Acupuncture or Reflexology for IVF? - Fertility Network UK

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Acupuncture or Reflexology for IVF?

Rosey2020 profile image
42 Replies

I'm hoping (fingers crossed!) to start IVF in Jan now. I've been meditating for a while and have heard/read that acupuncture and reflexology can also help. The thing is I'm not sure I can afford both depending on how regularly I'd need to have them. To be honest the thought of having my feet massaged sounds more pleasant than needles lol, but I'll do whichever is best!

Does anyone have any advice on which they would choose if they could only do one please? Does anyone do both but less frequently to get the benefits of both but without the cost? How often do you need to have these treatments for them to be effective? Thanks so much for your help :)

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Rosey2020 profile image
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42 Replies
CD91 profile image

Hi, I tried both. I did a 12 week acupuncture course but decided to stop after that had finished as I found reflexology so much more relaxing so I’ve kept this on and still go every two weeks (before covid). I started both a year ago now. Reflexology does feel like an hour long foot massage, it’s bliss. I also do yoga and find that really helps me switch off. Maybe try a session of each and see what suits you best. I think it’s good to research the specialist also and feel comfortable with them as I love my reflexology lady and warmed to her straight away. The lady who did my acupuncture could of been the reason I didn’t enjoy it as much as she was quite stern and was forcing dietary advice on me that didn’t suit my lifestyle and seemed unimpressed that I couldn’t stick to her recommendations. So yeah I would say it does depend a lot on your relationship with the person doing the treatment xxx

Rosey2020 profile image
Rosey2020 in reply to CD91

Thanks a lot for your reply CD91, good idea on trying both! And yeh I can imagine that how you feel with the person does have an impact. Hard to relax if you feel you're being judged/ told off!! xx

April26 profile image

Hi rosey, I should have asked something like this before I started, I can’t really help you with results as I only had embryo transfer yesterday so currently on two week wait. But I can tell you what helped me decide! In the beginning I tried both. The lady local to me who did reflexology didn’t fill me with confidence that she knew a lot about infertility and IVF, on the other hand the lady I went to for acupuncture had a lot of experience and knowledge about infertility and ivf and filled me with confidence. I found this important as I also used it as a sort of counselling session and because she understood she was flexible about appointments around egg collection/transfer day. You are right though, the reflexology was a bit more relaxing than acupuncture but I did learn to love my sessions in the end! Think I will book at least one more during two week wait to try and keep me calm. Sorry it might not be the answer your after but thought it might help you to think about the whole picture! Good luck. Xx

Rosey2020 profile image
Rosey2020 in reply to April26

Thanks for the advice April26. I hadn't thought about arranging around appointments and that's a good point! I know there was a good reflexology person who came to my work (when we worked from the office) but while I've heard only good things about her when i made an enquiry a while ago she said that there was a risk around it and pregnancy so maybe I need to look for someone more specialist and as you say who gives me that all important confidence! Can i ask how you found your acupuncturist and reflexologist? Thanks xx

April26 profile image
April26 in reply to Rosey2020

I actually just google acupuncture/reflexology in my local area! I live pretty rural so there wasn’t lots of options but I felt lucky to come across an acupuncturist who hd extra training linked to fertility acupuncture! Having said that my friend who has had 2 successful IVF cycles travelled a bit further and found a reflexologist who had training in fertility and she swore by her! So I think it’s very personal! X

Rosey2020 profile image
Rosey2020 in reply to April26

Thanks for getting back to me. I've had a google and seems there are both relatively close by! I've whittled it down to the ones that seem more fertility focused and will probably ruminate over it some more lol :) xx

monika1stTry profile image

I have been doing acupuncture and I'm not sure if it's gonna work baby wise but it definitely helped me to relax and get rid of medication related headaches ect. My acupuncturist said she was getting better results with acu rather than with reflexology. Due to covid I had to change acupuncturist as the first lady decided not to open bk up but they both recommended 6 sessions while on meds, then one before EC, one before transfer, one after transfer and one around implantation so ten sessions in total x

