This really is the worst part of it right!? Id happily take all the side effects from the stims again over this.
Sadly, as expected, our 2nd cycle ended with a BFN. My bleeding started around 7/8 days after transfer and only got heavier.
We started cycle 3 straight the way again. I couldnt wait, i almost just wanted it over and done with. This one went a lot better. I had buseralin, 300 menopur, 300 gonal f and dexamethasone daily. A lot, but it was our best cycle yet. Ended with 1 grade A, 1 grade B and 1 grade C. I had the A transfered and B and C in the freezer.
However i now feel like its history repeating itself. Im 8 days since transfer, and starting to see light pink blood when wiping. This is EXACTLY how it started before, and the same amount of days past transfer. I know it could mean anything, but in my heart im probably out and thats it.
Im now wondering, if this does end with BFN, if i even want to try and transfer the frozen embryos. It has completly taken over my life, and im just not me when going through any stage of the treatment, i almost feel like ive lost myself.
My husband and I are very open to adoption, and before starting IVF were just very close to going straight to adoption anyway. As silly as it sounds, the actually carrying/ giving birth to a baby doesnt bother me, im not longing for that experience. I just want a family. Why put myself through more stress and upset when i dont need to.
Sorry for the long message, i just needed to get out how i feel somewhere. Has anyone ever had frozen embryos and decided not to transfer them??