Starting to struggle with the waiting - Fertility Network UK

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Starting to struggle with the waiting

CC2012 profile image
18 Replies

Really struggling trying to keep busy with all the waiting..Has anyone heard anything in Glasgow about having there first fresh egg collection? I know we had a long wait and I have it in my head as probably October time but not knowing a time frame with this covid is just heart breaking..Realy hope we don’t get started and then can’t continue because of the time frame between Christmas cleaning closure aswell..Think that would just be the icing on the cake..Nearly 7 months since we lost our first BFP and over a year since trying on the nhs 5 years trying all together including private..Need to see the light 😞

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CC2012 profile image
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18 Replies
ashbb profile image

I just want to say: "you're not alone". We're two years into trying...I called the Glasgow Royal yesterday and they wouldn't give me any indication for waiting times. I was told they are working through all the cancelled appointments at the moment. I had an appointment booked for this week which was cancelled so we're now trying GCRM.

The waiting game is very very hard for me. It's all consuming 😔

Cinderella5 profile image

They may be able to give you an estimated time frame depending on where you are on the waiting list. Give them a ring, its always worth an ask.xx

I agree with Cinderella - lots of clinics are not actively going out and advising people but instead waiting for people to call in - but sounds like Octagon isnt havent much luck sadly so maybe not in your area x

CC2012 profile image

Thanks everyone for your reply..It’s just so hard for everyone..They did say to us months ago the Exact same thing as was said to Octagon..Just they couldn’t give a time frame and to add what our wait was in the beginning before covid and the length of time covid had us all on hold for together and that would be roughly where we would be at..Just the worry and what ifs..What if it’s longer or it might be a shorter wait..Drives you insane..Said they would contact us when we were at the top of the list but feels like forever when you don’t know when that might be..Just wondered if anyone had now been getting treatment that weren’t cancelled just before covid to see if they were getting through all the people who had it cancelled..🙈

Twiglet2 profile image

Hey lovely are you on the Facebook page for the clinic and have you seen the latest update on the website last week? Looks like they are starting to call some people from yesterday to reschedule ART and consent appointments for new fresh transfers that were cancelled during COVID so a sign things are starting to move again for fresh cycles. I think the waiting list is normally about 9 months so add on the time for Covid closure of 5 months and that might give you an indication of how long from when you were first out on the IVF waiting list at the royal perhaps? Not sure if that helps or not and the waiting is the worst part! The clinic is a ghost town No one in waiting rooms at all so really reduced capacity at the moment Xx

CC2012 profile image
CC2012 in reply to Twiglet2

Thank you so I’ve not seen the Facebook page..What do I search for? They said originally it was a six month waiting list 2 weeks before covid happened so hopefully not be as long as the 9 months + hopefully..Yeh I thought it might be like that at the hospital..Really good though that they are taking precautions..Xx

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to CC2012

It’s ‘Glasgow royal infirmary IVF & ICSI support group’ it’s not the royals official page or anything just a support page but there a quite a few Helpful updates and Official Scottish clinics webinars posted on it xx

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to Twiglet2

And yeah it was 9months when I joined it but that was a few years ago and I know they worked hard to get it down before COVID so hopefully not as long now xx

CC2012 profile image
CC2012 in reply to Twiglet2

Brilliant that’s me found it now..Do I have to write something about myself on the page or can I just join? Yeh fingers crossed it’s not going to be too much longer for us now..Just heart breaking after being so bloody close..Good luck to you both this time round hope all goes well xx

Twiglet2 profile image
Twiglet2 in reply to CC2012

I know it’s so tough I really feel for you especially. I hate the waiting but it will be worth it in the end I’m sure 🤗

I just joined I didn’t write anything but you can on a pinned post if you like xx

CC2012 profile image

Aww thank you.. Weve just had the worst year on record ever but like many others I’m sure..Just have to keep pushing forward and fight for our dream 💗 Fab will just join my story is far too long lol 😂 xx

theotherblonde profile image


Hey I am sorry to hear that you are having a rough wait. I am also with Glasgow Royal and I found that you can’t just sit about and wait for them to call. Keep an eye on the website and when you see information on fresh transfers starting I would be calling for an update and try to find out information.