Rosey2020 profile image
Rosey2020 in reply to monika1stTry

Ooooh that's interesting that your person does both mnbika1stTry and thinks acu is the one! It's also good to hear it's help eliviate some of the medication side effects. Not looking forward to that! Do you mind if I ask how you found the person who treats you? I really hope it works out for you! xx

monika1stTry profile image
monika1stTry in reply to Rosey2020

I have joined a fb fertility group in my area and both of them were recommended to me. I have just had EC today, got 8 eggs ❤️ hopefully transfer on Monday! Good luck on your journey 🌈

Rosey2020 profile image
Rosey2020 in reply to monika1stTry

Thanks for your reply. I'm a bit wary about fb, not sure why. I should probably bite the bullet and join some groups if I'm able to stay anonymous (my main worry). 8 eggs, congrats! Wishing you the very best for Monday!! xxx

monika1stTry profile image
monika1stTry in reply to Rosey2020

Yes I was worried about it too, first thing I done when I joined the group was to check its members to see if any of my friends are on it 😁 good luck on your journey xx

Hope_1234 profile image

I've done both accupunture and reflexology..

Personally I prefer accupunture as I felt she targeted more on what I needed to improve on in my IVF cycle (helped thicken uterus lining/ kept me chilled out before and after embryo transfer). I have been going to her for about 4 months and I felt it's really helped

I did enjoy relefloxolgy but I didn't want to pay for both and opted for accupunture but I'm sure they both work just as well .. x

Rosey2020 profile image
Rosey2020 in reply to Hope_1234

Thanks Hope_1234. Interesting that the acupuncture is perhaps more targeted but also gives the all important chill factor! xx

Orla9298 profile image

Reflexology 100%. I did both for ages, sometimes alone and sometimes combined. Reflexology is so much more relaxing and I felt like I could feel certain effects whilst it was being done. Plus I conceived a few times when doing regular reflexology, never when doing just acupuncture. Sometimes with acupuncture also I got a rash at the needle site like a mini reaction... that felt counter intuitive to everything that you want to do when TTC.

Rosey2020 profile image
Rosey2020 in reply to Orla9298

Thank you Orla 9298. Oooh no, rash doesn't sound good! That's interesting you could feel certain effects. Do you mind me asking like what? No worries if that's too personal!! xx

Purpledoggy profile image

I can't tell you if it works but I have been doing acupuncture at a Chinese medical centre and really enjoy my sessions with Dr Ding. He is so calm and reassuring, quite different to some other acupuncturists it would seem! One thing he emphasises is that it is important to go every week and not miss sessions - I don't think this is a money-making thing as one week he was fully booked and so worked an hour later than usual to make sure I got the session I needed. So, the impression I get is that whatever you go for it is probably best to do it regularly and commit to it, which if you enjoy it should hopefully be a good thing! xx

Rosey2020 profile image
Rosey2020 in reply to Purpledoggy

Good point purpledoggy about committing to something. Maybe that is better rather than doing a bit of both. It would be a shame to try to do too much and not really get the proper benefit of either! I did see somewhere local when i was looking online earlier that did Chinese acupuncture, but they did seem to heavily be pushing the chinese herbs with it too (more money) which I'm not so keen on. Do you mind me asking if you had herbs too as part of your treatment? Thanks xx

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to Rosey2020

I did have (and am still taking) the herbs, although did not feel pressured into it and he said acupuncture alone was OK if I just wanted that as it will still help. I just decided I wanted to do absolutely everything I could (to quote a friend, if someone told me lying down on the A14 would get me pregnant, I'd do it). I have horrid pre-menstrual bleeding, which seems at least partly due to borderline low progesterone, as well as anxiety, GI problems, and I'm always cold. These are a pretty classic combination of symptoms in TCM related to a deficiency related to the kidney, apparently. I found this interesting as I had renal failure following severe food poisoning about 18 years ago, which I did not tell him about before he told me about the kidney thing, and the abnormal bleeding, being cold, and progressive anxiety started a year or so after that. I figured after doing some pretty intensive research on the ingredients in my prescription that they are unlikely to hurt anything other than my wallet and who knows, they may help - anything to stop this wretched bleeding would be a godsend, even if no baby! Also, a friend recommended him to me after her third (only successful) IVF round, which was preceded by the herbs and acupuncture. Now, of course, her protocol would have been tweaked and I know she was treated with intralipid. But the herbs certainly did not hurt! I guess ask yourself what would you regret more if IVF does not work - wasting the money or worrying there was something you had not tried? I fell into the latter so took a punt on them xx

