Covid jab and FET: Hi all, 3 year ago... - Fertility Network UK

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Covid jab and FET

Buisquits profile image
36 Replies

Hi all,

3 year ago I had IVF and without any issues gave birth to a lovely boy, despite being told we will struggle to conceive even with IVF due to my endo. 2 years later we got pregnant naturally but it was only blighted ovum. Then we went for FET. It was just after my second Covid jab. My period was late 10 days. My body did not react to the meds in the expected way. My lining did not develop despite high dosage of medication. The transfer of a strong grade 4AB failed. not even pregnant on the test.

Now we are getting ready for the second FET. I cannot help but blame the covid jab for the failure of the first one. I do not want to get a booster before the FET or during pregnancy if it happens. But at the same time I work in primary school so the risk is quiet high.

Can you please git me with some research or real live stories of covid jab having impact on pregnancy? I do not know what to do. And I am scared, I cannot cope with another failure...

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Buisquits profile image
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36 Replies
Mahriya profile image

Hey there, I had my both jabs in between ivf cycles and it shortened my cycle duration. I’m doing the booster now but I’m going to postpone my FET until Feb/March to ensure I’m back to normal cycles in case the booster has any effect. There is really no evidence to say the jab affects fertility or pregnancy but there is limited research. What I can tell you is that a friend of mine who had fertility issues, fell pregnant naturally the month after she had her first jab so it definitely had no effect in a negative way. If you’re worried, you might get the booster soon but wait for the next cycle to finish before yo start your FET. Best of luck xx

Buisquits profile image
Buisquits in reply toMahriya

Thank you. I am on prostap so my cycles are on hold. I am also not getting any younger so cannot really afford postponing the cycle. Its good to know it did not impact your friend, do you happen to know which jab did she have?

Mahriya profile image
Mahriya in reply toBuisquits

I totally understand it. Up to a few weeks ago I was planning to go ahead with another transfer in January but then changed my mind. I think she had the Oxford one back in Feb. Wish you all the luck 🍀

I know it’s against what a lot of people suggest on here, but both my partner (male) and I are stopping at one. Our clinic convinced us to have one due to scaring us into treatment being delayed if we caught Covid and being severely ill , but my acupuncturist advised completely against it as she has seen so many peoples progress stop and go backwards (not just ivf but other health issues that she deals with) after having the jab. I had Covid a couple of weeks ago and had a few standard symptoms, but I was generally ok. Happy sticking with just the one as I don’t want to risk putting more of the unknown into my body without significant evidence that it is 100% safe and has no impact on the reproductive system.

Last time we saw our consultant, we told him we only had one and he was quite comfortable with that as he said the first gives most protection xx

Buisquits profile image
Buisquits in reply to

Thank you for your response. I am worried and as much as I am all for vaccines , this one seems to impact my fertility. I realise it might be a coincidence but I would prefer not to risk it

in reply toBuisquits

I totally get it. And given that we have to do so much to help ourselves in this journey, you don’t want to end up doing something if you believe it may have a detrimental impact, especially as it something that you invest a lot of emotion, time and funds into. You may be best off keeping your distance from others whilst you prepare for this FET and seeing how you get on with this FET, and if successful have the jab several weeks into your pregnancy? I’ve read that a lot of the risk is with late pregnancy anyway.

Good luck to you with whatever you decide xx

Buisquits profile image
Buisquits in reply to

Thank you. To be honest I never thought about jab during pregnancy... Thanks x

KiboXX profile image

Hey lovely,

Congratulations on your little boy 🥰

The only place I would recommend getting up to date information about covid, pregnancy and the vaccine is from RCOG:

I can understand completely where your concerns comes from. I’ve had many failed rounds of IVF, including one round where my body just decided not to respond to the medication the way it had done previously and wanting there to be a reason for that. Honestly our bodies just don’t always want to pay ball and just because it responded poorly once, doesn’t mean it would respond poorly again. And sadly a strong looking embryo doesn’t guarantee a pregnancy.

There is no evidence that the covid vaccine effects fertility or pregnancy. There is however really concerning evidence that catching covid during your third trimester can be really dangerous for you and baby. Personally, I had both my jabs this year as soon as they were available to me (first in March, second in June), I had a FET in August and which was successful and I’ve just had my booster this week at 20 weeks.