I had my eggs collections on the day the clinic closed down. My fresh transfer was cancelled and my embryos we’re frozen. When the clinic reopened for FETs in phase 1 I just didn’t get any calls. After a few days I called them and after I was able to get booked in for my transfer. I think if you are more patient for them to call you, you will be waiting a long time.

I am not saying by calling it is resolved but it is better than nothing. I was on the waiting list also for 7 months but it then took a few more months from my first art apt to the actual process of starting treatment.

I can only advice you to use this time to get your body IVF ready. Also enjoy yourself and try to think of other things. It’s not easy I had 2 years of pain and suffering like many experience but I finally got my BFP this week. It will happen you just need to believe.

Take care and all the best xxx

We are also on waiting list at Glasgow Royal for NHS funded IVF. We had our initial appointment on 4th March and were told it was around a 6 month wait to begin IVF. Same as you we were told we wouldn’t hear from them again until we were at the top of the list. We still havnt heard anything. I tried phoning the clinic in June but the woman on the phone was most unhelpful. I understand they can’t give specific dates but I just wanted a rough estimation of how long we were looking at waiting. Was told I was to keep an eye on web page for updates. The waiting and not knowing was really getting me down, depressed even.

So we have now looked into going private with GCRM, I know one of the consultants there he works for both NHS & private and he told me that NHS used to be around 6 months wait but now due to Covid we were probably looking at 1 year.

It’s such a long and sometimes lonely journey but this group certainly has helped me knowing I’m not alone xx

ashbb profile image
ashbb in reply to Hopingforarainbow

We're in a similar boat. All tests are "normal" so far. It's all been massively impacting my mental health for the past couple of years. Wish there were support groups in person! We're likely going ahead at GCRM so feel free to DM me about the process. My only complaint so far is around a pretty snippy receptionist.

Outcomes are supposedly better at the Royal but not sure if that's because they have limits around who they'll treat. Whereas GCRM doesn't cap the age.

Hopingforarainbow profile image
Hopingforarainbow in reply to ashbb

We are the same. All tests normal. I’m 36, Hubby 38. We’ve had initial consultation with GCRM and I’ve been told I will be started on a “long” protocol. We’ve also filled out all the consent forms etc so just waiting to hear back from them re:the next step. I was hoping maybe we could start the meds in sept 🤞🏻

Good luck with your journey. It would be lovely to keep in contact as sounds like we might be at the same stage xx

ashbb profile image
ashbb in reply to Hopingforarainbow

I'm 35 and my husband a bit younger. We have a consultation later today and then will decide what we want to do. Didn't ever imagine spending thousands to become a mum! Hopefully it all works out for us. Definitely happy to stay in touch.

Hopingforarainbow profile image
Hopingforarainbow in reply to ashbb

Us too. Have you looked at Access Fertility?

GCRM run in partner with them. It was something we looked into and were going to go with. But then we found out we could do 1 cycle privately and still remain on the NHS waiting list so we have decided to fund 1 cycle pay as you go. We’ve been quoted around £5K for this. If ICSI required on the day then an additional £1200. If we conceive then fantastic and if we don’t then hopefully by that point we will be near the top of NHS waiting list and will still be eligible for 3 cycles on NHS xx

ashbb profile image
ashbb in reply to Hopingforarainbow

My husband JUST came in to tell me about this and i came back to tell you about it! This is something we'll do i think. I've only had an initial consultation with NHS. My ovarian scan was supposed to be this week but was cancelled. So i'm not even on an IVF wait list with NHS but I might try now that we have test results from GCRM. Thanks for this info. I had no idea!

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