Always suspect I have immune issues given I have food sensitivity, hyperthyroid etc. Did my best to put it in control and today my doc gave me a bomb by telling me I have high TH1 & TH2 and rare genetic issues (4g/4g mutations) that prone to blood clot? In short, it takes meds and shots every day, prob till full term and still it might not work ( doc saod), n it’smeds that suppose to treat rheumatoid arthritis. She doesnt know it will will interfere w my hyperthyroid issue ( no previous case in their clinic)
I have 2 PGT embryos.... Doc sounded serious and asked me to rethink if I really want to go on w transfer with all the meds or just go ahead w transfer w/o meds( best of luck)!
Meds are super expensive (one of then cost £700/ jab and i need it 4 times...) plus daily jab of another kind.
My fear and frustration comes from lack of info I can find... and my doc doesnt seem to have experience in dealing with it. Anyone have came across this challenge before? I would be most grateful to hear your experience.