I know it’s an emotional subject but I hope you can find some peace in reading the research and data from RCOG x

Buisquits profile image
Buisquits in reply toKiboXX

Thank you KiboXX. You wrote a lot of truth. Its easy to look for excuses and the covid jab gives me one... I will look at the link form you. I really appreciate it.

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply toBuisquits

No problem. Got everything crossed for your FET 🤞🏻❤️ Xxx

Jess1981 profile image
Jess1981 in reply toKiboXX

I agree completely. Not much I can add to your informative comment except I had my first vaccination 7 days after we conceived and then delayed my second vaccination until I hit second trimester ( tho there is no valid medical reason to wait after first trimester) I was terrified making the decision but I believe the Covid vaccination is the lesser of the 2 evils. I’m booked to have my booster this Saturday as it is more effective against the new variant and I’m in last trimester so where the biggest risk of getting Covid is for the both of us. I’ve also had the flu vaccination and whooping cough I see it as keeping my baby safe as possible. So far all is well at 30 weeks. I don’t know if that offers reassurance to other ladies facing this awful choice.

I also have endo too it’s really frustrating I’m very lucky to have my 2 and half year old daughter after 7 years of TTC and 3 endo surgeries. I’m also very sorry for your loss - I’ve had a late loss at 20 weeks last year and 3 early miscarriages it’s very heartbreaking to go through.

All the best with your FET hope it brings your child a sibling Xx

Fruitandflowers profile image

It's a very personal decision but if you would like real life experiences this is ours: my husband and I had our first jabs between collections. On the collection after the jab we got a good number of eggs, 100% fertilization and all to blastocysts. This was compared with around 50% fertilization and only two blasts on the first collection (pre jab) which was due to a sperm quality issue on the day - he had had very good results before and the consultant said the one-off poor result as was probably because he had a cold a few months before. So the jabs definitely didn't impact either of our results but we were shocked at how much a minor illness could.

On both fresh transfers (one before and one after the first jab) I had embryos that implanted but sadly they didn't get beyond six weeks, so no difference before or after jab - both losses were probably due to a progesterone issue which we've now fixed.

I had my second jab just before my FET and (having fixed the progesterone issue) I got a BFP at 3dpt! The HCG was very high early on rose extremely quickly - much stronger than my previous two.

I'm now 21 weeks and can't wait to get my booster tomorrow so that I can ensure that my health and my little one are best protected. After TTC for 7 years, the idea of this horrible virus (which has taken a close family member from me already) ruining things now is too much of a risk for me.

I hope you're able to find a way forward that you are most at peace with as it's not an easy decision and we don't have all the information. This is just our experience and what we decided to do.

Buisquits profile image
Buisquits in reply toFruitandflowers

Congratulations on your pregnancy! What a great news!I am so scared to go for the booster in case the FET wont work. Its seems like the only thing I can control. We decided that that's the last round. It has to work

Shireen1 profile image

Hi Buisquits! I got my first shot right before I started HRT and the second before my embryo transfer. It was not a successful FET but it was unsuccessful for all the reasons previous were and there was nothing different with this one. I have three friends who got vaccinated during their pregnancy and had no issues. I understand it’s a difficult decision and we are afraid to do anything that might lower our chances. Personally, I think getting covid is worst than the vaccine. There is a research done in NL saying that even women with mild symptoms had a miscarriage from Covid. Does not have to happen to everyone though. I cant link the article but if you search article “Unique Severe COVID-19 Placental Signature Independent of Severity of Clinical Maternal Symptoms” you’ll find it. It is ultimately your decision, but maybe talk to a specialist. Good luck with whatever your decide!

Buisquits profile image
Buisquits in reply toShireen1

Thank you, it makes sense what you are saying. I began to feel a bit better...

Llizzie profile image

Hi, I had my first jab three days before starting stims (I was already on down regulation), my second at 10.5 weeks and my third at 29 weeks. Baby is kicking away. x

Buisquits profile image
Buisquits in reply toLlizzie


JoyfulStar profile image

Hi Buisquits, I did have 2 Covid jabs in between prepaid IVF cycles. I had a pretty good first round with 2 blastocysts frozen which was a great outcome for me as a 43 year old. There was no transfer as our plan was to bank embryos until the third and final cycle.

Then I had my first jab just after my first IVF cycle and had a disastrous 2nd cycle with no embryos make it to day 5. It never occurred to me at the time that the jab may have had an impact as I had done my research and was convinced that the vaccines did not impact on fertility.

