Well, what a day! After lots of unanswered emails and calls to my clinic since Friday, I finally received the results. 3 Euploid Embryos - normal, out of 9. (the clinic had been sitting on the results for 11 days while I was stressing not knowing)
I am really pleased with this and very surprised. I was told that 90% of my eggs would be abnormal due to my age. Given that I gave them 9 embryos (all of either FH or FHB development) and 3 were normal, thats 1/3 or 33%.
The next step for me will be to get a consultant in my city so that I can be monitored after I transfer and egg at a time in the clinic in Czech Republic. What things should be checked after transfer? Progesterone levels? Anything else? I think I will opt for embryo glue and low dose Asprin.
Not going to rush into transferring untill I feel confident I have support in place in the UK. What do you all think?