Hi all, at my 7 week scan last week there was a surprise appearance of an extra sac and fainter heart beat, measuring 1 week behind. I had a 5bb and 4bc+ transferred.
Good news is that baby one still seems to be doing well today at a follow up scan at 8 weeks. Sadly baby 2 is still only measuring 6 weeks 4 days and the heartbeat isn't so strong.
This was half expected as I've had light bleeding every day from week 6, which is ongoing.
I have now been discharged from the IVF clinic and am waiting for a midwife appointment and 12 week scan. I'm told that it's likely that the second baby may have just disappeared by then - either heavier bleeding and pain (with possibility of trip to a and e), or simply it may flatten out and be reabsorbed.
Has anybody had a similar experience and what happened?
I feel very blessed to have the prospect of one baby, but still feel responsible for the other one and worried what might happen. Thinking now that if it just doesn't grow anymore and doesn't disappear than it may need to be surgically removed..?
Worried also for the impact on the healthily growing baby.
I've had a awful adversion to food this past few weeks also and can only stomach certain foods. I'm normally a big veg eater but can't face it and feeling guilty. Does anyone have any tips for 'hidding' veg or making it appealing?
Hope all is well with everyone 💖