Rosey2020 profile image
Rosey2020 in reply to Purpledoggy

Sorry for the late reply. Your comment about the A14 resonates! I used to drive on there every day so understand the gravitas too lol! Thanks for sharing your experience. I thought maybe Dr Ding was in Newmarket (there's a chinese place there) based on your A14 comment but seems like Lemington Spa? xx

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to Rosey2020

No, St Neots (I'm a little west of Cambridge). I'm not sure whether his title is Dr but that's what I call him :) I believe you are more Suffolk/Norfolk way from a previous comment so he'd be a bit far for you sadly. I hope you find someone nice, anyway, whichever treatment type you decide to go for! xx

Rosey2020 profile image
Rosey2020 in reply to Purpledoggy

Ah, I see. Yeh, it's a bit far for me unfortunately. Thanks though xx

I am such a firm believer in acupuncture. My periods stopped for a year and after one session I got a big period back. For a successful embryo transfer you want lots of fresh blood, with oxygen in it, and acupuncture for that.

I have just had embryo transfer and as we are in lockdown I can't see my acupuncturist and it makes me feel lost and very hesitant!!! I have absolute faith in it (my acupuncturist is godmother to our first child!!!)

Rosey2020 profile image
Rosey2020 in reply to

Wow, that's impressive Shinamoore! I'm sorry to hear that you can't see your acupuncturist at such an important time. There may (based on my v limited research this morning and an acupuncture place that replied to me that's still open) be other places you can go that are still doing it but it sounds like your lady is very important and not easily replaceable! That's so cool she's godmother to your first child :-). Wishing you success with your transfer!! xx

in reply to Rosey2020

If you are in london I can give her details (I have moved to Devon now!) If you get a proper fertility one (like Camilla is or Emma Cannon) they are miracle workers. I don't know how it is done and why it works but it really does and it has changed my life so I would recommend it to anyone! Good luck!! x

Rosey2020 profile image
Rosey2020 in reply to

Thanks Shinamoore but I'm Suffolk. There is one lady near me who seems very specialised but she's not taking on clients at the mo due to covid, but hopefully that will change in Jan! xx

Fifikoko profile image

Hi Rosey

I did Accupuncture in the run up to each of my cycles, during stims, just before transfer and just after. My acupuncturist was great, very experienced with IVF patients and just an all round lovely guy who always made me feel relaxed (and made me laugh!) during the sessions.

On my third (successful) round I had my one and only reflexology session after egg collection (same day) with a lady recommended by the clinic. She actually came to my room during recovery. Apparently it can help to prepare the uterus for transfer and implantation.

For all I know both treatments may only have had a placebo effect but whatever the case I enjoyed them and it made me feel

Like I was giving myself the best possible chance of success.

My little boy will be exactly 3 months old tomorrow and he is worth every needle! 👶🏽💙

All the best for next year 💖

Rosey2020 profile image
Rosey2020 in reply to Fifikoko

Hi Fifikoko, thanks for sharing your experience. That's amazing you could get someone to come give you a treatment in the recovery room!! I'm pretty sure that the clinic I'm thinking to go to doesn't do that. Did you organise it through your clinic? There was an in house acupuncturist at one of the clinics we were looking at, but decided it was too far to get to really which is a shame. Awww congrats on your little boy! :-) xx

Fifikoko profile image
Fifikoko in reply to Rosey2020

Thanks Rosey!

There was a laminated information sheet about the reflexologist in my room when I came back from theatre. I just called the mobile number at the top and she came to the hospital an hour or two later.

I don’t think she was “in house” per say but obviously had a good relationship with the clinic which is one of the top ones in London.

Never mind gosh didn’t go for the clinic with an in-house acupuncturist. You are better off finding one that you’re comfortable with closer to home. That way you can see them easily in between your clinic appointments and your way home from important ones like the embryo transfer.


