I’ve just had first IVF failure. I have been taking vitabiotics pregnacare, should I take anything else along side them to help with a future treatment?
Supplements : I’ve just had first IVF... - Fertility Network UK

Hi IvorDee, sorry to hear that! Take time to heal. The first ivf cycle is always a trial and error. I would recommend DHEA and Coq10 as they are good for egg quality. Best of luck!
Sorry about your failed cycle lovely. I took high dose vitamin d (4000iu) before my treatment.xx
Get ready for this....
I'm currently taking
Pregnacare multi vit
Extra vit d 1000 as mine often goes low
Royal jelly
Q10 ( 400mg)
Vit E high dose for thin lining ( 800 iu)
L-arginine 1000mg ( read high dose good for vegetarians like me)
Also having pom juice, spriulina, raw cacao powder, flaxseed and chia seeds every morning.
Poss going overboard 🙈
Only doing all of above for about 2 months now so not sure if they are doing any good but it's good for my brain to think they are! 🤞
Wishing you all the luck lovely xxx
Amen! My regimen is similar to yours and I even take a few more supplements, so don’t feel bad. So not overboard!
Thank you! ..oooh what else do you take?! Might add a couple more! 😆 xxx
We just had our first egg collection and were able to beat the statistics at nearly every stage from fertilization to freezable blastocysts, so I am truly thankful for my OTT (over the top) regimen!
For over a year my regimen has included:
- A natural/organic prenatal from the US called 'Garden of Life', it has decent levels of a lot of my required vitamins but not enough according to my research, so I added some of the vitamins below to get to the recommended dosages
- Calcium
- Iron
- Magnesium
- Selenium (through brazil nuts)
- Zinc
- CoQ10
- N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)
- Acetyl-L Carnitine
- Royal Jelly
- Chlorella
- Vitamin D
- Probiotic
- Maca Root
- Ashwagandha
- Essential Fatty Acids (Omega 3/6) (I have stopped taking this after reading about it further)
My husband is on the same regimen as above, but with a few differences (below). He has severe male factor and is a total gem for taking his pills twice a day.
- Men's prenatal from the US called 'Set. Ready. Go.'
- L-Arginine (I cant take it)
- Fenugreek
In the last 6 months or so I added in a 'fertility smoothie' to start getting some of these superfoods in my diet:
Pea protein powder, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, goji berries, greens powder, frozen banana, blueberries, walnuts, spinach, brazil nuts
I hope this helps!
Thanks, Florence & Kath! I’m getting a bit overwhelmed by all the things you can take or do. I’ve been taking pregnacare, but bought some Q10 and some Omega 3 fish oil in addition. I’m not sure how much use the latter two will be as only just started taking them and going for round 2 at the end of the month. I’m going to try and concentrate on feeling good and try (🥴) to have fun going into this next one. I know that sounds crazy but I know what to expect so it takes a lot of the worry out of it for me. I was so nervous and stressed during the first round, going solo, COVID, not knowing what to expect. I can relax this time 😅. I’ll prepare for the worst and hope for the best! 🤞🤞🤞
I know some have suggested taking DHEA, be very careful if your looking at taking this as it’s really meant for those with low ovarian reserve - I have read of some ladies on this forum taking that and it having the opposite effect to what you want, meaning producing less.
I stopped taking pregnacare, after reading the book it starts with the egg - this is mainly because they have synthetic folic acid in them, it suggested a more natural form of folic acid called Methylfolate, and we also had a first failed cycle. so I am taking the following
Nutrello pre pregnancy vitamins (this has Methylfolate in them)
Vitamin E
Vitamin C
R-Lipoic Acid
N-Acetyl Cysteine
After taking this I did have more embryos that made it to blastocysts and they were better quality - unfortunately due to age the genetic testing showed they were abnormal- that has nothing to do with the vitamins, that’s just an age thing
The above list does cost more than pregnacare, but after our first failed round I realised that investing in a decent vitamin programme could be worth it in the long run.
I forgot to say vitamin D - ask your doctor to check your blood levels first as you may not need to take it