Success stories after two early misca... - Fertility Network UK

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Success stories after two early miscarriages

Harlem25 profile image
11 Replies

2020 just seems to be a blur. We started our IVF journey this time last year and was so hopeful. We were lucky to get six top quality embryos (all 5 and 4 graded). Initially, we thought everything was going so well, our fresh transfer gave us our first ever BFP then a week later I miscarried. Because of COVID, we had a few months break and transferred one frozen embryo in August. This didn’t go well, low rising HCG and another miscarriage two weeks later. We both needed the break after our second loss. I’ve had lots of blood tests pushed through by the clinic and everything has come back normal. We’re due to start our third FET medicated cycle in Feb, the only difference is that they are giving me Lubion injections on top of pessaries. I’m hoping it’s third time lucky but I’m also really worried that maybe all the embryos we have from this cycle will be unsuccessful as there maybe something wrong with them. I’ve heard of women who have had a successful IVF pregnancy after one miscarriage (embryos from the same cycle) but has anyone had a successful pregnancy after two early miscarriages (embryos from the same cycle)?

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Harlem25 profile image
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11 Replies

Hey Harlem. Im sorry you have had a tough year. My journey was somewhat the same. Glad to see your bloods all came back normal (im pushing for blood tests atm). Not successful yet but i did had mixed results from same batch but hope others can comment on that. Hope next round works x x x

Harlem25 profile image
Harlem25 in reply to

Thanks Mimisami. X

DreamerA profile image

Not exactly the scenario you mentioned but from my first fresh cycle we got 5 good quality embryos. Fresh transfer day 5 - failed

Frozen transfer - chemical

Frozen transfer (2 embryos this time) - BFP and both implanted so we’re expecting twins.

So don’t give up it was third time lucky for us!

Harlem25 profile image
Harlem25 in reply to DreamerA

Thanks DreamerA and congratulations. Fingers crossed it’s third time lucky. X

kiwibaby profile image

Have you had an ERA test? I’ve had four FET and with our third one had a BFP that ended in miscarriage. After our fourth failed transfer with a top grade embryo our doc recommended a hysteroscopy (which was all clear for me) and an ERA. We are waiting the ERA results from Japan which will tell us the best time to transfer the embryos. The timing can make a difference apparently.

Harlem25 profile image
Harlem25 in reply to kiwibaby

Hi kiwibaby no I haven’t, what’s an ERA? At the moment I’ve just blood tests. I haven’t had a hysteroscopy either which maybe I should have pushed for. X

kiwibaby profile image
kiwibaby in reply to Harlem25

Definitely worth a chat to your doctor. ERA is just a little procedure where they take a biopsy when normally you would be having the FET.

MrsH136 profile image

Hi, I’m sorry to hear how tough the year has been. Unfortunately I can’t give a success story but I’m in a similar position to you. After my first transfer (fresh) I started bleeding before test day. I went on to have a frozen transfer got a positive test but then started bleeding and miscarried. I’m booked in for blood tests in a couple of weeks. Do you mind me asking what they test for? I really hope it is third time lucky for both of us xx

Harlem25 profile image
Harlem25 in reply to MrsH136

Hi MrsH136. They did a load of blood tests, the majority were done at the GP. They tested for diabetes, celiac disease, liver function, full blood count, amongst others then Thrombophilia profile which tests how my blood clots. Everything came back normal. They also tested my thyroid TSH and T4 levels which always fluctuates as I have subclinical hypothyroidism and was already being treated before I started IVF. It’s worth having them just in case there is anything they can identify and treat before your next cycle. I hope it’s third time lucky for you too xx

MrsCampbelly profile image

Hello, I am in a very similar situation and getting over my 3rd early miscarriage (2 from natural pregnancies & 1 from FET) and hoping to start my 3rd cycle soon. I have my follow up with clinic tomorrow so was very interesting to read about the blood test they suggested. Really hoping its good news for you xx

Millbanks profile image

Hi lovely, Sorry to hear of your losses. In general they say that about 30 - 40% of embryos created are chromosomally correct, so the chances are that your frosties are the ones. Everything crossed for you xx

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