Rosey2020 profile image
Rosey2020 in reply to Fifikoko

Thanks for your reply Fifiko. I'm glad we decided to go somewhere closer as I was beginning to worry about all the driving and didn't need more anxiety on top of everything else! You're right I can work the treatments around it :-) xxx

fay2399 profile image

Acupunture is very relaxing! I fell asleep when I did it.. not proven but could help the implementation

Rosey2020 profile image
Rosey2020 in reply to fay2399

Thanks fay2399. It's good that I'm learning that this is relaxing rather than painful!

loulou8951 profile image

I tried both to begin with but the same as you couldn't afford both an opted to stay with acupuncture as heard more of a success rate with IVF and helps the blood flow, they also used Moxxi, that is great, makes you feel all warm inside. I really feel this worked, we have a little girl who is nearly 4 🥰. All the best whatever you decide x

Rosey2020 profile image
Rosey2020 in reply to loulou8951

Hi loulou8951, I like the idea of trying both. I'm still finding it hard to make up my mind despite all the good advice and googling lol! What is Moxxi? Congrats on your little girl!! :-) xx


Am googling accupunture and getting overwhelmed.

How much is a session ????


Rosey2020 profile image
Rosey2020 in reply to

Hi CathJ73, I guess it probably depends on where you are but I've found the prices near me are between £45-50 for an hourish session, though a bit more (£60-£75) for an initial consultation where they find out about you and plan your treatments. There's one place i found that offers multibed/community acupuncture for £35 per hour, but you are in a room with several other people getting treatment at the same time. I'm not sure how I feel about that tbh given covid, otherwise I imagine it could be a nice community vibe plus the bonus of saving money! Good luck with it all, it is a bit of a minefield! xx

Cassie_56 profile image


I started acupuncture for my second cycle. Definitely went with a bit of scepticism on my first appointment but my lady was fab and really just a calming and supportive person in general I decided to keep going.

I don’t know how much it actually helps scientifically and it’s not like really relaxing like a massage would be but it does just give you time and space to lay and relax and feel nurtured and nourished. Also, I have regularly said I feel way better this cycle than last, more energy, more relaxed.

My acupuncturist has been incredible in fitting me in according to my cycle and has done one later night and 2 Saturdays she wouldn’t have ordinarily done just to fit in with me including one last night before transfer and one today after transfer.

Also, I don’t have very regularly cycles and this one was exactly 28 days which is never the case! And also had a good lining thickness after this being targeted. Yes, these could have happened regardless but they’re 2 outcomes that could be attributed to it - you never know!

Would definitely recommend acupuncture. But really make sure you get a good vibe from them and have a good relationship - this really made the difference for me

Best of luck x

Rosey2020 profile image
Rosey2020 in reply to Cassie_56

Thanks a lot for sharing/your recommendation Cassie_56 :-) xx

Thanks Rosey

You're right-found a lady near me who charges £75 for initial consultation and then following session x

Rosey2020 profile image
Rosey2020 in reply to

Glad you found someone. Good luck with it! :-) x

I had acupuncture for 3 IUIs. It didn't work once. All it does is relax you. There has been no studies on it's effectiveness. I also tried Chinese herbs, that didn't work once either, only seemed to messed my cycle up. My clinic were I had IVF thinks that Chinese herbs are ineffective too. I didn't do any quack like therapy through my IVF and got pregnant first time. I just tried to be abit more healthier but no work out classes. Please don't spend too much money on quack therapies because I wasted money on it all. If you just want to feel more relaxed then great and you have plenty of money to spare then I think it's fine.

Rosey2020 profile image

Thanks a lot for your sharing your experience Capricorn40. Congrats on your successful IVF! I appreciate your concern about money, I can see how it would be quite easy to get carried away so I guess maybe it's a good thing I cant afford all the things! I do need to be more healthy generally. My partner said that should be the priority over any additional therapies which I guess is right. xx

Love4spitz profile image

Hi. Acupuncture worked for me. First two cycles in Mauritius I never took any supplements or did any alternative therapies. Before my third attempt in the UK I had 3 months acupuncture and fertility massage and it worked for me.

Be careful with reflexology, there are certain points they should avoid.

All the best :)

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