Hello everyone,
Just looking to see if anyone has any advice or similar experiences....
We are looking at starting IVF cycle 2 soon, our 1st 1 failed in June, only 5 eggs collected, 1 blast that didn't make it.
We had a consultation with our consultant after the failed cycle who did say I could take DHEA, when I asked about it. I ordered some online, but due to covid, delivery is delayed, which is now potentially delaying us starting our next cycle. We spoke to the clinic this morning who said the DHEA needs to ideally have been in your system 4 weeks before you start treatment. We were then informed they advise people to take this if their AMH is lower than 4. Mine is 14.2, which I know isn't great, I'm just confused. So now wondering whether to go ahead this cycle or wait for the DHEA to arrive and leave it till next cycle to start.
Is anyone in a similar situation?
Thanks for reading x