring).

Yes I definitely need to contact my clinic and ask lots of questions and what they recommend going forward, tests and/or protocol change. I asked about aspirin before and they did not recommend as said it can cause bleeding apparently. I might ask again as nothing to lose if ivf isn't working at all. I'll look into a miscarriage specialist, good idea thanks xxx

Fertilityjourney profile image

Hi there. I'm so sorry it hasn't been successful yet.

I still haven't had my review 🙈

It's on 1st Feb so I'll keep you posted on what they say. I hope Wednesday goes well for you and you get the answers you need. Xx

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