Hi everyone I hope you are all keeping well.
I have my Frozen Embryo Transfer in 2 days. After 2 years nearly of infertility, in 2 days it is all up to God from then on and I am faithful it will work.
I just got a bit stressed today when I realised that my clinic do not provide BETA blood tests and it’s just, you do a pregnancy test and then a scan at 8 weeks. Is this common for most U.K. NHS and even private clinics? My clinic is NHS in Glasgow.
Do you think I need the BETA? All my research (you tube video after video of success stories) shows girls getting their beta results and crying when the numbers are great and preparing themselves for the worst when they are not so great.
Is this just an American thing or is it cause I am NHS as to why it’s not really done?
Any experiences any of you have would be so helpful.
Thanks everyone ❤️