Sad announcement at 6 weeks - Fertility Network UK

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Sad announcement at 6 weeks

LisaBeatrix1980 profile image
51 Replies

I’m sorry to say that this morning at 6w 2d I started heavy bleeding, clotting and have severe cramps. It’s got progressively worse as the day has gone on. The EPAU couldn’t get me in today so I’ve spent the whole day experiencing what is very likely a miscarriage, and it’s just made it harder knowing I have to wait until tomorrow to see someone.

I’m devastated. Being a single donor mum to be I felt like the hard part of low AMH, creating eggs, treatment being postponed due to COVIF and the FET/2WW was done. I even had blood tests 2 weeks ago and my numbers looked great, so I finally felt like I was in the category with slightly better odds to carry a baby to full term. Sadly, it looks like it’s not to be.

I’ve never had a positive test before, I’m grateful for that but this just feels like the cruelest way to lose something so precious after over coming so much.

I know so many on here have experienced loss similar or of their own kind, I just feel very lost


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LisaBeatrix1980 profile image
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51 Replies
danae35 profile image

I’m so sorry for your lost... I can’t say I understand because I was not in your shoes, I did have a failed ivf, but is nothing compared with what you have to face now

I just can say that I’m so sorry and hope you will be alright xxx

Maryc32 profile image

I’m so sorry Lisa. I know there’s nothing to say to make a difference but I’m thinking of you xxx Don’t give up

Finchee27 profile image

I'm so sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with you. xx

Lots8788 profile image

Im so sorry hun. Here if you want to talk xx

Cinderella5 profile image

I'm so, so sorry Lisa!! Its utterly heartbreaking.😥 I had a very similar experience with our first BFP. Here if you need a chat.😘 lots of love &

Georgie17 profile image

I am so sorry. Nothing I can say can make this better At this time. It is such a cruel process. Thinking of you xx

ChloeL934 profile image

So sorry, thoughts are with you ❤️

So sorry that this is happening to you😭this process can be so cruel..sending you a hug xxxxx

HSAE16 profile image

I’m so so sorry and sorry that you have to wait until tomorrow to be seen. My thoughts are with you xx

CLDxxx profile image

I’m so sorry Lisa. I’ve been there and it’s so awful, sad and unfair.

Please look after yourself. Always here if you need a chat, you’re not alone 💕xxx

Chel91 profile image

So sorry hun, really sad news 😔 Life can be so cruel. Awful that you are having to wait to be seen as well. Thinking of you 💕 xxxx

PenguinBlue profile image

I’m so so So sorry to hear. Sending you lots of love and thinking of you xx

Sorax profile image

So sorry your having to go through this and having to wait until tomorrow 😩 thought are with you try and rest tonight 💖

Peanutchips profile image

I’m so so sorry to hear this Lisa. Sending you loads of hugs and thinking of you lots ❤️ xxx

Hey012345 profile image

Aw you poor thing - sending massive virtual hugs your way. I don’t quite know how you feel as have had 1 failed round and no pregnancy but I know the feeling of being lost. I hope you have some close family who will mind you for a little while and a friend with a bucket of wine. It will be okay. Xx

Niki_B profile image

I'm so very sorry for your loss. The pain is both physically and even more so emotionally excruciating. After 3 transfers i finally got pregnant everything was looking and going great until I miscarried at 11 weeks 😥 please look after yourself the next few weeks are going to be tough. I hope you have a good support network around you. Sending massive hugs and love ❤ again I'm so very sorry 💔 xxx

I am so sorry to hear this. I experienced a chemical pregnancy before having my daughter & it was so heartbreaking. It was my hubby & mines first positive test 💔 Miscarriages are very cruel. I hope you have support as you will need plenty to come to terms with it. Thinking of you xxx

saraht23 profile image

So sorry to read this, thinking of you lots at this really difficult time. If you need someone to talk to feel free to send me a message x

ABR19 profile image

I’m so sorry but please don’t give up, at 5 weeks 5 days I had the same and it turned out to be a subchoronic hematoma. My doctor was honest and gave me a 50% chance of miscarriage but he survived and I’m currently 28 weeks pregnant. I wish you the best and hope the same for you!!

Bobbie7 profile image

I'm so sorry Lisa. Please take care x

JessJ25 profile image

Im in the same position, im 6+3 My 5th embryo transfer, i had my daughter still born at 34weeks last year. I started bleeding monday for a few hours heavy with clots then it stopped ive had no more, i also had bleeding with my last and didnt miscarry, the same sort of bleed could be seen on my scan this time, i Had a scan wednesday nothing can be seen on the scan No gestation sac nothing, so i am now ‘a pregnacy with unknown location’ Basically means ive already miscarried, its too early to see or its ectopic. My bloods come back 1750 wednesday they are being repeated today to see if they have increased or declined then i will know whats going on. Xxx

Nicole18smith profile image

So sorry to hear your news big hugs and just know you will get through this ❤️

treezuk profile image

Lisa - I’m so so sorry I understand how you feel completly we had a failed DE ivf and then one that worked but I miscarried , another one fail and at this point I thought we’ll donor eggs isn’t helping it’s not doing anything different than my own (not getting pregnant and not staying pregnant) is bad previous natural miscarriages as well , I had two embryos left and I wasn’t hopeful but I did it anyways and I got pregnant stayed pregnant and now have twin boys (16m) I bled with them at 5w2d and thought that’s it it’s over but it wasn’t and all was okay everything crossed for you.

