Hi ladies, we got a call from the embryologist to say they are going to transfer 2 embryos. They have reached blastocysts stage but are not able to grade them at the minute as it at early stages. Has anyone else had this and had any success? I know it’s silly but felt overwhelmed and started thinking they want to implant as they are not as good as they should be xx
2 embryo transfer: Hi ladies, we got a... - Fertility Network UK
2 embryo transfer

Great news you got to Blasto and with two as well! Congrats
If there is one thing I have learnt with IVF is don’t overthink things. We all get obsessed with grades and so often it really doesn’t mean anything. Lots of clinics grade differently so you can get upset if you’ve got a 1 when others have told a 5 is good etc etc. I’ve seen as many pregnancies on here from day 3 transfers or poorly gradeD embryos than I have from top grade embryos over the years, and I think the grading just adds further pressure because it either makes you pessimistic from day one, or overly optimistic perhaps falsely
I know it’s hard (I am an old timer at this believe me!) but focus on being healthy and positive thinking. There is not a lot you can do to change anything except give your embryos the best chance to thrive. Scrap all worries about what they are and focus on giving them the best start and environment to set yourself up for a successful pregnancy
You can do this! Heaps of luck x

Thank you so much daisy for your reply. I do agree and as you know it can get overwhelming at times and I just overthink but you are so right and it is what my husband has says that we need to try and stay positive and focus on giving this all we have and that's as much as we can do at the minute xxx
Go with what they think. They said this for me too but then changed their minds once the blasts made grade b and c. Think they do double depending on your age and quality of blasto, ya just have to trust them. My lab people argued over which embryo to transfer , in end they changed as blasto changed and one was frozen. It’s a tricky old process and I defo think the lab days are the worst part of it all 😳 hope it works out for the best 💐😘💖
I know it’s easier said them done but try not to worry. The experts will make the best decision for you and your embryos. I’ve just had two transferred 5 days ago. Best of luck, keeping everything crossed for you Xx
Thanks ladies! Back now and all done so fingers crossed they keep on fighting xxx