I had the 2nd jab (a week before stims) and did my third and final cycle which resulted in a BFP after a fresh 3 day transfer which I insisted on against medical advice. I am currently 33 weeks. One of the remaining embryos also made it to day 5.

So in my case, IVF can go rogue sometimes. My protocol was exactly the same for all 3 cycles. My consultant thought the sperm was more to blame but we’ll never know the exact reason for that disastrous 2nd round as the sperm used was my DH’s frozen sperm from a previous sperm retrieval. They collected enough for 5 ICSI cycles which is what we used throughout. If it was the vaccine it certainly did not impact on my final round.

I was given the Astra Zeneca vaccines on both occasions and recently had a Pfizer booster.

Really hope it is the same for you and all the best with your next FET 🙏🏾

Jdaviesclare profile image

Hi! No answers but I am in the same situation as I am a teacher in a primary school. I had my EC at the end of August but during stims it was touch and go at to it being cancelled due to lack of response but we upped the dose and it went ahead. Had a FET in Nov that ended in a chemical. We are planning another FET end of January and I am concerned about the booster but everyone else at school is having it! Such a decision as this is our last embryo in the freezer before another cycle! Fingers crossed and baby dust to us both! Xx

Buisquits profile image
Buisquits in reply toJdaviesclare

Exactly that here! Ive got my baseline scan tomorrow and I'm beginning to think I should have a booster next week. Should be long enough before fet

HopeOfYou profile image

Hi Buisquits,

There is evidence that, as with every vaccine, the one for covid can cause an inflammatory reaction in the body, including to the endometrium. After my second Jan I had a slightly longer period and more blood, but the month after all went back to normal.

If I were you, I wouldn't have a FET for a couple of months after the jab, but this is only because the body reaction can cause temporary imbalance, and in a FET predictability is key, not because the vaccine causes infertility or dangerous in any way.

If you get pregnant, though, I'd recommend you get the vaccine : pregnant women who get covid are 33 times more likely to die than those who don't get it. It's a lot! Especially considering how likely it is to get covid these days, with a high number of infected people, and a virus that is much more likely to infect. Please also consider that you have another child to care for, I wouldn't risk being unwell.

BTW, if your lining didn't develop, I wonder why the clinic went ahead with the transfer. They should've cancelled.

Good luck with your journey! Stay safe, for you and your child.

1234O profile image
1234O in reply toHopeOfYou

Yes, covid can be extremely dangerous for mother and baby during pregnancy, and without vaccinations can also cause a lot of longer term problems such as blood clotting issues and elevated risk of thrombosis. I would definitely recommend the vaccination (I had covid during pregnancy after double vaccination, it was mild thank goodness), covid itself causes inflammation, which is much more severe than that of vaccination. Many miscarriages are due to inflammation.

Buisquits profile image
Buisquits in reply toHopeOfYou

Thank you for your response. They went ahead with the get because after doubling the dozes and with a bit more time the lining got where they wanted it to be. Just. I've got both does and I'm not sure the booster will make much difference tbh but I do consider it. It seems that doing it after get is safer that before?

HopeOfYou profile image
HopeOfYou in reply toBuisquits

I'm not a doctor, but I'd do it after FET!

Babytwinkle profile image

It’s a personal choice I’ve had mine and for the first time in 18 months had a period. After my sister’s second jab she fell pregnant, she is 44 years old. If you’re worried either wait an extra cycle before having FET or do after 2ww. Best of luck

Pupster83 profile image

I had my covid jabs prior to our last round of treatment and GD no issues with it affecting mycycle. I’m now 10 weeks pregnant and just had my first midwife appointment and they advised getting the booster as soon as I can so I am getting the booster on Sat. I wasn’t at all sure about getting the booster after having 4 rounds of treatment to get pregnant but I’ve spoken to a number of heath professionals and everyone says get it as the risk from covid is far greater. I also had the Oxford vaccine first time round and the info this week is suggesting that if the second jab was more than 6 months ago (which mine now was) that even 2 jabs offer almost zero protection against omicron without a booster so that sorted my decision. I think it’s a difficult choice and you just have to go with what you feel comfortable with.

