Feeling a little down 6dp5dt - Fertility Network UK

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Feeling a little down 6dp5dt

Chicky86 profile image
16 Replies

Hi lovely ladies.

This is my very first cycle so I guess I don't really know how to feel or what to expect!

I know it's different for everyone, and I've been trying really hard not to compare myself to other stories, but it's IMPOSSIBLE!! I've had cramping on and off for 2 days, and it's just got me feeling low. 😢

OTD is the 27th and I'm determined not to test early, I've given my tests to my partner to hide so I'm not tempted!

Not entirely sure the point of my post, but I guess I just felt like I needed to express how I am feeling!!

Good luck to you all 😘

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Chicky86 profile image
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16 Replies
Frankie08 profile image

Hello hun,

I’m exactly the same. I’m 5dp5dt and I’ve been getting cramps on and off since day one. Not sure if this is normal or not myself. I have done a natural FET so could be cramps with signs of my period is coming. I have been feeling really nauseous and lightheaded.

I’ve been feeling low myself and convinced myself it hasn’t worked. But trying to remain hopeful (hope I don’t know).

My test day is a day later than yourself.

Sorry I couldn’t give you better news but we are in it together and wishing you the best of luck for test day ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to Frankie08

Thank you Frankie. It's so tough! I'm trying to be hopeful too, and fingers crossed for the both of us xx 🍀🤞🏻

Sexy376 profile image
Sexy376 in reply to Frankie08

Good luck hun I’m on 27th and won’t be testing early can’t face the negative test on Christmas Day!! Xx

RhinoCat profile image

You’re at the extra tricky stage. Best just to try and fill your time loving yourself until test day. Do your favourite things! No point dwelling longer in the doom until ya need to 😘 go watch some nice trashy movies or friends or something . Eat healthy and your fav snacks . Nap like a cat . Your only job seems the hardest ..... wait patiently 😂 it is not easy but you will get through it!

We all did 🎄💐🙏🏻🥳

Love and hugs of understanding ,


Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to RhinoCat

Hi Rhino, thank you so much! I need to get my head down and try and forget about it for now, at least Christmas will take some of the worry away, well hopefully!


Mai94 profile image

You’re doing the right thing by expressing how you feel lovely and the way you’re feeling is totally expected and valid, this means the world to you.

When I was pregnant earlier this year I was beyond convinced that my period was coming as I’d had all the usual signs and had period pains/ cramping up until the day before I tested which was the day before AF was due! It’s honestly so impossible to call so try not to be too hard on yourself, I was in the worst mood ever thinking another failed month and to my surprise I was pregnant!

You’re so nearly there, keeping everything crossed for you! Xx

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to Mai94

Thanks lovely, it's so reassuring to know I'm not alone! This journey is such a rollercoaster ride.

Wishing you all the best too xx

London_Lady1 profile image

From transfer day to the start of my second trimester I 'period' cramps. Even after my BFP I have called the clinic and midwifes so many times about cramps. Also if you're on progesterone then they can totally mess with your body. I couldn't get a read on my body at all.

I know its so crappy and impossible not to read into everything but all AF symptoms can be pregnancy symptoms too. (Mother nature is one cruel beast!).

All you can do is keep yourself distracted and try to relax. Whatever you're feeling is totally normal. There is no right way to feel, and post on here as much as you want. I found this site in my 2WW and it was a life saver as I was going out of my mind.

I also got my hubby to hide the tests too. As I knew I wasn't disciplined enough to wait it out.

To everyone in your 2WW I wish you so much luck and baby dust. I really do hope you get some good news over the crappy covid Christmas. Xxxx

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to London_Lady1

Thank you! Hopefully Christmas will be a good distraction, although I've not actually noticed any cramps today now I've thought about it!! Thank you so much for your reassuring words xx

Your cramping is the right timing for implantation. There might not be enough hcg for a pregnancy test. Please wait and be positive. Don't give in to testing, I did that last cycle and I was miserable for the rest of my 2ww. Peeing on sticks everyday. Im on day 8 now and I'm determined to wait until day 12 which is the date the clinic gave me to test myself . This way we can still be positand hopeful. Lots of positive vibes and baby dust to you 🥰🥰

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to

Thank you so much!! I'm determined not to test, plus I've no idea where my OH has put my tests!! Definitely the best way to keep me away from testing before the 27th. Hope you can hold out too, you're a day ahead of me! Good luck to us both xx

Fazmin profile image

Hi hun,

I’m also on my 2WW. Had a FET on the 16th and test on the 27th. I’ve had period like cramps on and off since after the transfer day. My clinic told me it’s very normal. So please don’t worry too much & try to relax. I know easier said than done but I’m in the exact same place as you. Please know that you’re trying your best and worrying won’t make things better. Don’t look too much into every symptoms. If you have any concerns the best thing to do is ask your partner to look into that, that’s what I’ve been doing so you can keep away from all the stuff that might affect you adversely.

Fingers cross that we both get a BFP on the 27th. Please please please stay positive. All the love for you 💋💋

Sexy376 profile image
Sexy376 in reply to Fazmin

Good luck to you too for the 27th we all need to let each other know on the results xx

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to Fazmin

That's a great idea! I'm the 27th too. Thank you for reassuring me, keeping my fingers crossed for you xx

Sexy376 profile image

Hey hun it’s so difficult this 2ww keep strong and positive I’ve had cramps and was woken up with some shocking pain as you know but all these pains could be anything I’m with you on testing on 27th so we are in this together good luck and relax pm me if you wanna chat xxx

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to Sexy376

Thanks lovely, that's really kind of you. So many of us going through this together, it's great to have all you guys as a support network. Are you feeling better now? Xx

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