As hard as it is to stay positive and believed that last transfer id already wrote myself off as if not working , it can happen and you can succeed just hang in there ❤️

Core profile image

I am so so sorry to hear this, I finally got a positive on my 5th attempt to lose it at 5 weeks and I know how heartbreaking it is. Sending you a big hug and hope you have lots of love around you message me if you need anything or just want someone to rant to xx

Char1302 profile image

So sorry for your loss. Please don’t give up hope 🤍🤍🤍

London_Lady1 profile image

So sorry for your sad loss. Its the cruelest thing. We are all here for you xxx

Picalilli99 profile image

I’m so sorry that you are going through this. It’s just devastating and this process can be so cruel (we have been there too). Thinking of you ❤️ take care. We are here if you ever need support. Big hugs Xx

This is the saddest thing to read Lisa. Im so sorry. Please take care of yourself 💐

Balletpearl profile image

So, so sorry for your loss LisaBeatrix. I really don't know what else to say. Sending you my thoughts 🌷

I am very sorry. xxxx

I am so sorry to hear this. It is so upsetting. I hope you can see a doctor today. Sending you big hugs. X

KiboXX profile image

I’m so so sorry to read this 😢 My first IVF ended the same and I know nothing can help the pain you’re feeling right now. You will be ok, just take it one day at a time. Sending you a massive hug ❤️ xxx

Fuchia20 profile image

I am so sorry to hear that Lisa.

Please look after yourself.

Thinking of you and sending lots of hug

Janop79 profile image

I’m so so sorry for your loss. I know that there’s no way to make you feel better right now but I just wanted to say that you are in my thoughts xxx

Livinginhope2019 profile image

My heart goes out to you, it’s heartbreaking. Sending you big hugs xxx

puppylove73 profile image

I’m very sorry to hear about your sad news, Lisa. It is indeed a tough journey for us. I know the pain of losing something that you hold on dearly. The thought that if only I didn’t miscarry I must have a 3-year old daughter or son now. Today was meant to be my due date 3 years ago. But please keep the faith. Don’t give up. Cry if you may but don’t give up. Sending you lots of hugs xxx

Fingerscrossed34 profile image

I’m so sorry. I hope they can help you today. Look after yourself. ❤️ x

Kikiwaits profile image

Did you have an ultrasound to confirm? Two pregnancies now I’ve had massive bleeding and clotting, some clots the size of my hand, and somehow baby was fine. It’s always six weeks for me, too. I’ve also had losses and it is awful, I’m so sorry if that’s the case for you, but there is hope.

in reply to Kikiwaits

Same for me with my LG

Westielover16 profile image

Hi! So sorry that you are having to go through this. The whole process is such a rollercoaster!!

We had a similar experience with our first FET on our 3rd cycle. It was our first clear positive and we last it in the 6th week.

Sending you loads of love and positive thoughts that it will hang in there for you. Wishing you all the best whatever the outcome! Xx

LisaBeatrix1980 profile image

Thank you all so much for the support, I can’t tell you how much it’s meant. I had a scan First thing and the nurse said it shows something in the uterus that looks like a sack but that she can’t see anything in it as she would expect at this stage. So it’s a miscarriage and I had some blood tests to check my levels and progesterone which they’ll call me about tomorrow to rule out at ectopic.

I am struggling with processing it all, but thank you so much again to everyone on here, you’re a real blessing x

So sorry to read this xx

Gillis profile image

Hi Lisa,

I'm so sorry for your loss, I can't possibly understand the pain and sadness your going through. I'm thinking of you and sending lots of love.

Same0508 profile image

Hi... Me too happened in March 2019 after 8week scan started to bleed at 11 weeks.... It's was my first positive using fertility drug... And now 1st FET on June 9th 2020 after an year got positive n heartbeat at 7weeks but no heartbeat at 7week 5 days I mean just in 5 days at a followup appmt the baby is gone... It started to miscarry in womb during scan...there is no spotting nor bleeding waiting to miscarry naturally... It's very hard to wait thinking of using pills but m really scared as my husband is busy n can't be at home... Miscarring naturally Wil b less painful as it is last time... Having papaya, pineapple but still not working.... Letting body do its job... It can't conceive naturally on its own atleast hope it expels it on its own... Praying for it atleast.... I know how u r feeling but lot of women here are just like you.... Be positive... Workout hard after u finish mc it helps a lot... Gud luck...

Sammy246 profile image

I'm so sorry to read this, it's so heartbreaking to lose something you've been yearning for years. Hug and prayers are with you xx

Daughterofaking profile image

I'm so sorry to read this Lisa, my thoughts are with you. May God give you the grave to bear this and prepare you for the future. xx

ttcemmie profile image

So sorry to hear this. This is cruel and devastating having to go through this, and we're all thinking of you and sending you love. x

FrancyItaly profile image

I am so sorry to hear this, I had a miscarriage too and I can totally understand how heartbreaking it is. I know it feels lonely even if you have lots of people around who will try their best to support you.. none can fully understand. If you want to talk you can message me 💕

I’m so sorry to hear this. Sending lots of love to you. Xx

Mara84 profile image

So sorry dear.... It’s heartbreaking. I had experienced two missed miscarriages, so believe me when I’m telling you I know how you feel... look after yourself and I hope I’m time you feel better. Xx

Coral86 profile image

I’m so sorry and hope your doing ok it’s the most awful experience to go through sending lots of love xxx

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