Hi there, we find out tomorrow how many of our embryos have made it to day 5. Our clinic have mentioned preimplantation genetic testing to check if they have the right amount of chromosomes - to see if they are euploids. Has anyone gone down this route before? Xx
Has anyone had Preimplantation Geneti... - Fertility Network UK
Has anyone had Preimplantation Genetic Testing on their embryos in IVF?

Hi! My doctor suggested this to me as I had Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome😒
30 eggs!!! 28 were matured, 11 made it to day 5, we run the test and 5 embryos with right number of chromosome has been frozen. Because of Covid19 our transfer got cancelled so now I’m looking forward to FET, I’m so happy we did the test as I had two missed miscarriages before...
If you can afford the cost why not, I’ve been told it will increase our chances.
Good luck xx
Hi, I had 5 make it to 5 days out of 3 IVF cycles. Out of those 5 tested embryos, only 1 was 100% chromosomally correct. When I got the results, they told me everything that was wrong with them- lots of medical terms but long story short, non would have survived if transferred. I have had a miscarriage before and knew that I could not emotionally endure it again. And at my age I also couldn’t afford time to let my body heal again. The testing added a few weeks on and money, but was worth it to me... at my FET I knew that the embryo was in good shape. (And the pregnancy took) lots of hard decisions on this path!
Congratulations on your pregnancy Taco! How old were you when you had your embryos PGS tested, if you don’t mind me asking? Xx
No prob! 44! Hence the poor quality we suspect. But like I said my age was a huge factor in getting the test... I wasn’t willing to take any risks
Oh and it’s worth noting that creating eggs wasn’t an issue, I was creating 18-22 per cycle... it was a quality issue.
Thank you for your reply. We are having 3 tested. 3 out of 4 embryos made it to blastocyst stage. I’m keeping everything crossed! After 2 failed cycles and that fact that I’m conscious of time which is why we’ve made the decision to have them tested. Xx

Hi pinkfairy. I think that if you have had a few failed cycles, then it might be worth considering to ensure the correct embryo(s) is/are transferred. Have a look at the HFEA's recommendations re treatment add-ons. hfea.gov.uk Good luck with whatever you decide, and of course for success too. Diane
Hey! I have my egg collection booked on Wednesday and then I will be having PGD on the embryos which make it to day 5! I am doing it to screen for a genetic condition I have so I guess different to you? Is there a reason why you would do it or just as an extra layer to the IVF process. I hope it all goes well xx
I’ve had 2 completely different cycles with PGD testing due to technology advancing within a year of our first cycle. The first cycle they took cells from our embryo, sent them away and they came back with no result. The same embryo then had to be thawed and retested. It didn’t last the constant probing and refreshing so it was a failed cycle.
This cycle they only had to test the culture medium, so the embryos weren’t tampered with at all. All 3 embryos came back normal. I’m currently 9 weeks pregnant with our first transfer. I’m 41yo