It could be many things and not the jab. Though I understand why you’re concerned and there’s not enough research around this. Word of mouth I have heard it can affect the cycle. But beyond that I haven’t heard anything and I think it probably only affects some women. I’ve had all my jabs and my periods have never been affected. Pregnant women who are vaccinated are far less likely to end up in hospital and there is solid data to back that up. I had my booster at 14 weeks - I think everything is all okay. I think it’s probably okay once your pregnant rather than it just affecting the cycle… it’s a tricky situation for you. Since Xmas is coming up are you able to isolate a bit more and delay the booster until you’re past your 2WW? Or even the viability scan? I wouldn’t normally advocate delay but I can see your predicament

Purpledoggy profile image

In terms of fertility, it has been documented that the COVID jab, as with other jabs such as flu, can cause temporary menstrual changes for a few cycles. There is no apparent ongoing issue with fertility, however.

This is a recent editorial in the British Medical Journal on fertility:

There is also a ZOE COVID study talk on it here (the links to youtube don't embed properly in the comment so I have had to split the link up) /watch?v=xyHbaqCsUak&t=7s

In terms of pregnancy, there are now vast amounts of real-world data demonstrating the COVID vaccine's safety in pregnancy. As an mRNA vaccine with a lipid nanoparticle delivery system, virtually none of this is able to cross the placenta, just the antibodies you make and share with the baby.

The preliminary study from the USA is here:

A follow up short study from Norway (as an editorial so not peer-reviewed) backs up the USA data:

No vaccine is 100% safe. It's impossible to design one. But the risks are orders of 10 magnitude less than catching COVID, especially in the third trimester. I had my first 2 jabs at 13 and 21 weeks, and baby is doing really well, kicking away happily. I was originally going to delay my booster until after he was here but now Omicron has made an appearance I am getting mine as soon as I can early Jan at about 35 weeks. I completely understand your reservation about not having it right before a FET, and in your shoes I think I would delay the FET and have the booster. But in terms of ongoing fertility and issues in pregnancy, there is no evidence to demonstrate the vaccine is contraindicated. xx

Novice_knitter profile image

I just wanted to say that your post is so timely for me. After reading anecdotal evidence about disruption to cycles I wasn’t prepared to have my booster on the run up to FET as didn’t want to potentially impact on the success by giving my body something new to deal with on top of having the medicated cycle. I have been double jabbed though and work in the nhs (frontline but not directly with covid patients knowingly).

I had my transfer a couple of days ago, omicron obviously is such a recent thing and it’s such a pain to feel pushed into the booster because of this new variant, especially as it seems unclear whether the booster even tackles the new variant as it was designed pre-omicron.

I’m waiting to see what happen with this cycle (I find out on 24th Dec), and if successful will def be having the booster due to 3rd trimester risks that people have mentioned above, but unsure when. I’m hoping they’ll be more guidance on booster in early pregnancy but there is just so little out there. It’s so so tough and I just wanted to say that I hear you.

If it helps you - when I asked my clinic they suggested following the advice on RCOG website and encouraged me that it was better to have it. Xxx

Shishi19 profile image

Hi I would advise against it . I've seen and read alot of information about pregnant women getting the jab messing up fertility. Some clinics encourage it and others do not! Personally I would be getting jabbed at least until after especially if my other cycle didn't work and covid was the main culprit. But you have todo whats rights for you.

Sometimes IVF just doesn't work. Just because it worked for you the first time doesn't mean it would do again. I doubt it was anything to do with the jab and if there were any concerns the HFEA would be advising us

Buisquits profile image
Buisquits in reply to

It's true. I guess it makes me a bit better being able to blame the failure on something x

Bozo_the_pumpkin profile image

I am 7 weeks pregnant now and have just been told that I can have the booster. I am a little worried about whether there can be an impact on my pregnancy so decided to wait the 5 or 6 weeks until the end of the first trimester.. but I will have the booster as soon after as possible as It will protect me and my babies from Covid and the risk of catching om nice on is just too high. I am not going out at all at the moment though and will continue to stay away from people as much as possible until I get my booster

Buisquits profile image
Buisquits in reply toBozo_the_pumpkin

Congratulations on your pregnancy! All the best x

Chiefy profile image

I had my first jab at 19 wks pregnant and 2nd at 26 weeks pregnant. I had a normal straightforward pregnancy and birth and my son is perfectly healthy. Getting my booster on Saturday.

Buisquits profile image
Buisquits in reply toChiefy

Great stuff! Thank you and all the best 💚

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